A New Addition

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Chapter 16: [ Jadah's POV]

It was the next day and this morning I didn't wake up to muscular arms wrapped around my waist. I miss that. I decided not to go to school because my body was sore from the game last night. I got out of bed at 9:30 and went to brush my teeth. I took a shower and went downstairs to make breakfast. I cooked some eggs with some pancakes and a side of fruit. After breakfast I went upstairs and got dress. I put some short shorts and a pink v-neck with some low top converse. I decided to meet Amber at her house to talk to her about something important.

"Hey Amber" I said. "Hey Boo" she said. "Hi DJ" I said. "Sup Jadah" DJ said. "Can we go talk somewhere else?" I asked. "Sure" Amber said. "Is everything ok?" Amber asked as we walked upstairs. "Yea, I just have some news" I said. "What's Up?" She said. "Last night I threw up.....a lot, and I didn't get my period this month. So I decided to go to a liquor store last night and get a pregnancy test. And it came out positive." I said. Amber didn't say anything. Her jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes were widened. "I'm pregnant" I said to Amber just to break the awkward silence. "AHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! IM GONNA BE AN AUNTIE!!!!" Amber finally said as she jumped from her seat. She started to cry and I hugged her and said "I'm so happy." "Is it Blake's?" Amber said. "I'm pretty sure" I said "you know I lost my virginity to him." "Have you told Blake?" She asked. "No" I said. "When do you plan to tell him" Amber asked. "I don't know" I said. "Tell him today! I'll go with you" Amber said. "Ok. Let's go" I said.

We went downstairs and Amber whispered "Can I tell DJ?" "Sure" I said. "Tell me what" DJ said. "Your gonna be and uncle!" Amber yelled. He had a confused look on his face."Wait! Woah! Who's pregnant?" DJ said. "Me" I said. DJ's eyes widened and he immediately said "Is it Blake's?" "Yup" I said. "Oh my god my mans gonna be a father" he said. "Congrats!" DJ said. "Thanks DJ. We're gonna go tell Blake right know actually" I said. "Alright good luck" she said. "Thanks" I said.

We headed out the door and we got in my car. I was so nervous, I didn't know how he was gonna react. On our way to his house I said "Wait pull over" I told Amber. I had her drive. "Why? What's wrong?" She said pulling over. I got out the car and threw up. "Are you ok?" Amber asked as I got in the car. "Yea I'm fine" I said "it happens a lot know." When we got to Blake's I said "Amber can you give us some time alone to talk." "Sure" she said.

I got out the car and made my way to his front door. I knocked on the door and when Blake opened it he said "Oh shit hey babe." "Haha surprise" I said. "I would hug you but I'm sweaty" he said. God it turned me on when he was sweaty. I could see his Abs through his shirt. "Ugh anyways Blake we need to talk" I said "don't worry it's nothing bad." We sat on the couch and I held his hand and said "I'm pregnant." He started squeezing my hand and then he said "Is it mine?" "Of course it's yours. I lost my virginity to you" I said. "Wow I can't believe I'm going to be a father!" He said. He got up from the couch, lifted me up and said "I can't wait to start a family with you."

He started rubbing my stomach and said "I can't wait to see you." He looked up at me and kissed me. "I love you" he said. "I love you too."

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