Push Jadah Push

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Chapter 20: [ Blake's POV ]

I got out of the shower and put on my boxers and my basketball shorts. I sat on the bed and unlocked my phone. It looked like someone was looking through my pictures. This was the first time I had even seen this pictures of me and that girl. I really hope Jadah hadn't seen these. I went downstairs and everything was really quiet. "Jadah" I yelled. I was gonna send her a text when I saw in my messages that she had send those pictures of me and that girl to her phone. "Ugh FUCK!" I told myself. There could only be one place Jadah could be and that was with Amber. I put a shirt on, some shoes, and grabbed my keys and made my way to my car. I drove to DJ's house and parked outside. I took a deep breathe in and got out of my car and got to DJ's front door. I knocked and DJ answered. "What do you want?" He said. "Is Jadah here" I asked. "Why would you care?! Why don't you go back to that girl you were with last night" he said closing the door behind him. "DJ please I have to see her and make things right" I said. "Blake your my best friend but what you did was wrong. Especially since your gonna be a father" he yelled. "I know I fucked up but that's why I'm here, to make things right and be there for my baby girl" he said. Before I could say anything Jadah opened the door and said "I think it's a little to late for that Blake." "Jadah please I'm so so so sorry" I said. "Blake just STOP! You hurt me twice already and I just can't stand seeing you anymore. Just please go" she said as she walked back in the house. "Blake just go home" DJ said.

I couldn't believe it. Jadah wanted nothing to do with me. It hurts real bad especially since she's carrying my child. I got home and broke down in tears. I lost the love of my life, my child, and probably my best friend. My life couldn't get any more worse.

Jadah's POV:

Instead of being sad I was actually mad at Blake. We could of raised a child of our own and we could of had a family but he fucked up. I'm not gonna lie but I really miss Blake. I miss the way we would cuddle at night or when he would kiss me goodbye.

"Hey you ok?" DJ asked. "Yea I'm fine I'm just pissed at Blake" I said. "I am too" DJ said. "Why are you mad at him? You have no reason to be mad at him" I said. "I actually do" he said "he broke your heart and that's what pissed me off. Your like my little sister and what Blake did was not cool." "Thanks DJ" I sighed and said "Ouch!" "What's wrong?" DJ asked. "My stomach is killing me! Ouch it really hurts" I said. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" DJ asked. I stood up and before I knew it my water broke. "Oh my God DJ my water broke" I yelled. "Oh shit!" He said. He helped me walk to my car. DJ drove as fast as he could to the hospital. DJ ran to get a wheelchair and ran back to me with it. He helped me get in the wheelchair and he went to the emergency room and yelled "HELP SHES HAVING A BABY!!" "OWWWW" I yelled.

Finally a bunch of nurses came and put me on a gurney. They rushed me to a hospital room and examined me. They told DJ to wait in the waiting room. I was so scared. My contractions were starting and I couldn't help but cry from the pain.

• A Few Hours Later •

I woke up and found my self in a hospital gown and a nurse checking my monitor. "Oh good your awake" the nurse said. "How do you feel?" She asked. "I'm still in a little pain" I said half awake. "Alright well your doing great and soon your little girl will be born. You have some visitors, would you like to see them?" The nurse said. "Yes" I said. Five minutes later the nurse came in with DJ, Amber, Matt, Carter and Isaiah. "Huh Hi boys!" I said. "Hi Jadah" they both said. There were holding Matts hand and they seemed worried. "Don't be scared guys. Im fine" I said. "Hey Jadah how you feeling?" Matt asked. "I'm feeling ok" I said. "Where's Gloria?" I asked. "She went out of town for a photo shoot" Matt said. "Boo are you scared?" Amber asked. "Kind of. But I can't wait till my little girl is out here" I said. "Ugh does Blake know I'm in labor?" I asked. "We wanted to ask you if we should tell Blake" DJ said. "I really don't want to see him right now" I said. "What happen?" Matt ask. "It's a long story" I said. "I have time" Matt said as we both laughed.

After explaining Matt the story he said "Wow." "Yea I know" I said. "But Blake's not a bad guy he just can't control his drinking" DJ said. I agreed with him.

Hours had gone by and my contractions were getting stronger but I refuse to take any medicine. I don't really believe in medicine. The doctor came in and checked on me once in a while. Then a nurse would come in and see if I'm dilated 10 centimeters. I was only 8 centimeters dilated. I was about 10 hours in labor. I just wanted the baby out of me already. I still didn't know what I was gonna name my little girl. I was thinking about naming her Janet. I decided to take a nap to take my mind off the pain and Blake.

I woke up at 2:30 in the morning by my contractions. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I summon the nurse to come in and I told her "Please tell me I'm ready to have my baby." She checked if I was dilated and she said "Your ready to have your baby." She called a doctor in and told DJ and Amber to leave. They had spent the night. "Wait wait can Amber stay?" I asked. "Of course" the nurse said. "Alright Jadah ready to have a baby" the doctor said. They spread my legs and the doctor said "PUSH JADAH PUSH!" "Ahhh" I yelled while I pushed. "COME ON JADAH PUSH HARDER I CAN SEE HER HEAD." I was squeezing Ambers hand and pushed really hard. "COME ON JADAH HER HEAD IS OUT JUST GIVE ME ONE MORE BIG PUSH!" The doctor yelled. "Ahhhhhh" I pushed one more time and I could hear her cry. I started breathing heavily and looked at Amber and smiled. "You did it" Amber said. They cleaned the baby and wrapped her in a towel and handed her to me. I looked into her eyes for the first time and I started crying. "Welcome to the world" I said. The doctor took her from me and weighed her. She was 6 pounds. I decided to name her Elizabeth.

She fell asleep in my arms. They put her in a crib and they told me to relax and go to sleep. I was asleep for about 6 hours. I woke up at 9:00 am and saw Blake in the room with me. "Jadah?" He said. "Blake please leave" I said. "Jadah I just want to be here with you and see my daughter" he said. I was beyond pissed. "Blake look I'm out of your life and so is your daughter so why don't you go back to picking up bitches and screwing them over" I said. Then the nurse came in with Elizabeth and put her in my arms. "She's so beautiful" he said. "Jadah can I please hold her?" He asked. I stayed quiet and didn't know what to do. "Blake please your not making this any easier for me. Please just go" I said shedding a tear. Before he walked out he came up to Elizabeth and gave her a kiss on her head. "I love you both" he said. He walked out and I started crying. "Why does your dad have to be such a jerk!" I said.

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