Twin A twin B things

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"She did test positive for the flu so we're going to give you this prescription to fill" she handed me the paper explaining to me what it was and how often to give it to her. "Okay thank you" I responded. "We're gathering your discharge papers for you. I hope you feel better precious." The nurse said closing the door back. What? I was so confused. We waited what seemed like forever for the discharge papers. The nurse came in a took her vitals one last time and still... Nothing changed. Not one bit. "I don't understand why we're being sent home if she's still not doing well even with medicine." I said with a slight attitude. "Where the hell is the ghetto nurse she won't do us like this" I thought to myself. "At this point all we can do is give her medicine and let her body fight the infection. So it's not a reason to keep her." She said. I felt so much anger. Something had to be wrong right? "Can you call us a cab home? We live on the other side of town" I asked the nurse. They always did that for people who didn't have a way home but unfortunately they denied it because I didn't have cars eats for the girls. Jessey's house was just a few blocks around the corner but things, I didn't have their stroller and would be damned if I made them walk, it was freezing cold and also only 4am. The bus we needed, across the street, didn't even start running until 6am. I felt like a bad mother and really sorry for the girls. I knew it wasn't my fault but then again it was because why the hell don't I have a car yet. We went to the adult side of the hospital so I could get permission to sit in the waiting room a few hours to wait on the bus. Luckily they told me yes and gave us a blanket. I wrapped the girls in it and sat them in one chair and sat next to them in another chair and froze my ass off. I was exhausted. The girls were too. A doctor approached me and said "im not supposed to do this but I can't stand to see these beautiful girls dozing off like this right here. If you would like I could get you a room to sleep in until you have to go" I was so grateful. Lord knows how bad I wanted to sleep. I carried April and the blanket and held praise hand and followed her to a room. I put the girls in the bed and tucked them. I set an alarm to 6am and laid next to them on the edge of it we shared one blanket. Surprisingly it was comfortable and we were all fast asleep. It felt like only 30 minutes before the alarm went off. I didn't want to get up. I reached and checked April's forehead and thankfully she wasn't burning up. Still warm but a lot better. I set the alarm once again to 6:30am, what felt like 10 minutes later. I forced myself to wake up because the lady gave me this room as a courtesy. I didn't want to take advantage and sleep until rested. I got our things and held april while she slept and praise hands. It was still freezing outside but the bus showed up in less than 5 minutes thankfully. It was crowded with people. All I could think about was germs getting on my baby and getting her into the house. Once we got home, I offered the girls breakfast but they refused it. I understood April refusing but it wasn't like praise to turn down food. Especially breakfast. But as sleepy as we were, I wasn't going to argue with that. I filled a sippy cup with water and kept it on my dresser, next to my bed. There's no way im letting her sleep in her own bed like this. They both drunk some water and we all fell asleep again. A pool of throw up came up waking April up. It scared the shit out of me because it was out of no where. It was late afternoon now and I felt rested enough to stay awake after cleaning the vomit. I grabbed one of their fleece blankets and put it under her just in case she had to throw up again. And she did. And again. Her temperature was back up to 105° I had two doses of medicine left so I knew I needed to get more asap. I wished my dad was here because he would've brought some home in no time. But he decided he wouldn't change so he wasn't. I made her take more medicine. What caught my attention was the fact that praise was still sleeping. Its almost 5 oclock why is she still sleeping? "You okay Praise?" I asked. "I wanna eat eat" she said waking up wiping her eyes. I got dinner started and only cooked for me and Praise. The doctors said it was okay if she didn't eat, as long as she was drinking fluids. Clearly she wasn't going to want to eat either but I still woke her up and offered her food. She refused. "I want cup cup" she sobbed and point to it. Maid mommy at your service. I handed her her cup every time she requested it. She only woke up to take a sip or two from it or when I was giving her medicine. Other than that she didn't move one bit or open her eyes. Only way I could tell she way okay is if she was breathing wich became more and more heavy. Randy texted me. I didn't get a response from him while we were in the hospital, I let him know we were there and why but it was late so I didn't hold it against him. "damn she need to go to the doctor" did he even read any of the messages I sent him while IN the hospital? What the fuck. "We been in the hospital all night. They couldn't make it go down" I replied. "Damn..the fuck." Was his response. Isn't a dad supposed to be more concerned than a "damn df"? "Right. Im praying she doesn't have a seizure this time." I replied. Again no response. Not even a "she's gonna be okay." I wouldn't have money for more medicine soon and her prescription was just filled so we couldn't pick it up yet. I had no choice but to go to the plasma center once again so I could get her some. I showered and figured I wouldn't put the girls in the tub being how cold it was and we were going to go back out into the weather. I went through a sleepless night. I was up multiple times every hour cleaning up vomit and passing April her cup of water upon demand. Morning came and it was unlikely for me to be up first but I was. Usually the girls are jumping all over me to make them something to eat but of course not April this time but Praise? She was still sleeping. She was okay though so I didn't think anything of it. I cooked breakfast while April laid in bed not attempting to get up. She started to hold onto her cup and sipped it without having to open her eyes and ask me for it. It was torture seeing my baby so miserable. After getting ready I made sure to be outside at the last minute so we wouldn't have to wait on the bus at all. We sat in the first three seats across from a woman who looks a bit older than my mom. "Oouuu look how she looking" she laughed with another woman as Praise stared her down with a mean mug. "Hey baby!" the said continuing to laugh. Praise didn't let up a bit of a smirk. "She the mean one huh" she said. "No she's usually not mean. The one im holding is the mean one" I replied. April mugged her. This was the longest she's been awake in 2 days. "She must not feel good" the lady said getting serious. "She don't. She got the flu. How you know?" I asked. "I got a grand baby her age and she looks the same way when she get sick" she responded. "Awe man." I said. I didn't know what else to say. "Did you take her to the hospital to get treated?" She asked. "I did. They couldn't do much for her. They gave her medicine and sent us home." I said disappointed. "That's it? What hospital did you go to?" She said. She was loud enough for everyone to hear but I didn't mind. People get sick. That's normal. "Shands" I said. The bus driver smacked her teeth and said "mm mm, no. Not shands" the lady responded "shands don't do nothing for nobody. You need to take that baby to wolfson or st vincent. They gone do something for you. Look st how she's breathing they should've put her on the machine or something.. Im sorry but that got me pissed off." "Shands is just lazy" another woman butted in. "I take my daughter to wolfson because its a hospital specifically for kids they will take better care of her than lazy old shands." It was pretty clear that everyone hates shands. Finally after a long bus ride, we made it to my sister's house. My dad was there. I didn't feel no bad vibes towards him. I was just as happy to see him as any other day. Thank god my sister and Thomas was here. Otherwise I would've been out of luck with having to trust him to watch them while I get the medicine. After my donation, I grabbed two bottles of medicine. One Tylenol and one Motrin. When I came back they were both laying on the couch down and out. "You ready to go ma ma?" I said to Praise, picking April up. Praise didn't want to get up. "Oh no..." I thought to myself. I already knew what time it was. She woke up with a fever too. I can't carry both of them home.

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