Let's make this clear

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He came home pretty early today. It was still bright outside. Kind of late, no sun but still clear and cool. Me and the girls had a good long day and from the vibes, so did he. "We bout to go to the park" I said as I finished getting the girls ready. "Where the park at?" He asked. "It's right behind the house. They have a playground in the back yard so we don't have to go far. You coming?" I asked him. "Yeah" he said casually. He grabbed my phone and started playing Da Baby as I led the girls outside. They ran wild to the playground where there was a bunch of other kids there. Kids that were too big to be playing on the set and around toddlers along with alot of other adults in the area that I've never seen before. By the time we caught up to the girls, they were already sliding down the slide and crawling through the tunnels. Coco seen that April was trying to reach the monkey bars but was too little so he went over to carry her and taught her that she needed to grab onto each next bar in order to get across. It felt so good to see something like that. Just the slightest bit of a father figure made my whole day so much better. They celebrated as she made it across the monkey bars. "I think we should go to the other park. It's bigger, they have more stuff and it's never crowded. Its only like a 5 minute walk." "Okay let's go" he agreed with me. "Come on April and Praise!" I tried to grab their attention. They were too busy playing. "Yo mama said come on" he said to Praise as they made eye contact. After calling them a few times they finally came as we started our little walk. The girls were running down the clear streets still excited to be outside as we listened to Da Baby. Each time a car would come along he would grab one of the twins hand while I grabbed the other and then let them run wild free again. "We gotta talk" coco said. He never hit me with that before. That usually mean something serious is about to be discussed and what does he possibly want to get serious about? "Okay we can when we get there" I said anxious to hear what he want to talk about. Once we arrived at the park I put the girls on the swing and pushed them for a bit before I joined coco. He was sitting at the beginning of the monkey bars where his feet would dangle. I stood between his legs and watched him roll up his weed with Da Baby still playing in the background. I wasn't even worried about getting my phone back even with all the notifications I heard coming through. I was enjoying the quality time. It was pretty quiet, the sky was pink, purple and blue and the weather was just right. The scene was chill, the vibe was good and we were chilling as it slowly began to get darker over time. "You said we needed to have a talk" I reminded him. "Yeah... So what we doing?" He asked inhaling the smoke. "What you mean? Be more clear." I said. "Like we need to have a good understanding of what we doing as far as me being here." He said looking into my eyes. I knew he wanted me to be as honest, clear and direct with him as possible by the look alone. "I mean we talked about it already. I know you already have a place to stay and you here with me because you want to be. As long as you pay the light bill, you can stay with me." I kept my focus on April and Praise the more it got dark. "And what about me and you, what we doing?" He asked me. "I mean we chilling. I don't wanna set no expectations and then we start fucking up." I tuned in deeper to our conversation a bit more shocked that he actually want to establish these things. "What that mean" he asked for clarification. "Like I don't wanna force a relationship with you cause I don't want it to be phony but if you fuckin me then I don't want you fucking nobody else and if you fucking somebody else, that's okay but you cant be fucking me and we can see what happens from there. My facebook started buzzing even more with notifications from a short story group. "Let me see my phone real quick my fans need me." I said laughing and holding my hand out for it. "What you mean yo fans need you?" He asked. I could tell he was high as fuck from his eyes. "They need me" I continued laughing. "I been writing this story on Facebook about my life and experiences and I been getting a response from it that I didn't think I would get. My notifications are full all day every day since I started it." I explained to him. He didn't seem to care too much about it. And at this point I didn't tell facebook that he stole from me. Only the parts when we lived together during my pregnancy. Time flew by as we carried our conversation and watched the girls play. "But it's dark now and I don't like the girls to be outside when it's dark so we gotta go." I finally said. We walked home with the same feeling as when we first walked out. I was so relieved to finally feel a good vibe like that from him. I can truly say I had a good ass day. As im bathing the girls I still hear Da Baby playing. I was so sick of Da Baby at this point. To make it worse he had it connected to the Bluetooth speaker. "Can you please play a different artist?! You gone Da Baby me to death. I know that's yo twin and all but he gotta go!" I yelled out from the bathroom. I was surprised that he actually changed it. But it was no better. It was some trap music that had no rhythm. I got the girls out of the tub and dressed. He finally came from out of the kitchen and sat on the bed as I was busy going in and out he stopped me and said "somebody blowing up yo phone, probably a nigga" I wanted to laugh because I sensed jealousy kicking in or him being territorial in a different manner but I didn't because I thought maybe it was a nigga texting me. But I'd only been talking to Henry. Even then, the wrong kind of text or missed call could've came through. Luckily that wasn't the case. "Its people still commenting on my story. I'm damn near famous" I said joking as I flipped my long red braids. He looked at me crazy. "You in it." I said smiling. "In what?" He asked. "My story. Member I said I was telling about my experiences and how you were with me during my pregnancy. See look" I said showing him a part that was about him. He scanned the paragraphs before I showed him the comments where one said "who's coco". He started laughing "Oh shit im this bitch foreal" he continued laughing "nah you in it for play" I couldn't help but to be sarcastic. "I'm not done with it though, I have a long way to go." I gave him back my phone hoping I didn't get any calls or texts.

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