Its a Boy!

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Chapter 57: Jadah's POV

I was outside for a while to get some fresh air. I went back in and I was so stressed and upset. As I was sitting down I started to get some really bad contractions. I felt like I was going into labor. "OWW" I yelped. I stood up and held my belly. I started to feel liquid come out of my vagina. I thought my water broke but when I looked down it was blood! "OWW oh my god someone help me!" I yelled. A bunch of nurses came and helped me up on a wheelchair. "Ow what's happening?" I asked. None of them responded. They put me on a bed and some girl nurses removed my clothes and they dressed me in a gown.

A doctor immediately came in and examined me. "Doctor what's happening to me? Is my baby ok? Please tell me my baby is ok" I said. The doctor took off her gloves and said "Well Jadah, you baby is fine." "Then why did I start to bleed" I said. "Well Jadah sometimes this can happen because of a lot of stress and anger and all this sadness that just piles up" she said. "So my baby is fine?" I asked. "Yea your baby is going to be fine" she said. I sighed in relieve. "Thank you doctor" I said. I laid in bed and tried to relax for my babies sake.

As I was trying to relax DJ came into my room and said "Thank god your ok." "Yea I'm fine" I said. "What happened?" He asked. "Nothing I just started to bleed but everything's ok" I said. "How's Blake?" I asked. "He's fine" DJ said. "Is Matt and Chris still with him?" I asked. "Yea there just talking" he said. "I'll let you get some rest now" he said. "Thanks DJ" I said as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Blake's POV:

DJ left a while ago to fine Jadah and he hasn't been back. "Jadah's really mad at us" Matt said. "Why?" I asked. "She's mad because we didn't take care of you" Matt said. I laughed and said "Don't take it personal guys she's just emotional because of the baby." DJ finally came back. "Hey man why did you take so long?" I asked. "Well don't freak out Blake but Jadah had an accident" he said. "What?!" I yelled. I started to get up. "Yo B chill" Chris said and laid me back down. I rang for the nurse. She came in and said "Everything ok Mr. Griffin." "No I need to go see my girlfriend" I said. "Let me ask the doctor and maybe he'll let you get some exercise" she said and left.

About 5 minutes later she came back and said "Mr. Griffin the doctor is gonna let you take a lap around the hospital." "Your friends can accompany you" she said and helped me up. Once the nurse left I asked DJ "Wheres Jadah's room?" I had to haul this thing that had a bag of water around because I needed it. "Blake she's resting-" I cut DJ off and said "DJ I just want to see her" I said. "Fine she's in room 2376" he said. "Thanks man" I said and walked over there. I opened the door and saw Jadah laying in bed. The door slammed shut and she woke up. "Blake?" She said. "Hey baby you ok?" I asked and stood next to her. "I'm ok baby" she said. "How's our baby?" He asked. "The baby is fine. I started bleeding because of all the stress and anger I have" she said. "Shit! This all my fault" I said. "Blake don't blame yourself. It's nobody's fault but mine. I was being careless" she said. "I'm sorry this happened to you" I said. "It's ok baby I'm fine really" she said. I laid in bed with her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Babe?" She said. "Yea" I said. "The doctor said that she can give me an ultrasound tomorrow to determine the babies gender" she said. "Babe that's great! Let's do it!" I said. "What do you thing it's gonna be?" She asked. "I hope it's a boy" he said. "You know what me too" she said. "Let's cross our fingers" I said. "I have to apologize to the guys for yelling and blaming them" she said. "You were just being protective baby" I said. "I find that very cute" I said. She blushed and said "I love you." "I love you too" I said.

•Next Day•

I woke up to the nurse shaking me. "Mr. Griffin I'm sorry but you have to go back to your bed" she said. "Can't I just lay her with my girlfriend?" I pleaded. "I'm sorry Mr. Griffin but you have to go back to your bed" she said. "Ok" I said and kissed Jadah on her cheek and went back to my room. It was 6:30am so when I got back to my room I knocked out.

3 hours later I was woken up by the nurse who said Jadah was about to get her ultrasound done. I got up and walked to her room. They had her laying down with some creme on her stomach. "Blake!" She said. "Hey baby I'm here" I said. The doctor looked around a few times and she finally spotted the gender. "Alright guys you guys are having a boy!" I smiled and looked over at Jadah who was crying. "Yay! Were having a boy!" She said. I kissed her and said "I love you baby!"

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