Back to Work

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Chapter 13: [ Jadah's POV ]

*Beep Beep Beep* my alarm clock went off at 6:45 am. Today was the day that I was going to return back to school. I have missed a month of school but I my friend has been sending me homework and notes that I needed. I carefully got out of bed and went to the shower. I got out of the shower and went to my closet. I grabbed some shorts and a plain white tank top with my black low top converse. I also got my basketball gear.

Blake wasn't awake yet. He's a heavy sleeper. I grabbed my books and right before I was able to step foot in the hallway Blake said "Forgetting something?" He was holding up my basketball shoes. "Right thanks babe" I said. "Alright let's go" he said. "It's ok babe go back to sleep and I'll drive myself to school" I said. "Nope sorry you can't be left alone" he said. "I'm healthy and feeling better now so you can go back to sleep" I said. "No sorry" he said holding my hand.
When we got to school he said "I love you." "I love you too babe" I said while giving him a kiss.

*After School in Basketball Practice*

When I finally came back to basketball practice it felt good because when I'm in the gym I feel relaxed. After a few drills our coach decided to do a quick scrimmage. It felt good to finally play basketball. Blake had been conditioning me on the weekend by making me run or playing a one on one. After basketball practice I got a call from Sawyer, the photographer Blake didn't like. He said my pictures were ready and he wanted me to see them. I told him I was going to see them tomorrow after school.

After I hung up on Sawyer I called Blake and said "Blake come pick me up. I'm done with practice." "Sure babe give me 15 minutes" he said. I sat on a bench near the gym and waited for Blake. I was still tired and sweaty from practice. While I was waiting for Blake this guy came up to me and sat next to me on the bench and said "Hey beautiful." "Ugh hi" I said. "Why don't we go hang out in my dorm just you and me?" He said. "No thanks! Now can you please leave me alone" I said getting up from the bench.

He got up and grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. "Come on baby I'll make you feel good" he said. I was starting to freak out. This guy was pretty buff so it was hard for me to loosen his grip. Before I could do anything Blake popped out of no where and punched that guy in his face. Blake wanted to keep on fighting him but I held him back and said "BLAKE STOP HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" Then the guy came charging at Blake. The guy managed to punch him on his lip. Blake was raising his fist to hit him back but the school police came and yelled "HEY KNOCK IT OFF BEFORE I THROW BOTH OF YOU IN JAIL! NOW GET OFF OF SCHOOL PROPERTY!"

I grabbed Blake by his hand and walked him to the car. "Are you ok?" He asked me. "I'm fine but it looks like he busted your lip" I said. "What did he tell you" he said. "That doesn't matter. At least he didn't hurt me or you" I said. "Yea but he could of" Blake said. "But I have you to protect me" I said kissing him on his cheek.

When we got home I dropped my backpack and books on the couch and went to the kitchen to make Blake dinner. As the chicken was cooking I walked towards Blake and kissed him again. "Ouch" he said during the kiss. "I'm sorry babe" I said going back to the kitchen to get Blake some ice. I placed it on his lip and sat in his lap. "Thank you" I said. "I'd do anything for you" he said. "Aww babe I love you" I said. "I love you too" he said trying to give me a kiss. "No more kissing until your lip gets better" I told him.

I served him his chicken with a side salad and I was just eating a salad. After dinner I washed the dishes and went to go sit on Blake's lap. "I hope you don't get hit tomorrow in the lip during the game" I said. "Don't worry I'll be fine" he said. "So I have some good news and some bad news" I said. "What's the good news?" He asked. "My pictures from the photo shoot are ready" I said. "And the bad news?" He said. "I'm going back to Sawyers studio tomorrow to check out the pictures" I said. "Oh my God" Blake said "I seriously don't want you to get near that guy." "I'm just gonna go check the pictures and I'll be back in time for your game" I said. "It's not that I just don't like the way that guy talks to you" he said "can't he just email you the pictures?" "I'll ask tomorrow" I said.

Blake and I went upstairs and laid in bed. "You know you don't have to take care of me anymore" I said. "Yea I know but I like being with you everyday" he said. "After graduation I'll move in with you" I said. Blake tried leaning in for a kiss but I said "No kissing until your lip is better." "It's fine" he said. "Nope sorry" I said teasing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we drifted to sleep.

Over Taken by Your LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ