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Chapter 37: [ Jadah's POV ]

On my way home Elizabeth asked "Mommy were you and Blake..kissing?" She hesitated to say. "No we were just....I was helping him get out of bed" I said nervously. "Oh" she said. I was disappointed in Blake like why would he do that. I was so confused as to what I should do. Chris and Blake just cleared the air between each other. If I don't say anything I would feel guilty but if I do what if Chris feels betrayed. This is so confusing.

I got home around 10:30. Elizabeth ran to the kitchen and hugged Chris. "Hey princess" he said. "Hey there's my queen" he says as he kisses my lips. "What's wrong?" He says. "Nothing" I say and I ran upstairs. I laid in bed and just started thinking about what I should do. About 20 minutes later Chris came upstairs and said "Babe what's wrong? And don't lie to me." His tone was serious. I sighed and said "Ok but get mad." "Why? What happen?" He said. "So I was picking up Blake and I was turning off a machine that needed to be powered off, so I leaned over his bed and turned it off. As I was going back he grabbed my face and forced a....." I stopped. "Forced a what?" He said. "A kiss" I said. He sighed and I got out of bed and said "Baby I swear I tried to pull away but he was literally forcing my lips to touch his." Chris turned around and went downstairs. I followed him and said "Chris please don't leave." "No I'll be back I just need to be alone right now" he said while grabbing his keys and closing the door behind him. "Mommy where's daddy going?" Elizabeth said. "He just needs to be alone right know but don't worry he'll be back." Elizabeth looked a little upset so I told her "Hey cheer up. How about we go get some ice cream Huh?" She looks up and smiles.

As we were driving back home from the ice cream shop Elizabeth ask me "Is daddy ever coming back?" "Of course baby" I say. She starts to cry and I pull over. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask her. "What if dad doesn't come back?" She sniffles. I can't believe Chris just walked out like that. But it's understandable as to why he walked out. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Chris's number. "What?" He says. "I need you to talk to your daughter. She thinks you walked out on us" I say. I give Elizabeth the phone and she says "Daddy when are you coming home?" She's really attached to Chris. "Yes baby I promise I'll be back home" he says. "Promise?" She says. "Yes baby I'll be back right away" he says. "Ok" she says handing the phone to me. I click the end call button and say "Better?" I see her nod her head and I got a text.

It was Blake and his message read "Jadah we need to talk ASAP." I responded saying "Not now. Chris and I aren't really talking because I told him about you kissing him and he left." Then I got a call from him. I didn't answer. Then he called again. I didn't answer. Then he called again. This time I did answer cause it was getting annoying. "What Blake?" I said. "We need to talk. I feel really bad about this whole thing" he said. "Yea you should. What you did was wrong Blake. I love you Blake but not like that" I said. "Please I'm so sorry just come over so I can make it up to you" he says. "Fine! Are you still at DJ's?" I say. "Yea" he says. "Ok see you later" I say clicking the end call button. "Hey baby wanna go to uncle DJ's house?" I say. "YES!" She says.

I drive to DJ's house and when we get there Elizabeth races to the front door and knocks. I lock my car doors and join Elizabeth to the front door. DJ opens the door and yells "Hey Booger! Hey bigger booger!" "Ha ha Hey big head" I says. "Hey that hurts" he says. He carries Elizabeth and takes her to the backyard. I see Blake sitting on the couch and he looks like he wasn't even in a car accident. His purple eye had went away and his bruises had vanished from his body. He just had a little cast over sprained finger. I was so pissed. He tried hugging me but I pushed him away and said "No way!" "What you can't be mad at me?" He says. "Actually I'm furious. Blake I can't believe you did that. Chris left and I'm not even sure if he's coming back" I said. "Jadah I'm sorry but what do you want me to do!" He yelled. "You don't have to yell and there nothing you can do but you shouldn't of kissed me in the first place" I said. "I know you loved it and i could do it again" he said leaning in for a kiss. I slapped him and said "Blake stop it. Your acting like such a douchebag!" I went to the backyard to get Elizabeth but Blake grabbed my arm and said "I need you." I swung my arm out if his grip and went to the backyard. "Elizabeth honey, it's time to go" I said. "Aww 10 more minutes please mommy" she said. "Yea mommy please" DJ said mimicking Elizabeth. I laughed and said "Fine."

I went back inside and I bumped into Blake's hard abs. "Excuse me" I said. "Jadah stop trying to avoid me" he said. My phone started ringing and it was Chris. "Hey baby!" I said. "Hey baby. Look I'm sorry about just walking out like nothing it's just that we just cleared the air between us and he just kissed you like nothing" he said. "I know baby and I accept your apology-" he cuts me off and says "I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said you didn't kiss him back." "It's ok baby. Are you back home?" I asked. "Yea" he said. "Ok we'll be home soon. Elizabeth wanted to see DJ" I said. "Ok baby. Love you" I said. "Love you too" I said clicking the end call button. I look to my right and see Blake just staring. "What Blake?" I said. "I missed when you called me Baby" he said. I ignored him and went out to the backyard to get Elizabeth. "Alright honey let's go. Daddy's home" I said. "Yay!" She yelled. She hugged DJ and said "Bye uncle DJ." "Bye big head" I said. "Bye" he said. We passed by Blake and I tried ignoring him but he hugs me from behind and says "Bye." I squirm and got out if his grip. We walk out and I drive back to the house. When we got home I opened the door and Chris was standing there with roses. "Baby what is all this" I say. "I'm sorry" he says. He hands me the flowers and I kiss him. Then we start French kissing until I realized Elizabeth was there so I broke the kiss. "Thank you baby" I said. "Hey there's my princess" he says. "Hi daddy" she says. While I was putting the flowers in the vase I kept thinking about Blake and I didn't know why? Maybe I misses him? But I just saw him. What's wrong with me?

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