Whats Wrong Blake?

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Chapter 19: [ Blake's POV ]

I woke up the next morning and I turn to my side and saw Jadah laying beside me. I smiled and rubbed her belly. I could feel the baby kick. The kick the baby did woke up Jadah. "Father daughter bonding?" She asked. "You already know it" I said. It was Friday and Jadah decided to go to school. "Are you sure you wanna go? Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes babe I'm fine" she said. I drove her to school and when we got there I gave her a goodbye kiss and said "Love You." "Love you too" she said. She got out of the car and went to class.

When I got home I got a call from DJ saying that him and the guys are gonna go get some drinks later on tonight and they wanted me to go. "Ugh I don't know I need to take care of Jadah" I said. "Dude you take care of her all the time just ask her and Amber is gonna hang out with her" DJ said. "Fine I'll call you later" I said.

Jadah's POV:

It was finally after school and I called Blake and told him to pick me up. My feet were swollen and I was so tired. Blake got here in about 15 minutes. I got in the car and Blake kissed me and said "Hey babe." "Hi" I said. "So the guys are going out to get a drink and wanted me to go" he said. "Ok" I said. "Can I go?" He asked. I started laughing and said "babe you don't need my permission your a grown ass man who can make his own decisions." He turned red, so on a red light I leaned in and kissed him and said "you can do whatever you want just as long as you behave." "Sometimes I really hate you" he said jokingly. "Haha" I giggled and said "love you too."

• Later that Night •

It was 8:30 and Blake was getting ready to go out with the guys. He looked so cute. That man can really dress up. The door bell rang and I answered it and saw it was Amber. "Babe!" She yelled. "Hey boo" I said. She walked in and the first thing she did was go to the kitchen and make some popcorn. We were gonna watch movies all night and relax. "Alright babe I'm leaving" Blake said. I kissed him goodbye and said "be careful." "I will" he said as he closed the door.

Blake's POV:

"Hey man" I said to DJ. I looked in the back seat and said hi to Chris, Matt, and Jamal. "So where are we going?" I asked. "Were going to this bar called NightLife" Matt said. When we got to the bar we sat at a table and ordered our drinks. There was music, people dancing, and a lot of drunk girls.

We had been at this bar for 5 hours. Jamal and I were sitting at the table and the guys were on the dance floor dancing. "So you excited about your baby?" Jamal asked. "Yea I can't wait" I said. "Yea when Eric was born my life completely changed. My life was never the same after that. You have to make a lot of sacrifices for your child but it's all worth it" Jamal said. After Jamal said that I started thinking that my life will not be the same after my baby is born. I can't go out as much as I use too, I'll be tired, and probably stressed out. But like Jamal said it's all worth it.

So tonight I tried making the best of it. I went to the bar and had a shot of vodka and another one and another and another until I was drunk. I started dancing with this girl who had came up to me. She started grinding on me and kissing my neck. I was too drunk to get her off me. Then I felt someone tug on my shirt. It was DJ and he said "dude what are you doing?!" "What? Leave me alone I'm having fun" I told DJ. "Dude may I remind you about Jadah" he said. I completely tuned him out after that. He nodded his head in disappointment and left the bar with the guys.

As soon as they left the girl took me to her car and said "I'm gonna make you mine." She drove me to a hotel and took me to her room. She threw my weak drunk body on the bed and had sex with me.

I woke up the next morning naked and with a big headache. I was so confused and had no memory of last night. I rubbed my face and saw a naked girl next me. "Oh no" I said as I got out of the bed. "Fuck what did I do" I whispered to myself. I grabbed my clothes, put them on and left the hotel room. I checked my phone and had 5 missed calls from Jadah and 10 text messages from Jadah. Her messages said "babe where are you? I miss you." I felt so ashamed. I called DJ and he didn't answer. I called again and he yelled through the phone "What do you want?" "What's the matter with you?" I said. "Dude last night and what you did" he said. "DJ I don't remember shit from last night" I said. "Well you and this skank were grinding on each other and you completely forgot about Jadah" he said through the phone sounding pissed. "Dude I fucked up and I woke up in bed with her" I didn't mean to tell DJ that but it just slipped out of my mouth. "Wow dude good luck telling Jadah that" he said hanging up the phone.

My head was pounding from the alcohol last night and from all the stupidity I did last night. I'm not sure how or to even tell Jadah about last night. I called a taxi to take me back home. When I got home I stood in front of my door for about 10 minutes. My palms were sweaty and my stomach was starting to hurt. I unlocked the door and saw Jadah sitting on the couch. She looked kind of upset. "Ugh hi babe" I said. "Blake! Where the hell have you been?" She yelled. "Oh I was ugh-" she cut me off and said "Is that a hickey?" She asked while rubbing her finger on my neck. "Ugh no it's a bruise from DJ. We were playing around and things got serious" I said. "Uh ok" she said. "You smell like alcohol" she said. I smelled myself and said "oh your right. I'll go take a shower." I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower.

Jadah's POV:

Blake seemed a little suspicious. So while he was showering I went up stairs and got his phone from the counter. I checked his phone and looked through his messages. I know this wasn't right but I had to see what was going on. His messages and recent calls were fine. I decided to look through his pictures and I saw a picture of him and a girl laying in a bed naked. The girl had blown up Blake's phone with pictures of them.

I held back my tears and send some of those pictures to my phone. I put my shoes on and packed some of my clothes and went to my car. I know a pregnant woman shouldn't be driving alone, especially since I'm almost ready to pop. I drove slowly and carefully to Amber and DJ's house. I knocked on the door and when Amber opened it I hugged her and started crying. "Jadah what's wrong?" She asked. She helped me in her house and sat me on the couch. I wiped my tears away and stopped crying. "So when Blake got home today he seemed a little suspicious so I checked his phone and found these pictures" I said showing Amber and DJ the pictures. "Wow what a fucken asshole" Amber said. "Yea. Now I don't know what to do" I said. "Well your welcome to stay here with us for as long as you'd like" DJ said.

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