Not You

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Chapter 81: Jadah's POV

"Harder Blake Harder" I moaned as Blake pounded my insides. "Oh my god" Blake said under his breath. We haven't had alone time in forever so we took advantage. As Blake and I were making love my phone started to ring. "Don't" Blake said as he continued to thrust. "Babe maybe it's Chris" I said. He groaned and said stopped, I checked the collar ID and it was Chris. I tried to catch my breath and then I answered. "Hey everything okay?" I asked. "Yea just wanted to let you know that Liam and I are having a lot of fun and we're gonna be home soon" he said. Wow Chris sounds very happy, he's been in a pretty bummy mood lately. "Ok great see you later" I said and hung up.

I look over at Blake who's laying on the bed with a frustrated look on his face. "I'm sorry babe but we're gonna have to cut today short" I said. "Yea I figured" he said. "Blake I hate when you get like that. Babe tell me what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing babe I just don't like Chris!" He said. "I'm sorry you feel that way babe but what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Get him out of your life or better yet our life" he said and started to get dressed. "Babe there's nothing I can do. He's Liam's dad" I said and started to get dress as well. "Fine whatever" he said and walked out of the room. I go after him and grab his wrist, "Blake stop acting like this, your gonna be my husband and there's no one else I am going to love but you." I know Blake and I know that he's a very jealous person so I just want to reassure him. He sighs, hold me by my waist, and said "I know. Your right. I'm sorry." I kiss his lips and said "I love you." "I lo-" he was cut off by the sound of Chris honking.

I go downstairs and out the door. I see Chris carrying Liam in his arms and waiting for me by his car. "Hey buddy! Did you have fun today?" I asked. "Yes mommy" he said as I grabbed him. "Thanks for bringing him back and hopefully he'll be able to see you next weekend" I said and gave Chris a small and short hug. "Alright buddy I'll see you soon" Chris said. "Bye Cwis" Liam said and waved at him.

I walk back to Blake who's waiting at the doorstep. "Hi daddy" Liam said and rubbed his eyes. "Hey bud" Blake said and kissed his cheek. "Alright let's go put you down for a nap" I said and took him upstairs. I rocked him in my arms for a bit while humming lullabies to him. He was out like a light ten minutes later.

• 2 weeks later •

Blake and I finally have everything done for the wedding. We have the place, the invitation, the date, just everything and I couldn't be happier. All I have left is my wedding dress so Amber and I are going to this Bridal store to pick out a dress.

It was a hot Saturday afternoon and Blake has a game today but I can't go. Elizabeth and Liam are at the game with Jada so shopping would be easier. We came to 'Jasmines Bridal Store' which was recommended by Jada. She got her wedding dress her and it was beautiful. Amber and I enter the store and browse at the beautiful dresses they have. "Wow I don't know which one to pick" I said. "When I'm getting married I'm definitely coming here" Amber said.

After an hour of browsing through dresses I finally found the right one. It was perfect, it was a long flowing white strapless dress. It was simple yet beautiful and I was in love. I was in the fitting room just starring at myself in the mirror.

I stepped out and showed Amber. She was sitting down checking he phone and when she looked up she gasped and said "Wow." "I love it" I said and looked in the mirror once more. "You look amazing Jadah" Amber said and hugged me. "Thank you" I said. "Alright take it off and lets before it gets late" Amber said.

• Later that Night •

It was 6:00pm and I was barley getting home. Amber and I went to eat and shop a little more after we bought the dress. Amber decided to take the dress home because she didn't want Blake to see it. I walked into a dark and empty house. I sat down on the couch and knocked out. I was so tired.

• Next Day •

"Mommy" I heard a voice whisper into my ear. "Mommy!" Elizabeth yells in my ear. I jump and see Elizabeth in her PJ's. "Honey don't do that!" I said. "Sorry mommy but I'm hungry" she said. "Where's daddy?" I asked. "Sleeping" she said. I checked the time and saw that it was 8:00am. "Okay well just serve yourself cereal I have to go check on your brother" I said and went upstairs.

I entered Liam's room and saw him fast asleep. I walk towards him and kiss his forehead. Then I walk over to our room and see Blake fast asleep as well. I walk towards him and yell in his ear, "BLAKE!" He jumps up and said "Jadah what the hell is wrong with you?" I laughed and asked "How did things go yesterday?" "You didn't watch the game?" He asked. "Sorry babe I fell asleep" I said. "Well we won" he said. I gasped and said "Yay! Congrats babe." I kissed his lips. "Did you find your dress?" He asked. "Yes but Amber has it" I said. He rubs his face and said "Just 2 more weeks until your officially my wife." He grabs my hands and kissed it. "I can't wait" I said and kissed his lips. "I gotta pack for Houston" he said. I frowned and said "I don't want you to go." I sat on top of him and held his hands. "The planes gonna leave in a couple of hours so let me pack" he said. I groan and said "Fine."

• Hours Later •

I'm driving Blake to the airport with the kids in the back seat. I parked the car and said "Alright kids tell daddy bye." Elizabeth hugs Blake from the backseat and said "Bye daddy." "Bye sweetheart" he said and kissed her cheek. Blake gets out of the car and opens the door so he can tell Liam goodbye. "Alright buddy be good okay. Love you" he said and kissed Liam. Liam just bit his finger and smiled. He closes the door and grabs his bag and the he walks over to my side. I roll down the window and said "Bye baby." "I love you" he said and kissed me. "You too" I said. "I'll see you guys soon" he said and walked into the airport.

I start the engine and wait till Elizabeth puts on her seat belt. As I'm waiting I get a call from a unknown number but I ignored it.

I'm in the freeway, driving back home when an unknown number calls me again. I decided to answer it because it's probably one of those people advertising something. "Hello" I said. "Hi baby girl" the mans voice said into the phone. "No more! I told you not to call me anymore. I want you out of my life" I said. "Jadah all I want to do is patch things up with you. I wanna fresh start" he said. "No you've ruined my life and I want NOTHING to do with you. I've changed my number twice and I don't want to have to do it again" I said. "Jadah all I wanna do is meet my grandchildren and meet that boyfriend of yours" he said. I yell into the phone, "ENOUGH DAD! Just stay away from me and my family!" I hung up and threw the phone onto the passenger side.

He can't be doing this, not now.


Sorry for this lame and short update I just wanted to update this fan fiction for you guys. BTW Jadah's father is going to be played by Floyd Mayweather cause he won yesterday 😏👏 anyways Thanks for reading loves 💙 make sure to vote and comment 😁 next update when this gets more than 10 votes 👏💕

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