Call It Off

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Chapter 74: Jadahs POV

• 2 Weeks Later •

After Blake proposed we made love like never before, it was very passionate. It's been two weeks since he proposed and we haven't told anyone yet, well the only people we have told is DeAndre and Amber. Dj is gonna be Blake's best man and Amber is my maid of honor. We were gonna break the news when they got back to LA but they clinched playoffs and it's about them, not us.

Blake was away in Boston so it was just the kids and I. I was laying down in the couch when I felt nauseous. The first thing that came to mind was 'Oh God I hope I'm not pregnant!' I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I started to freak out so I went to the store to buy a pregnancy test. Elizabeth was still in school so I put Liam in his car seat and drove to a CVS. I put Liam in his stroller and sped walk to the Feminine Aisle. I grabbed the pregnancy test, paid for it, and drove home.

I went into the bathroom and did the pregnancy test. I had to wait a minute so I gave myself exactly a minute to freak out! "Oh my god please I can't be pregnant. Oh my god I hope Matt didn't get me pregnant! No he couldn't have he was wearing a condom so it must be Blake's." I checked the time and time was up. I grabbed the pregnancy test with my eyes closed and very slowly opened my eyes. I opened my eyes only to see a positive pregnancy test. "Shit!" I said. I threw the pregnancy test in the trash and started to pace around the living room. Don't get me wrong I'll always love my baby but I can't have anymore kids!

I decided to call Matt because I have this weird feeling that this baby is Matt's. I know my body and when I'm pregnant with Blake's baby it's a much different feeling than possibly being pregnant with Matt's baby. He answered and said "Hey what's up Jadah?" "Matt I need you to go somewhere private" I said. "Everything okay?" He asked. "Yea are you alone?" I asked. "Yea what's wrong?" "Matt that night we had sex are you sure we used that condom?" I asked. "Honestly I can't remember. I don't usually wear condoms so I have no idea where that condom came from" he said. "Oh my god Matt maybe we didn't even use it" I said. "Jadah why are you freaking out about this?!" He said. "Cause I might be pregnant with your baby!" I said without hesitation. "Wait what?! You might be pregnant" he said. "No I am pregnant but I'm not sure if it's your baby" I said. "Oh my god Jadah!" He said. "When are you coming back to LA?" I asked. "Tomorrow" he said. I stood there listening to Matt when it hit me! "Oh my god Matt this baby is yours!" I said. "Wait how to do you know? You weren't sure a couple seconds ago" he said. "No Blake and I had sex about two weeks ago and he didn't climax inside of me so this baby HAS to be your" I said. He stayed quiet for a while. "Matt?" I said. "Yea I'm still here. We'll talk when I get to LA" he said and hung up.

I called Dr.Campbell and made an appointment with him for today. The appointment was set for 11:30am so I grabbed Liam's diaper bag and drove to the hospital. We got there right on time. We sat in the waiting room for five minutes and then the doctor came out. I put Liam back in his stroller and entered the doctors office.

"Hi Jadah how are you?" He asked. "Pregnant" I said. "Wow congratulations!" He said, "Is Blake happy?" "Uh yea he sure is" I lied, "I just came to see if you can check if the baby is healthy." "Sure thing" he said. He laid me down and gave me an ultrasound. "Alright. Where are you?" He said. I'll admit I am happy that I'm pregnant but I'm freaking out that this isn't Blake's kid. "There's your baby" he said. I looked at the screen and I was very happy. I sighed and said said "Hey doctor I need to confess something to you" I said. "What is it?" He asked. "This baby isn't Blake's, it's actually Matt's" I said. Dr. Campbell delivered the twins so he knows Matt. He stays quiet and said "It's our little secret." I smiled and was relief that he would stay quiet about this.

• 2 Weeks Later •

The doctor said he was gonna call me to check in on me. I'm four weeks pregnant and I'm starting to grow a little baby bump but Blake hasn't noticed yet. Matt and I talked about this and he said that's he's happy he's having another baby but I might just tell Blake I'm pregnant with his baby. As I was waiting for his call I decided to take a shower.

Blake's POV:

I was finally back home and it was only Jadah, Liam, and I at the house, Elizabeth was in school. Jadah was in the shower and I just put Liam down for a nap. As I was watching TV Jadah's phone started to ring. I got up from the bed but by the time I reached the phone the call had ended. I wasn't familiar with the number but whoever this person is left a voicemail. I played the voicemail and it was Dr. Campbell. He said "Hello Jadah. Well I just wanted to call you and tell you that your baby is doing fine. Your only four weeks pregnant but everything looks fine and the baby looks great. I couldn't get a hold of Matt so if you can please just tell him his baby is doing fine. Alright Jadah call me back."

I stood there in shock from this voicemail. Jadah's four weeks pregnant with Matt's baby and she hasn't told me. She's gonna be my future wife and she's already lied and cheated on me. I have so much anger just building up. Jadah walks out the bathroom and said "Hey babe who was it?" I didn't say anything I just played her the voicemail. "Blake I can-" I cut her off and said "When were you planning on telling me that your pregnant with my teammates baby!" "Blake please I didn't know I was pregnant. I thought you were over it" she said. I laugh and said "How can I possibly get over the fact that you had sex with my teammate, oh and to top it off your pregnant with his fucking baby!" "Blake-" I cut her off and yell "You know what no Jadah just don't! God I can't even fucking look at you!" "You know what you don't have to! I'm leaving!" She yelled. "Okay go ahead leave and get drunk and while your at it why don't you have sex with another one of my teammates and have their baby!" I yelled. "God your an asshole" she said and walked downstairs. "Yea go ahead maybe you'll find JJ at the bar and have sex with him" I yelled. I was so fucking angry right now! "ENOUGH BLAKE! I get it I'm a bad girlfriend and I'm probably gonna be a bad wife too so why don't you just take this back!" She yelled and threw her wedding ring at me.

She filled a small backpack with clothes and took Liam's diaper bag too. She went over to Liam and carried him out the front door. I see her drive away from the window. I sigh and pick up the ring from the floor.

Jadah's POV:

I was driving to, well actually I wasn't sure where I was going. I had my 4 month old baby in the back and my 4 week old baby in my belly and I have no where to go. Tears were bursting out of me like crazy. I was so hurt but this was all my fault. I gave Amber a call and she agreed to watch Liam. It was only 2:30pm so I decided to go for a drive to clear my head.

I was crying uncontrollably that I thought I would never stop. My tears made the road blurry and before I knew it I was being rushed to the hospital.

I'm laying in a gurney and I'm being rushed to the ER. I hear nurses and doctors yell at the same time. Everything was blurry and then I saw nothing but darkness...


Oh Shit! I actually really liked this chapter and I hope you guys like it too ☺️ sorry if there are any typos Thanks for reading loves make sure you vote and comment Next Update when this chapter gets more than 10 votes

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