Marvel Geek

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Chapter 31: [ Jadah's POV ]

It was the next day and Blake didn't have practice today. We were driving to Blake's house to spend some time there because Elizabeth loves being in the backyard. When we got there Blake was waiting near the mail box very anxiously. I come up to him and say "What are you waiting for?" I hug him from behind. "Uhh nothing" he said. "Your a terrible liar" I say laughing. "Tell me!" I say anxiously. "I'm waiting for mouth piece" he hesitated. I squint my eyes and said "Fine." I walked back inside Blake's house and asked Tommy "Hey do you know what Blake's waiting for?" "Nope, sorry kiddo" he said. "Ok thanks" I sat patting his shoulder. I walked upstairs and it warmed my heart to see how Gail and Elizabeth bond together. I heard Blake say "JADAH!" I went downstairs and said "Yea babe?" "Close your eyes" he said. I did. "Hold out your hands" he said. "Ok" I said smiling. He put what felt like an envelope in my hand. "Open your it" he said. I opened my eyes and said "Why Mr.Griffin what do we have here?" I asked. "Open it" he said smiling. I opened the envelope and saw it was invites to the screening of "Captain America: The Winter Solider." My eyes widened and I started jumping up and down. "OH MY GOD BABE!!" I yelled. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to Marvel or comics. I hugged him and kissed him and said "THANK YOU THANK YOU BABY!" "Yup that's mean we get to meet the actors" he said. "I can't wait to meet Chris Evans and Scarlet Johansson" I said. "Thank you so much" I said once again. "Anything for my Marvel geek" he said. I smiled and said "Wait it's tonight!" "Yea mine came late" he said.

The screening started at 7:30 and it was 3:30. "But who's gonna take care of Elizabeth" I said. "My mom" Blake said. "No your poor mom always take cares of her" I said. "She already knew about this and she said it was fine" Blake said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes babe" he said. I ran upstairs and took a shower. After my shower Blake took a shower. I went to my closet and picked out a dress and heels. It was 4:30 and I went into the bathroom and started doing my make-up. Then Blake got out of the shower and put a towel over his waist. "Go get dress babe" I said. "Slow your roll babe we'll get there in time" he said. "Do you think Stan Lee will be there?" I asked. "I hope so" he said. After I finished putting my make-up on Blake was already dressed in his tux and he looked so handsome. I dressed in my long red dress and some black high heels. Wow we took a long time to change cause when I checked the time it was already 5:45. The invite said to be there at 6:30. "Alright mom we're leaving" Blake said. "Ok Baby be careful" Gail said. "Bye Gail thanks so much for everything" I said. "No problem honey" she said kissing my cheek. I picked Elizabeth up kissed her check and said "Bye baby love you. Be nice to grandma."

We got in the car and drove to the screening. I was so nervous. I'm such a geek. I grew up reading Marvel comics and watching the movies. "By the way babe how were you able to get these invites?" I asked Blake. "I'm actually good friends with Scarlet" he said. "Shut the hell up! You liar" I said. "I swear. We actually....uhhh-" I cut Blake off and said "Dated?" He turned red and said "Yes." "That's so cool" I said. He looked at me in a confused way and I said "Well it's not like your dating her now." "True" he said.

When we got there it was full of paparazzi and lights. It was amazing. We parked the car and headed down the red carpet. Then I heard a females voice yell "Blake Blake!" I turned around and saw it was Scarlet Johansson. She was so pretty with her red hair and she had a pretty good body. "Hey Scarlet! Wow how have you been?" Blake said hugging her. I was just standing there in shock. "I've been good and yourself. How's the basketball career?" She asked. "It's been good to me" he said. "Who's this?" She asked looking at me. "Oh Scarlet this is my girlfriend Jadah" Blake said. "Wow Ms. Johansson it's an honor to meet you" I said. "Oh please call me Scarlet and thanks it's always nice to meet a fan" she said. "Let's go in. I saved you guys 2 seats next to me and Chris" she said. "That sounds amazing" Blake said. We walked into the screening and it was huge. It was in a banquet and there was a chandler right above us. "Hey Jadah do you mind if I sit next to Blake. You know so we can catch up. The screening doesn't start for another 30 minutes" Scarlet said. "Sure" I said. We were sitting in a round table in the middle and there was a huge screen preparing the movie. Blake and Scarlet were just talking and I was just sitting there trying to look for Stan Lee. Then I spotted him. Oh my god he's walking toward our table. My heart was beating so fast. "Hey Scarlet have you seen Chris?" He asked. "Uhh he's outside taking pictures for the paparazzi" she said. "Who are your friends?" He asked. "Oh this is Blake Griffin and his girlfriend Jadah" she said. I stood up and said "Oh my God Mr. Lee I love you. It's an honor no a privilege to meet you. Your an amazing person and thank you for making my childhood 10 times better." He laughed and said "Thank you for being a fan of my work." "Mr. Lee may I take a picture with you?" I asked. "Of course" he said. I handed Blake my phone and I stood next to Stan and I hugged him and we took the picture. "Thank you Mr. Lee. Is it too much to ask for an autograph?" I said. "Of course not" he said. I hand him my phone and he took out a sharpie from his pocket and signed the back of my phone. "Thank you so much" I said. "No problem" he said shaking my hand and walking away. "Wow someone's dream came true" Blake said. I remained speechless and sat back down.

10 minutes had passed and Chris Evans sat next to me. Oh my God he's so hot. He's 6'0 and he's really buff. "Hey Guys" he said to Scarlet and Blake. I can't believe Blake knew Chris freaking Evans and he didn't say anything. "Who's this?" He asked sitting down. "I'm Jadah Hernandez" I said shaking his hand. "Well hello I'm Chris Evans" he said. "Wow your beautiful" he whispered. "I feel like I've seen you before" he said. "Uhh well I have been to Comic Con" I said. "Nope I've seen you like in a magazine" he said. "Oh I'm a model so you probably saw me modeling clothes for Victoria Secret or something" I said. "Clothes?" He said raising an eyebrow up. I laughed and said "Fine. I was modeling Bras and panties." We both laughed and talked until the screening started. "So how long have you been into Marvel?" He asked. "Since I was a little girl. I'm a geek when it comes to comics and Marvel" I said. Before he could say anything the room darkened and Stan Lee and the director stood up and thanked us for being there and hope we will enjoy the movie.

• 2 Hours 30 Minutes Later •

Everyone clapped at the movie. "Wow the movie was incredible" I said. "You were amazing" I said staring into his eyes. His eyes were a light blue color and they were gorgeous. "Thanks" he said putting his hand on top of mine. I blushed and then he said "Uhh look if your not doing anything later this week maybe we can hang out?" "Wow that sounds like fun" I said. "Great! So why don't I give you my number and I'll call you" he said. "Sure" I said. We exchanged numbers and Scarlet and him went up on the stage. "We should get going. It's getting late" Blake said. I nodded my head and we walked out.

On our way home Blake said "So what were you and Chris talking about?" "Oh nothing just about life" I said. "Babe I can't thank you enough for tonight. Because of you I met my childhood hero" I said while kissing him on a red light. "I saw you guys exchange numbers" he said. "Yea we did. Your not jealous are you?" I said. "Of course not" he said. I laughed and when we got home everything was dark. It was only 10:30. I went upstairs and saw Elizabeth sleeping. I smiled and got undress. I put on my PJ's and laid in bed just thinking about this amazing night.

(For those of you who don't know who Chris Evans is, he plays Captain America. If you don't know who Captain America is then google it. Thanks for Reading!)

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