Someones Engaged

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Chapter 78: Jadah's POV

"Alright what do you wanna watch?" I heard Josh's voice. "SpongeBob" I heard Liam yell. "Shh don't wake up mommy" Josh whispered. I smiled and said "Too late." I love seeing Josh and Liam spending time together. "Morning beautiful" Josh said. "Good Morning" I said. "Hi mommy" Liam said. "Hello my little monkey. You having fun with Josh?" I asked Liam and kissed his nose. He smiles and said "Yea." "Alright babe well I got to get to work" he said. I sighed and said "Are you still gonna be with the Clippers?" "Yea but only for like 2 more days and then I'm off to Houston for the Rockets" he said. "Aw for how long?" I asked. "3 days" he said. "Ok babe I'll see you later and try your best to ignore Blake" I said. "I'll try" he said and kissed me goodbye. It was 9:00am so Elizabeth was off at school and it was just Liam and I in the house.

Blake's POV:

I was on my way to practice and I was already running late. I had to kick out the girl I slept with last night. Look I love Jadah but I'm still hurting and the only way I heal is if I sleep with other girls or win Jadah back but Jadah's playing hard to get with her new boyfriend.

I am beyond jealous and I'm usually never like this but just seeing Josh in Jadah's house with her made me angry. I'm gonna win her back, I still have her wedding ring. I carry it with me in my pocket.

I finally got to practice and as I'm entering the court I see Josh. I catch up to him and said "Hey Josh." He stops and turns around. "Look Blake I don't have time to argue with you. You know Jadah made it very clear to me to ignore you today" he said. "Yea well Jadah's not here and I don't want you two in bed together. I hope you called it off with her" I said looking at him dead in the eyes. "Blake this is getting-" I cut him off and said "Listen it's not that hard just stay away from her!" I walked into the locker room and sat down. "You alright man?" DJ asked. "I miss Jadah and I'm trying to get Josh to break up with her" I said and started to get dressed. "Blake I don't think it's best if you corrupt Jadah's relationship. She's gonna hate you even more" DJ said. I sigh and said "I just need to talk to her but it's impossible if Josh is always at her house." "Look Josh is staying longer at practice today to help Jamal with his calf so that's your window of opportunity. Go to her house and talk to her but don't try anything on her" DJ said. "Thanks man" I said and we headed onto the court.

Jadah's POV:

It was 4:00pm and I was sitting down on the couch watching the Ellen Show. I absolutely love Ellen, she's funny, and she is just the kindest person on this planet. As I'm watching Ellen someone knocks on my door. I groan as the knock on the door woke Liam up. He usually takes his nap at 4:00pm and wakes up at 5:00pm so that gives me plenty of time to watch my show. I run to the room and carry Liam in my arms to the front door. I wipe away his tears and said "Someone's at the door lets go see who it is!"

I open the door only to see Blake standing there. "Daddy!" Liam said. I roll my eyes and try to close the door on him but he stops it with his hand. "Jadah I just wanna talk" he said. "Blake you say that all the time and you always end up trying something" I said. "I'm only here to talk, I promise" he said. "Fine" I said and let him in. "Hey buddy!" He said and grabbed Liam. "Hi daddy!" He said. Liam grabs Blake's hand and leads him to our room. "Look what I made!" He said and showed him a drawing he drew before his nap. "Woah that's awesome" he said. "Honey you keep on drawing and daddy and I are gonna talk" I said. "Okay" he said and grabbed a blank piece of paper. We walked back to the living room and I muted the TV.

He laughs and said "You still watching Ellen." "Ellen is everything Blake" I said and smiled. He holds my hand and said "You know you'll always be my everything." I pull my hand away from his hand and said "Blake you said you wanted to talk." "Jadah why won't you take me back? I miss you so much and baby you know I love you" he said. "Blake you need to move on, that's why I left. Josh and I are doing fine and I want you to be happy with the woman you love and I know she's somewhere out there" I said. "And how the hell am I suppose to do that if the woman I love is already taken and she's standing right in front of me" he said. I look away and then he cups my face. "Jadah lets start fresh. Just you, me, and the kids" he said and rested his forehead on mine.

I shake my head and said "I'm sorry Blake but I can't." "Jad-" he gets cut off by Josh yelling "What the hell is going on?" Blake is still cupping my face and were only lip distance apart. I gasp and push Blake away. "Josh it's not what it looks like I swear" I said. "Is this what your doing after practice? Going after my girlfriend?" He yelled. "Josh" I said trying to grab his arm. He swings his arm away and said "You know what you too were made for each other. You too are nothing but liars and cheaters!" He storms out of the house and I run after him. "Josh stop! Josh Blake only came over to talk" I said. "Oh yea well you were doing a whole lot of talking" he said as he got into his car and drove away. "Oh my God!" I said and face palm myself.

I walk back to my apartment and see Blake sitting on the couch. "What happened?" He asked. "What do you think Blake?! He left!" I yelled, "This is what you wanted huh?! To ruin my relationship!" "Jadah I didn't intend for this to happen it was just the wrong place at the wrong time" he said. I sigh and said "Blake just go!" He walks out the front door and leaves. I sit on the couch and sigh. As I'm sitting on the couch I just remember that Blake has Elizabeth today. Shit, that means I have to go pick her up and I really don't want to see Blake. It's 5:30pm and Blake has a game today so I'm just gonna have to go to the game. I call DJ so he can get me a ticket and that he did.

• Later that Night •

I left Liam with one of my friends and headed to the game. I have no idea where Elizabeth is gonna be, so I'm gonna have to wait till after the game. It's 6:30pm so I get here 30 minutes before the games starts to see if I can find Elizabeth in the locker. I get into the stadium and pass by the locker room but they aren't in there.

I couldn't help but notice Blake's clothes scattered on the floor. His shirt, jeans, socks, and shoes on the floor and that just bugged me that he was so unorganized. I went over to his locker and picked up his shirt and hung it on one of the hangers he had in his locker. I grabbed his jeans and something fell out, it sounded like change. When I saw what it was I felt sadness but also happiness. It was my wedding ring, well it was suppose to be my wedding ring. I picked it up and smiled. I can't believe he carries it with him. That's when I realized that I really fucked up. "What did I do?" I whispered to myself. I slipped the ring on my finger and saw how good it looked. "You didn't do anything Jadah" I heard Blake's voice. "Blake!" I said and took the ring off. "No don't" he said and grabbed the ring. "You know my offer still stands?" He said, "And I'm sorry about today." I smiled and said "No your not." He laughs and said "Ok I'm glad that happened but now that your single I was just wondering if you would take me back and do the me the honor of making me your husband?" He's dressed in his warm up gear and he's all sweaty, we're in a locker room that smells like feet but it was very cute. I smiled and said "Yes." He slips the ring on my finger and gets up. He wraps his arm around my waist and picks me up and kisses me. As we're kissing we hear clapping, we look over and see most of the team. "Congrats guys" Doc said and hugs us both. "Alright we have a game to play guys" Doc said and took the guys to the court. "I love you Jadah but I gotta go" he said. I kissed him and said "I love you too Blake."

Alright let's hope Blake and I can get through this marriage without any problems.


Let's hope so! So what did you guys think?! Thanks for reading loves 💖 Make sure to comment and vote 💁😁 next update when this gets more than 10 votes 🎉✨ #teambladah 💘

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