Marc Who?

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Chapter 23: [ Jadah's POV ]

It was halftime and this cute guy sitting next to me started talking to me. He had light brown hair that kind of looked like Justin Bieber's hair. He was pretty tall and very buff. And he had light blue eyes. Elizabeth started staring at him and I guess it caught his attention. I heard the guy say "Well aren't you adorable." I looked and he said "Your daughter is so cute." "Thanks she gets her look from her mother" I said giggling. "I can see that" he said and I started to blush. "How many months is she?" He asked. "She's 6 months" I said. "What's her name?" He asked. "Elizabeth" I said. "And your name?" He asked. "Jadah. And yours" I asked. "My name is Marc" he said "so is her father here?" I knew what he was trying to do. He was just trying to see if I had a boyfriend. "Uhh actually her father is playing in the game" I said "her father and I are going through some issues." "Are you guys together?" He asked. "As of now I don't think so" I said. "Who's her father? If you don't mind me asking." He said. The guys were coming back to the court to warm up for the third quarter. "Her father is number 32" I said. His eyes widened and said "Wow you hit it big time." I started laughing and said "I guess."

The third quarter had begun and Marc and I were just talking throughout the game. He got along with Elizabeth and he even put her to sleep. Marc and I started laughing at one point and Blake noticed and stared at us. Since Blake wasn't paying attention to the game he got hit in the face by the ball and started bleeding through his nose. You could hear almost all of the stadium say "Oooo." They took him off the court and treated him.

There was only 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Clippers had already won the game. They won 118-107 against the Rockets. "Look I'm gonna get going but I would love to see you again" he said. "Can I have your number?" He asked. "Sure" I said. He gave me his phone and we exchanged numbers. After the game I got Elizabeth and took her to the locker room. The guys don't even change after the game because they already have reporters in the locker room. I sat next to Blake and the first thing he said was "Who was that guy you were talking too?" "Oh just a guy I met. So how's your nose?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Please don't leave me for someone else" he said. In my mind I just thought about that girl he left me for. "I'll try not to" I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I pulled away and said "Blake you can't just kiss me like that anymore. We haven't made things right between us." He stayed quiet and said "Your right. I'm sorry." I smiled and said "It's ok. Your lucky your cute." He smiled and said "Spend the night with me." "Blake-" he cut me off and said "Please." "I don't know" I said. "I wanna spend some time with Elizabeth" he said. "Ugh fine" I said.

Blake got dressed and I met him at his car. He unlocked the door and open his trunk so I can put her stroller in the back. "Oh shit her car seat" I said. Luckily I live across the street from the staple center. "Watch her" I told Blake. I put Elizabeth in his arm. "Don't wake her up" I said. I ran to my and got her car seat. This was a bad idea I told myself. I ran back to Blake's car and put Elizabeth in her car seat. The drive to Blake's house was awkward. Then my phone beeped. I checked who it was and it was Marc. My face lit up and Blake noticed. "Who is it?" He asked. "Oh just a friend" I said. Marc's message said "Let's have lunch tomorrow! You me and Elizabeth." I then responded saying "Sounds great see you then."

We got to Blake's house and I put Elizabeth in Blake's Bed. We spend the whole night in Blake's room. I stood up to see if I can find any of my old clothes. I found a pair of my basketball shorts and I had a tank top under my shirt so I stayed in that. I jumped in Blake's bed and said "So where are you gonna sleep?" He had a confused face and said "In my bed." "We are not gonna sleep together" I said. "Yes we are. Unless you wanna sleep on the floor" he said laughing after. "Psh rude" I said laying down on the bed.

In the middle of the night I woke up and I can feel Blake's muscular arms wrapped around me. I didn't want him to let go but this wasn't right. None of this is right actually. I unwrapped his arm and got out of bed to check on Elizabeth. She was so cute when she was sleeping. I laid back in bed and Blake said "You use to love when I would do that." "That was before this whole chaos we went through" I said. "I'm sorry" he said. "I know you are" I said.

It was the next morning and when I woke up Blake was gone. I checked on Elizabeth and she was gone too! Before I started panicking I could here Blake and Elizabeth laughing. I ran downstairs to check on them. "Morning" Blake said. "Oh my God Blake you guys had me worried sick" I said. He came up to me and said "we were just having fun." He leaned in for a kiss but I backed off and hit him in his arm and said "Blake! I told you, you can't be doing that since were not officially together." "Yet" he said confidently. "Uhh sure" I said. I always wake up late on Sunday and I check the time and it was 12:30. "Watch Elizabeth. I'm gonna go take a shower" I said. "Sure" he said.

After the shower I had gotten a message from Marc. It said "We still on for lunch right?" I responded saying "Yea! What time?" My phone rang two minutes later saying "2:00 at the Cheesecake Factory in the Americana." "Sounds great see you then" I responded. " Where you going?" Blake said. I jumped and yelled because he came out of no where. Elizabeth and Blake started laughing. "She's just like her father" I said while going up to her and giving her a kiss. "Can I have one?" Blake asked. "Sure" I kissed the palm of my hand and smacked it on his face playfully. I started laughing and checked the time. It was 1:30. I grabbed Elizabeth from his arms and said "Let's get you ready!" "Where you guys going?" He asked. "Were gonna go have lunch with a friend" I said. "Is it that guy from the game?" he asked. "Yes" I said "and don't you worry about your pretty little head about us. We'll be fine." "Jadah please take me back" he said. "Blake I'm not gonna take you back right away. This takes time. You broke me and now I'm gonna take some time to heal" I said. "Your right" he said "but can I at least have a kiss?" I rolled my eyes, turned around and gave him a kiss. "Will you shut up now?" I said. Blake just nodded his head.

Blake's POV:

I didn't want to loose Jadah to some guy she just met at the game last night. "Blake will you drop me off?" She asked. "Sure" I said. I drove them home and said "Bye baby! Bye Elizabeth." "Oh ha ha" she said. She didn't like when I called her baby. I drove back home and just the thought of Jadah being with some other guy made me uncomfortable. I went back home and filled a luggage with clothes ms anything I needed. I had an away game in Phoenix against the Suns. Then I DJ called me and told me to "go outside." DJ and I were driving I the practice center. We were going in the bus to Phoenix. We were looking at an 8 hour drive. Hopefully we get the W because then the drive would be worth it.

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