Finding Out

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Chapter 75: Blake's POV

It's been three days since I last saw Jadah and I haven't heard from her, I'm starting to get worried. I hope she didn't do anything stupid besides I didn't even mean what I said I was just angry. I have her wedding ring in my pocket and I'm hoping she'll take it back. We were in the team plane flying back to LA from Portland. I decided to call Jadah but it went straight to voicemail. "Shit!" I whispered. "You alright man?" DJ asked. "I've been calling Jadah over and over but she won't answer me. I haven't seen or heard from her in three days" I told DJ. "Dude she's probably really upset then. I'll call Amber, maybe she knows something" he said.

He dials Ambers number and when she answered he said "Hey baby." "I'm on the plane heading back to LA. Hey have you heard from Jadah?" He asked. As Ambers talking to DJ his facial expression completely changed. I started to get worried because something bad might have happened to her. DJ looks at me with worry in his eyes. "Alright I'll tell him" he said and hung up. "What happened?" I asked as soon as he hung up. "Blake, Jadah was in a huge car accident three days ago. She said that the doctors don't want to rule out that she's in a coma but she hasn't woken up in three days" DJ said. I didn't know what to say, I was completely heart broken. "This is all my fault" I said. "No don't do that to yourself. Jadah's a tough person, she'll come to" DJ said as a tear went down his cheek.

• Los Angeles •

As soon as the plane landed I ran out of there and got into a taxi. The taxi sped through the streets and dropped me off at the hospital. "I'm here to see Jadah Hernandez" I said. "I'm sorry but the doctor isn't allowing any visitors" she said. "Come on I'm her boyfriend" I said. "Sorry sir your just gonna have to wait in the waiting room" she said. I went to the forth floor where Jadah was being held. When the elevator doors opened I saw Elizabeth, Liam, and Amber sitting in the waiting room. I walk out of the elevator and Elizabeth runs up to me. "Daddy!" She said. "Hey baby you okay?" I asked her. "I miss mommy" she said. "Mommy's gonna be fine" I said.

"Blake!" Amber said and stood up. "Jesus Amber what happened?" I asked. She gives Elizabeth a dollar and said "Go get a snack from the vending machine." Elizabeth runs off. "Jadah was so hurt from the night you guys fought that she decided to go for a drive and then this huge van just hits the car and the car flips and spins. The doctor said its a miracle that she's still breathing" she said. "Oh my God" I said and hold my tears back. "Well how is she doing? What's wrong with her?" I asked. "Uh well she has a fractured arm, a black eye, a bruises nose, a neck brace on, and a lot of scratches. She's been in a coma for about 3-4 days" she said. "What about the baby?" I asked. I'm pretty sure Jadah told Amber. "Well..."

Jadah's POV

I don't remember anything. I slowly start to open my eyes. Everything's blurry for about five minutes and then my vision clears. I look to my left and then to my right and see nothing but an empty hospital room. I look at my body and see that I have a cast, a neck brace, some sort of bandage on my nose and a couple of scratches.

I kind of start to freak out a bit when I see I'm hooked up to this machine. I summon for the nurse and start to squirm. Two nurses and a doctor come rushing in. "Hey hey relax your okay, your okay" a nurse said. I take the oxygen mask off my face and asked "What happen?" "Jadah I'm Dr. Jones and you were in a pretty big car accident. Do you remember?" He asked. I nod my head as the memory of the car accident and of that huge fight Blake and I had came back. "Well you were in a very short coma for about 4 days but your awake so-" I cut him off and said "My baby? Please tell me my baby's okay." Everyone in the room gets quiet, "Is my baby okay?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Jadah your baby didn't make it" the doctor said. My entire body gets cold and I freeze. I start to cry and then I asked "Is my baby still inside me?" "No we had to remove the baby immediately" the doctor said. I wipe away my tears but it's no use I start to cry again. I place both my hands on my stomach. "We have some family outside who would really like to see you. Maybe that will make you feel better?" He asked. I stop crying and said "Who?" "Your daughter, son, friend, and boyfriend" he said. "I don't have a boyfriend but can you please send me my children. I really need them" I said. "Sure thing" he said and walked out.

Ten minutes later Elizabeth come running in and said "Mommy your okay?" "Of course I am. Come sit next to mommy" I said. She sits on my right side, the side that's less damaged. Then the doctor hands me Liam. Elizabeth helps me hold him since I only have one good arm. "Hey buddy. I missed you. I'm sorry but I couldn't keep your baby brother or sister" I said as a tear escapes my eye. I kiss Liam's cheek and hand him back to the doctor so he can take Liam back to Amber. Elizabeth stays in bed with me and I'm guessing it's her first night in a real bed so she goes to sleep.

I lay in bed and keep on replaying the night Blake and I fought. It was so heart breaking and I know I did wrong but it was but it was a moment of weakness. I did something so bad that ruined our relationship and put me in the hospital. Maybe it's best if I just let Blake go so we can both be happy.


I know I know this chapter was boring but I'll try to make the next chapter have some drama in it. Make sure you guys keep on voting and commenting ☺️💘 I love when you guys comment 😁 thanks for reading loves 💕 Next update when this gets more than 10 votes 💪🎉 sorry for any typos 😁

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