The Right Decision

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Chapter 61: Jadah's POV

I laid in bed for hours on end thinking about what I should do about Blake. I love Blake so much and I know he has cheated on me too but I don't know why I feel so bad. Some people would say I got even with Blake. I can't keep Chris from seeing his baby and I can't keep lying to Blake. I need to figure this out and fast before Blake gets home from his games.

• 2 Hours Later •

I got a call from Chris saying he was heading over here to drop off Elizabeth. After non-stop thinking I finally decided what I'm going to do, I have to leave Blake. I just can't put Blake through all of this bullshit anymore. He deserves better than me. I already packed a luggage for Elizabeth and I. I already talked to Chris about this and he's fine with taking me back. He loves Elizabeth and Elizabeth loves him. I look at the closet and see all the empty hangers hanging next to Blake's clothes. I sighed and I heard Chris honking outside. I took a good look at this house where Blake and I have made lots of memories and walked out.

I got into the car and didn't say anything. Elizabeth was in the back seat sleeping. Chris grabbed my hand and said "You're doing the right thing." I smiled at him and said "Yea your right." I looked out the window and slowly started to see the house disappear in the distance.
"So how are you gonna tell Blake about this?" Chris asked. "I don't know. I think I might meet him at his house and just tell him face to face" I said. "I'm sorry this all happened" he said. "Don't be. The only good thing that come out of this was the baby" I said. Chris smiled and said "What are we gonna name him?" I thought about it for a moment and said "How about Liam?" "Where'd you get that name from?" Chris asked. "I don't know I just like it" I said. "Yea I like it too" Chris said.

We finally arrived at Chris's house. He carried Elizabeth into the room and laid her down on the bed. Chris put her in the middle and then he laid down on the left side of the bed. I sat down on the right side. "You okay?" He asked. "Yea I'm fine. I'm just finding out a way to tell Blake" I said. My phone rang and when I saw the collar ID, it was Blake. "Answer it" Chris said. "No Chris I can't" I said and I pushed decline. "You're gonna have to tell him" he said. "I know but I can't do it through the phone" I said.

He'll be back in a couple of days and this isn't getting easier. I checked the time and it was 11:00pm. "I'm gonna go to the hospital" I said. "Why?" He asked. "I'm gonna go see the baby" I said. "No Jadah it's too late babe" he said. "I just need to clear my head, I'll be back" I said. I walked over to Chris and gave him a kiss on his cheek and left. I got into the car and drove to the hospital. As I was driving Blake called me again. I declined. I finally got to the hospital. I entered the hospital and went inside the room where they had Liam. I smiled and sat down on a chair they had there. "Hi Liam" I said and put my hand on the incubator. He's getting big. "What am I going to tell you're other daddy?" I said.

Just a couple more weeks and then I get to hold him. Blake called me again and I decided to answer. "Hi Blake" I said. "Hey baby. I got worried because you didn't answer the phone" he said. I couldn't help it, I started to cry. "Jadah?" Blake said into the phone. I cleared my throat and said "I'll call you back." "Jad-" I hung up before I could hear what he was gonna say. I cried and cried until I pulled myself together. I looked at Liam and saw his eyes open. I wiped away my tears and said "Look at me. Your mommy's a mess." He starred at me and honestly my kids are the only good things I have right now. "I wish you could tell me what I should do" I said. He closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

I love Blake but I can't be with him....


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Prepare yourself for the drama that is about to go down in the next few chapters. Get this chapter to more than 10 votes for the next update. Thanks for reading loves ♥️(btw sorry if there are any typos)

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