Oh Boy Part 2

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Chapter 59: Jadah's POV

It's been two days since the surgery and I didn't want to eat or sleep. I was so sad because this is all my fault. I should of been more careful with him and now my son is in an incubator 28 weeks premature. Blake has been signing papers about the baby and has been doing everything I can't do because I'm sick. Blake finally came in and said "Hey baby." I didn't say anything. "You hungry?" He asked. I shook my head. "You know the babies doing fine" he said, "He doesn't need those oxygen tubes anymore." "I almost killed our baby" I said. "Baby it wasn't your fault-" I cut him off and said "This was all my fault. My baby is sick and he's there because of me." "Jadah enough. Our baby is fine, he's breathing, and he's alive because you stayed strong for him" he said. I started to cry and said "I'm sorry. Jesus Christ how can you still love me after what happened?" "Jadah come on baby this isn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. Our son is alive and gonna be ten times stronger than the other kids and that's because of you" Blake said. I sighed and said "Do you love you?" "I will love you no matter what baby" he said.

The doctor came in and was smiling. "Hi Jadah how are you feeling?" He asked. "Good" I said. "Well we've got some good news for you" he said. "Great we could use some" I said. "Well Jadah your baby is doing fine. He's healthy and he can breath on his own now. We can go and take you to see him" he said. I smiled and said "Yes please take me." They sat me down on a wheelchair and rolled me to see him. It's the first time I've smiled since what happened. "I'm glad to see you happy baby" Blake said. They rolled me up to this room and there were a couple of other babies in an incubator. "Where's my baby?" I said. "Right over there" the doctor said and Blake pushed the wheelchair close to his incubator. My face lights up and I said "Oh my God my baby. Look at my baby. He's beautiful." "He gets his looks from you" Blake said. "It's a shame he won't have any of your features" I said. "He's still got your looks which is good enough for me" he said.

We've been in here for like 2 hours because I felt happy being here. The doctor came back and said "Jadah it's time for you to get some rest." "Can't I just stay here for a little longer?" I asked. "I'm afraid it's time for the both of you to get some rest" he said. I sighed and said "Ok." They rolled me back to the room and the nurse helped me back in bed. "Alright Jadah here's your medicine" she said and handed me some pills and a cup of water. I took them and she left. "I'm really happy to see you smile" Blake said. "Our baby is gonna be ok" I said. "You still have to eat and sleep baby" he said. "I don't know I still kind of blame myself and I just don't know if I can eat yet" I said. "Do me a favor and sleep at night babe" he said. "I'll try" I said.

• Later that Day •

It was 2am and I just couldn't fall asleep. Blake was already knocked out. I feel so bad putting Blake through all this. He's missed some games because of me but I'm making sure he leaves to his other games because he has 8 away games and he's not about to miss out on that. Doc told him that it was okay and that he could take as much time as he needed to but I felt guilty.

Blake wakes up to use the restroom and I pretend to fall asleep but Blake said "Your not fooling anyone Jadah." He goes into the restroom and I laugh at how well he knows me. He comes out of the restroom and said "Jadah go to sleep." "I can't" I said. "I won't go to sleep until you go to sleep" he said. "Babe don't do that" I said. "No I mean it. I'm not sleeping till you do" he said. "Lay down with me?" I asked. He gets up and I make room for him on the bed. He puts his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "I love you" he said. I smiled and said "I love you too." "Go to sleep" he said.
After that I was finally able to go to sleep.

• Next Day •

I woke up around 10am. The doctor came in and said "Jadah I'm glad your awake." I just smiled. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Better. I feel like I can go for a run" I said. "That's great. Listen we know it sucks to be laying in bed for almost 2 weeks so we decided to let you stroll around the hospital" he said. "That sounds great. Have you seen my boyfriend?" I asked. "He's with the baby. Lots of paparazzi surround him" he said. "God don't they have any respect" I said. "I'll get security to escort them out" he said. "Thanks doctor" I said. About 20 minutes later I saw flashing lights and people talking at the same time. I saw through the window that it was Blake, Chris, and DJ. They opened the door and got in as quickly as they could. They shut the door and closed the blinds. "Wow well aren't you guys popular" I said. "Hey Jadah. I'm glad your doing better" Chris said. "Thanks guys" I said. "Have you guys seen the baby?" I asked. "Yea I just saw him for the first time and he's beautiful" Chris said. "Thanks Chris" I said. "Good thing he doesn't look like his dad cause then he would be an ugly baby" DJ said. I couldn't help but laugh. Blake looks over at me and I said "It's just a joke baby. Your very handsome." "The doctor told me I could go for a walk around the hospital and I was wondering if you can walk around with me" I told Blake. "Yea baby anything for you" he said.

The guys helped me get out of bed and Blake held my hand so I wouldn't fall. It felt really weird walking. When Blake opened the door, they were still paparazzi standing outside the door. Blake shut the door right away. "Well so much for a walk" I said. "No baby you're going for that walk" he said. "Babe we can't, there's like a stampede of paparazzi outside" I said. "I'll go and get security" Chris said. As Chris walked out some of the paparazzi followed him. There were only few left so I decided to just go through them. I opened the door without Blake noticing. "Hey Jadah!" Blake said. I was already out, they had no interest in me, all they wanted was the three NBA players in my room. As I was walking Blake caught up with me after he got through the paparazzi. "Hey look who decided to show up" I said. "Sorry babe" he said and held my hand. "Who needs a romantic stroll in the park when you can have one in the hospital" I said. "Anywheres romantic as long as I'm with you" he said. "Oh God that was so cheesy" I said, "that was so bad Blake." Blake laughed.

A couple of paparazzi followed Blake and started to take pictures and asked questions. One paparazzi guy popped out of nowhere and he nearly hit my stomach. If he would of hit my stomach it would of been game over for me because he could of opened the stitches. "Blake this isn't safe" I said. "Alright baby I'll get you out of here" he said. As Blake was trying to get me out of the there all these flashing lights were making me dizzy. These lights were making me sick. I felt like I couldn't breath. My vision was going blurry and I fell to the floor. Blake turns around and yells "Jadah!" I was in the floor slowly loosing consciousness. I saw Chris and DJ run up to me and they started to push the paparazzi away from me. A nurse and a doctor came up to me. They put me on a gurney and took me to another room where I lost consciousness.

• Next Day •

I woke up the next day only to see Blake sitting next to me. I slowly wake up. Blake notices I'm awake and said "Hey baby. I'm glad your awake." "Jesus what happened?" I asked. "You were very sensitive to those flashing lights that you just fainted but your gonna be ok" he said. "I just can't seem to stay conscious" I said. Blake laughs and said "I'm sorry Jadah. I should of been taking care of you." "No Blake don't blame yourself. If anything it was my fault going out there knowing there was paparazzi outside" I said. He looks over at me and kisses me. "I'm gonna stay here with you. I'm not going to those away games. I can't leave you here alone" he said. "No no no no Blake you HAVE to go to those games. Those are games that you shouldn't miss" I said. "I can't leave you here alone" he said. "Don't worry Ambers coming over and she's gonna take care of me" I said. "No I'm not comfortable leaving you here" he said. "Blake Austin Griffin you are gonna go to those away games and you gonna win for me" I said. He smiled and thought about it. "All the wins are gonna be for you baby" he said. He kissed me goodbye and left.

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