No Room for Rasicm

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Chapter 41: [ Jadah's POV ]

The guys had won the game the last 2 nights ago against the warriors. I think the score was 96-98. It was the next day and we were in Oakland so Blake, DJ, and Chris decided to go out. I stayed at the hotel with Elizabeth, Carter, Isaiah, and Lil Chris. Yea I was kind of baby sitting. I didn't mind because I love all these kids to death. "Alright I'll count to thirty and you guys hide. Ready?" I ask them. "Yea!" They all yell. "Ok 1, 2, 3, 4.....30" I said, "ready or not here I come." I tip toe to the room and find Carter hiding under the head. "Got'cha" I yelled. "No you cheated" he said crawling out from under the bed. "What?! How?" I said. "You only counted to 29" Carter said. "Oh really" I said. "Yes. Start again" he said. I giggled and counted again.

[ Blake's POV ]

The guys and I decided to go out and do some shopping. It kind of sounds weird now that I think of it but whatever. People were stopping us and taking pictures with us. I didn't mind. I felt bad because Jadah was taking care of all the kids by herself. I called her to check on her. "Hey baby. How's it going?" I ask. "Hey Blake. Everything's going fine" she said. "What are you guys doing?" I asked. "We just finished playing hide and seek and right now they're watching Spongebob and drinking your apple juice" she said. "What?! But that's my apple juice" I said. "Blake stop being a baby. Your a grown man who should be drinking coffee instead of apple juice" she said giggling. "Yea whatever. Anyways what do you want me to buy you, since I'm out here" I said. "Nothing. I don't like when you waste money on me" she said. "Babe it's not a waste if it's for you" I said. "Aww Blake" she said blushing, "don't bring me anything." "Ok I'll bring you Starbucks. Love you babe! See you later" I said clicking the end call button. The guys look at me and DJ says "Psh." "What?" I say. "You just trying to get some aren't you?" He said. Chris and I laughed and I said "Uh first off I don't have to try." "Dam! Ok then I see you player" Chris said. I laughed and said "You guys suck!"

[ Jadah's POV ]

Blake wasn't lying to me when he said he would change and treat me like a queen. I remember when Chris would call me queen. I started pondering about all the times Chris and I had. I tried not thinking about it because I'm with Blake now and I don't need him in my life anymore. "Mommy, what time is Blake coming home?" Elizabeth asked. "Soon baby. Honey I thought I've told you that you should call Blake dad instead of Blake" I told her. She just looked at me and said "Ok." I smiled and said "Good. I love you." "Love you too mommy" she said running back to the kids.

• Hours Later •

All the kids had finally left and it was just Elizabeth and I. Elizabeth fell asleep because she was exhausted from her play date. I was laying in the bed watching "Ghost Adventures." I heard the door being opened. "Hey Jadah!" DJ and Blake yell coming through the door. "Shhh" I tell them. "Oh sorry" DJ said whispering. "Hey baby" I said wrapping my arms around Blake's neck and then kissing him. "Hey baby. Look I bought you Starbucks" he said. "Thanks baby" I said. "My phones been beeping all day but I haven't gotten a chance to check it" he said. I take a sip of my Vanilla Bean and as Blake's checking his phone his eyes widened. "Everything ok baby?" I said getting up and sitting next to him on the bed. "DJ have you gotten this email from Doc?" Blake asked DJ. DJ stayed quiet and he looked in shock.

I put my Starbucks down walked up to him. "DJ everything ok?" I asked him. I started rubbing his back. Blake handed me his phone that revealed the shocking news. The email was a link to an article on TMZ that said "Clippers Owner, Donald Sterling, Doesn't Want Black People at Any of his Games." I read the article and DJ stood up. "Wow that's not right" he said. I felt really bad for him so I stood up and gave him a tight hug. "I'm sorry DJ. I know this isn't an easy thing to handle but you guys will get through it" I told him. Blake started getting text messages from the team. Doc send them a text saying "Meet at the practice center to talk about this issue." "Sorry baby I have to go" he said. "No it's ok just go and keep and eye on DJ" I told him. They walked out the door and my heart was hurting. This must be a terrible thing for the guys and especially when the news is being received during playoffs.

Blake didn't come back for hours. I was starting to get worried. Right when I was going to call him he walked right through the door. "Oh my God Blake. Are you ok?" I said hugging him. "Yea it's just upsetting" he said, "I don't even want to play for this racist bastard." I gave Blake a tight hug and told him " I'm sorry you have to go through this. I promise you guys will get through this." "Thanks for comforting me" he said. "Anything for you" I told him and gave him a kiss. "Hi dad. Are you ok?" She asked. I'm so happy she started calling Blake dad. "Yea sweetheart I just need to take a nap" he said. He took off his sweater, and shirt and laid on the bed. I lay next him and kiss his cheek. Elizabeth crawls into bed with us and we all take a nap to relax.

(Sorry this chapter is short. Thanks for reading. Make sure you comment and vote.)

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