And the Doctor Said

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Chapter 17: [ Blake's POV ]

I'm gonna be a father. Wow this seriously is life changing. I'm not sure if I can handle it. But I'll try, I'll try for Jadah. I love Jadah so much that I'm thrill to have a child. "I can't wait till my baby's out here" I said. "Alright I have to go babe. Ambers waiting in the car" she said. "Don't leave. Now that I know your pregnant I don't ever want to leave your side" I said. "Don't worry Blake I'll be fine" she said "I have to schedule an appointment with the doctor and I have homework. There's no point being with me I'm just gonna be busy." "Well you are carrying my child" i said. "Shut up" she said jokingly at the dumb remark she had made. "I'm leaving" she said giving me a kiss. "Bye babe be careful" I said.

As soon as she left I started thinking about how my life will change and that I can't be going around flirting with other girls like I use too. I'm just gonna have to change for Jadah and my baby.

Jadah's POV:

I got back in the car with Amber and she asked "How did it go?" "He took it really well and he said he can't wait" I said "I need to schedule an appointment with the doctor." "Call him and I'll go with you" Amber said driving off to her house. She's such an amazing friend. I love her. After I got off the phone with the receptionist she said that I have an appointment tomorrow at 12:30.

* Next Day *

I woke up at 6:45 am and I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. I got in the shower, grabbed my books and backpack and headed off to school.

It was the final class of the day and I usually get out of school at 12:45. My last class was English. It was 12:20 , so I left the class early and told my professor my excuse and he let me go. I called Amber and told her to meet me at Kaiser. While I was driving to Kaiser I got a call from Blake. I answer it and he said "Hey babe sorry I couldn't make it to the appointment. Doc made a last minute practice meet up." "It's ok Ambers coming with me" I said. "Ok let me know what the doctor says" Blake said.

When I got to the doctor I checked in and sat next to Amber in the waiting room. " You nervous" Amber asked. "Not really I just hope my baby is healthy" I said. When the doctor called me in I got up and made my way to the room. "Hi Jadah how are you" the doctor said. "I'm good and yourself" I asked. "I'm good. Know I understand that your pregnant and you need a checkup" he said. "Yes" I said. "Alright I'm gonna have you lay on the bed" the doctor said.

* After the Doctor *

I came out of the doctors office and Amber and I walked out of Kaiser and I told her that the doctor said everything was fine and that I should come back every 2 weeks. I got in my car said bye to Amber and went back home. When I got home it was 6:30. I open the dork and saw Blake sitting on my couch watching tv. "Hi Babe" I said. "Hey" he said "so what did the doctor say?" "He said the baby is healthy and to go back every two weeks." Blake hugged me and said "I'm so happy and I can't wait to raise our baby with you" he said.
A couple hours later I got a text message from almost the whole team. There messages said "Congrats" or "I'm so happy for you guys."

"I think Amber couldn't help herself and told the team" I said to Blake. "Yea cause I'm getting messages from the team too." "I can always count on Amber to spread some gossip" I said jokingly.

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