Sweaty Encounter

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Chapter 70: Jadah's POV

It was 7:30am and I woke up to Liam crying. I rolled out of bed and tended to him. He needed to be changed so I did so. Afterwords he didn't want to go back to sleep so I took him to our bed and sat him down on my stomach and began to play with him. His smile was everything. Elizabeth lightly knocked on the door and said "Mommy?" "Hi baby what's up?" I said. "I just came to give you your goodbye kiss" she said. Every morning Elizabeth comes into our room and gives Blake and I a kiss on our forehead before she goes to school. The bus comes and picks her up. She's growing into a very kind person. "Alright go ahead" I said. She kisses my cheek and then her baby brothers and then she heads over to Blake. She gives him a kiss on his forehead and leaves. "Bye sweetheart!" I yelled. "Bye mommy!" She said and left.

About 30 minutes later Blake woke up. It was 8:00am and Liam and I were watching TV. He had practice today because he's gonna play on Sunday. He gets up and gave me a good morning kiss. He kisses Liam's forehead and goes to the bathroom to get ready.

When he gets out he has his practice gear on and is ready to leave. Honestly Blake takes longer to get dress than I do. It was 8:30 and he was running late. "Alright babe I'll be home later. Love you" he said and kissed me goodbye and ran out the door. "Alright Liam looks like it me and you today" I said and kissed his nose.

After I finished feeding him and changing him I decided to go out for a walk. I think it would be nice that Liam would go out for a little walk in his stroller. I laid him down gently and buckled him up. We don't live to far from Downtown LA so I took him all the way to Downtown. When we got there he had already fallen asleep, so much for seeing the city. It was 1:00pm and the streets weren't that packed. But the heat from the sun was killing me so I turned back.

As I was walking I saw a familiar figure. It was my crazy ex-boyfriend Chris Evans. I crossed the street to avoid him because I don't want any conflict here. I passed him successfully so I eased my nerves. As I was walking he pops out of nowhere again. Is he following me? I couldn't cross the street this time so I kept my head down and tried to walk pass him but I was unsuccessful. He grabbed me by my wrist and said "Jadah what a surprise?" I smacked his arm away from my wrist and kept walking. "Jadah!" He raised his voice a little and grabbed my arm. "Chris I don't want to see you anymore. Leave me and my baby boy alone" I said. "Your baby?! What happened to our son?" He said. "Well that all disappeared when you decided to lay a hand on me" I said. "Look Jadah I'm sorry but let me see my son" he said. "No I'm sick of you showing up to my house, constantly calling me, and I don't want you around my son" I said. "Jadah you gotta be kidding me! I do that because I still love you. Let me just see him" he said and tried to get to the stroller. Wow I never thought about Chris still loving me. Maybe that's why he acts weird around me. I still wasn't gonna let him see Liam. I stood in front of him and said "No." "Jadah" he said and tried to get around me. I stepped in front of him and said "No leave me and my son alone." I continued to walk away but he grabbed my arm, I've had enough of this so I slapped him. He stood there and watched me walk away. I sped walk back home.

When I got home I put Liam in his crib and then I sat on the couch and thought about that awkward and weird encounter that I had with Chris. I decided to forget about this whole situation because I just want to focus on my relationship with Blake. I'm definitely not gonna tell Blake about this.

A few hours later Elizabeth came home. "Hi honey" I said and kissed her forehead. "Hi mommy" she said and sat down on the couch and started to watch TV. A few hours later Blake finally came home. His practice gear was full of sweat and he looked exhausted. "Hey baby you okay?" I asked him. "Just a tough practice today" he said. "Aww my poor baby" I said and kissed his lips. He took off his shirt and went to go hug Elizabeth. "Ew daddy don't hug me your sweaty" she said and giggled. "Okay give me a kiss" he said. She kissed his cheek and then Blake went upstairs. Everything is going great but then I start to think about Chris and how he's ruining my life.

I headed upstairs and I saw Blake getting undressed. "You gonna shower?" I asked. "Yea wanna join?" He asked and smirked. I blushed and said "No we have two kids downstairs so I'll pass." He came up to me and held me by my waist and pulled me close to him. "Blake as romantic as your trying to be your sweaty body is ruining it" I said and tried to pull away. He hugs me tighter and kissed me. "Blake I love you but please let go of me" I said. He laughs and let's go of me. He goes into the bathroom to shower so I sit on the bed and think about how happy Blake and I are. Hopefully Chris can stay out of the picture!


Hey guys! So I finally got an idea for this chapter. Sorry it took long I hope you enjoyed it. It was short and boring but please vote and comment! GOD DAMMIT YOU GUYS BETTER COMMENT! lol 😏 Next Chapter when this gets more than 10 votes. Thanks for reading 💘

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