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Chapter 79: Jadah's POV

Blake and I have been planning our wedding for weeks. We already booked the place, Blake bought his tux, and we're working on our invitations but we had to stop planning because it's playoffs and Blake needs to be focus.

It's Game 1 of the playoffs and I would really love to be there to see Blake play but I have a Photoshoot today and Blake and I could use the extra money for the wedding, so I said 'yes.'

It was 7:30am and Blake and I were already up. Blake and I were running around the house getting things ready, packing clothes, and constantly checking the time. I heard a knock on the door and swung the door open. "Morning" Amber said. "Hey. Thanks for coming" I said and let her in. "Wow you look like you've had quite the morning" she said and walked to the kitchen. "You have no idea. I have to get ready for the photoshoot, I had to do laundry, Blake needs help finding his things, and I have a one year old to take care of" I said and served Amber some coffee. "Thanks" she said. Amber is here because she's gonna take care of Elizabeth and taking her to the game. I decided to take Liam to the photoshoot because Amber is my friend not the kids babysitter so I just left her Elizabeth.

"Blake!" I yelled from downstairs. "I'm busy!" He yelled back. I groan and said "JUST WAKE UP ELIZABETH!" Our house is the loudest house in the neighborhood right now. "Sorry I should of had her ready but I didn't want to wake her up at 6:30am on a Sunday" I apologized to Amber. She laughs and said "No it's fine. That gives me enough time to finish my coffee."

Sunday's are my cleaning days so I had to wake up early to do my chores before I leave to my photoshoot. I'm going to be on People Magazine modeling for some clothing lines.

I turn around and start to do the dishes as quickly as I could. I check the time and see that it's 7:50am, "BLAKE YOUR GONNA BE LATE!" I yell as I do the dishes. He comes downstairs with his things and said "No I'm not." He puts on his shoes and said "Hey Amber. Is DJ at the Staple Center yet?" She laughs and said "Yea he's a little more punctual." "Yea well DJ doesn't have two kids" he said and came over to me. "I'll see you tonight" he said and kissed me goodbye.

I finally finish doing the dishes, and laundry. Elizabeth comes downstairs and said "Hi auntie." "Hey honey. Come on you can sleep on my bed when we get to my house" Amber said and carried her. "Be good for Auntie" I said and kissed her cheek. "Bye mommy" she said. "Bye sweetheart. Bye Amber" I said and opened the front door for them.

I check the time and see that it's 8:40am! "Oh shit" I said and ran upstairs and got dressed. As I'm coming downstairs I see my one year old still dressed in his onesie. "Liam come here" I said and looked through his diaper bag for some clothes so I won't have to go back upstairs. I found a pair of shorts and a shirt that said 'Daddy Rocks!' "Mama" Liam said and tugged on my shirt. "Alright let's get you dressed" I said and started to unbutton his onesie.

• Hours Later •

"Beautiful" my photographer said as he snapped the last picture of me. It was 6:30pm and I have been here since 9:30am and it hasn't been easy with Liam. Before I started I had to make sure he was okay and was quiet and that's never easy with a toddler. He drew for a while but then he would start to cry and I would have to stop to feed him. Around 4:00pm he took his nap and hasn't woken up since.

"These picture are perfect. We hope to have you here again soon" my photographer said and left. I sighed and headed back to my dressing room and sat on the couch. I was so exhausted, I looked over at Liam and saw him slowly waking up. Alright time to be a mom I thought to myself.

I took off the clothes I was in and dressed back to my regular clothes. I grabbed Liam's diaper bag and said "Wake up honey. Let's go home." He was wide awake and very energetic as most toddlers are.

I open the door and Liam goes running out. "Liam no running" I said as he kept on running. I sighed and ran after him. I turned the corner and saw Liam in the arms of his real daddy. "Chris?" I said. "I believe this belongs to you" he said and as handed me Liam. "Chris what are you doing here? Your not stalking me are you?" I questioned him. "No I had an interview today for my new movie" he said. "Wow well ugh it's great to see you" I said. "Wow he got big" he said. I felt bad cause Chris didn't get to spend much time with Liam. "Look Chris I'm really sorry about not letting you see him" I said. "No no it's fine. I just want Blake to raise my son right" he said. "Chris maybe we can start all over. If you promise not be so clingy then maybe we can work on a schedule so you can see Liam" I said. He smiles and said "I'd like that." "Your in luck cause Liam is a huge Captain America fan" I said and smiled at him. "Captain America!" Liam said and started to clap. I laughed and said "Well we gotta go home but I'll call you." "Yea okay. Take care" he said and walked away.

Wow that was strange.

Liam and I finally get home. "Alright buddy want to practice writing your name like last time?" I asked. "Okay" he said and sat down on the table. I write his name across the paper, 'Liam Evan.' I decided to give Liam his dad's last name.

I head over to the living room and put the game on. As I'm watching Blake play I get a text message from Chris. At first we start to talk about a schedule for Liam and him and then we kind of just started to talk about life. I forgot how much Chris can make me laugh when he text messages me. Every time my phone rings I smile cause I know it's Chris. As I'm texting him back I look up from my phone and see Blake at the free throw line and then I snap back to reality. Holy shit what am I doing talk to my ex-boyfriend. I'm gonna be married soon. Blake and I are gonna spend the rest of our lives together I thought to myself. Then I started to freak out because that means I can't sleep with anyone else, I can't kiss anyone else, it's just gonna be Blake and I.

Oh man Blake and I have been so busy planning the wedding that I haven't actually thought about all the things I have to sacrifice. I don't think I can go through with this?!


Jadah what the hell?! What are you thinking?! Dam so much for being problem free until the wedding. 😩💔 What do you guys think?! Make sure to comment and vote 😁💖 thanks for reading. Next update when this gets more than 10 votes 🎉🍭

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