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Chapter 62: Jadah's POV

I was pulling into the driveway of Chris's house. It was 2:00am and I spend it all with my boy. I unlocked the door and laid down next to Elizabeth. I sighed and I could barley sleep with all this thinking I'm doing. The guys only have one more away game and then they come back.

• Next Morning •

I woke up around 10:00am. Elizabeth and Chris are still sleeping. I get up and brush my teeth. As I walk out of the bathroom my phone was ringing, it was Blake. I took a deep breath and walked outside. I answered it and said "Hello?" "Hey baby look I gotta tell you something" he said. "What's wrong?" I said. "I'm coming back home today to get surgery because my elbow got infected" he said. "Jesus Christ Blake are you okay?" I asked. "Yea baby I'm fine. I'm getting on a plane right now so I'll talk to you later" he said. Every time he said 'baby' my heart broke. I couldn't help it but I cried again. "Jadah? Babe I'm fine" he said into the phone. "I'm sorry this happened Blake. I'll call you back" I said and hung up. Great now I only have a couple of hours before he gets home. I just have to be strong and tell him the truth. I can't put Blake through any of this anymore. No more lying, it's time I let go of Blake and hopefully he finds someone who's faithful to him.

• 3 Hours Later •

Blake is gonna be here in less than an hour and I feel like shit. "Alright babe I'm leaving" Chris said. He kissed my cheek and left. He's finishing filming his new movie, Age of Ultron. It was just Elizabeth and I home. "Mommy why did we leave daddy?" Elizabeth asked. "Because I think daddy needs to be alone for awhile" I said. "I miss daddy" she said. "I know baby but he'll be back today and we can go visit him. Oh and daddy's sick so he's gonna be in the hospital for awhile" I said. "Oh okay" she said. She was just happy she was gonna see her dad, regardless if he's in the hospital.

I got a call from Blake 30 minutes later. I answered it and he said "Hey babe I'm going into surgery in 5 minutes. The surgery is gonna last like maybe 2 hours. I hope you come see me. I love you" he said. "Mm hm" I said and hung up. I do love Blake but it feels so wrong to tell him that I love him. "Honey!" I yelled. "Yea mom" Elizabeth said. "Honey I want you to take a shower and get ready. We're gonna go see daddy in a little bit" I yelled. "Yay! Okay mommy" she said and jumped right into the shower. I sat on the couch and thought about how I'm going to tell Blake. I know I shouldn't tell him after his surgery but if I don't do it now then I might not do it after.

• After Blake's Surgery •

Elizabeth and I were finishing getting ready to go see Blake. I tied Elizabeths shoes and then we got into the car and drove to the hospital. I clenched the stirring wheel very tight. I was so nervous. I saw Elizabeth from my mirror and she had a smile on her face. I took a deep breath and pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. I found a parking spot and held Elizabeths hand as we entered the hospital. I went up to the counter and said "We're here to see Blake Griffin." "Are you family?" She asked. "I'm his" I paused for a second and said "I'm his girlfriend and this is his daughter." I handed the lady my ID and she said "Ok I'm gonna go check and see if he's awake and wants visitors." I nodded my head and walked over to the waiting area.

10 minutes later Blake's nurse walked out and said "Miss he's awake." My stomach started to hurt and my palms got sweaty. "Come on mommy" Elizabeth said and tugged me to Blake's room. I walked into Blake's room, closed the door, and walked towards him. He was awake and he looks great. "Hey baby" Blake said to Elizabeth. "Hi daddy!" She said and sat on his bed. I walked slowly to his bed and Blake said "Hi baby." I smiled and said "How are you feeling?" "I'm ok. My elbow feels better" he said. "That's great" I said. "You okay?" He asked. "Blake we need to talk" I said in a very serious voice. "Everything ok" he said. I gave Elizabeth two dollars and said "Honey go get your dad a snack or something." There's a vending machine around the hallway. "Ok mommy" she said and kissed Blake on his cheek. "What's going on babe?" He said. A tear escaped my eye. "Blake I need to tell you something but before I do I just want to say I'm extremely sorry" I said and continued, "I was never raped at the company party. I saw Chris there and we both got buzzed and I lost control and I slept with him. The baby is Chris son. I had Chris's son. I can't keep lying to you and I can't put you through any of this anymore. So I'm breaking up with you but you probably would of left me anyways." I stopped talking letting out a bunch of tears. "I'm so sorry Blake" I said.

He didn't say anything he just laid there. He was finally able to say "Jadah you can't leave me. Baby I love you regardless of what you did." "No Blake your suppose to hate me. Blake I lied to your face and I was pregnant by another man" I said. "Jadah I've done things to you that were unforgivable. I cheated on you more than once, I had a child with some other women, and I've hit you before but you stayed with me. Why?" I stayed quiet for a minute and I finally said "Because I love you." "Exactly and baby I love you so much. You can't leave me" he said. "No Blake I've put you through enough. It doesn't feel right being with you knowing I lied to your face and cheated on you" I said. "I'm sorry Blake but I can't be with you anymore" I said. He started to lift his upper body up. I got closer to him and put my hands on his chest and laid him back down gently. "I'm so sorry Blake. I love you" I said and kissed his cheek. "Jadah" he said. "Blake I just can't be with you knowing I've done such a terrible thing to you" I said.

"Mommy" I heard Elizabeth say from behind me. "Hey sweetheart ready to go?" I asked and wiped away my tears. "I don't want to leave daddy" she said. "Honey your father needs to rest" I said. "Daddy I don't want to leave" she said. "Listen to your mom baby. She knows best" he said. Elizabeth gave Blake a kiss and then came and I held her hand. "Bye Blake" I said and closed the door.

I took a deep breath and I felt so terrible. "Mommy can we come back tomorrow" she said. "Maybe honey" I said. "I don't want to leave daddy" she said. "I don't either baby" I said. "Mom can we go visit my baby brother?" She asked. "Yea honey" I said and took her to the room where her brother was at. "Wow he's so small" she said. "We can bring him home in 2 weeks" I said. "What's his name?" She asked. "Liam" I said. "I like that name" she said. "Yea me too" I said.

After an extremely long and stressful day I was finally able to lay down in bed for a while. Chris came into the room and said "Hey babe. You okay?" "I told Blake today" I said. "What he say?" He asked. I had explain to him everything that happened. "Your doing the right thing" he said and laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist but it wasn't the same...


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