No Love

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Chapter 71: Jadah's POV

• 1 Week Later •

Today Liam turns 3 months, wow time really does fly. Blake had a game tonight and we're all gonna go. Elizabeth is very excited to go see her dad play. I decided not to take Liam because it might be to much for him so Elizabeth and I are gonna spend some time together. Amber is gonna babysit Liam tonight.

Blake already left to practice. The game starts at 7:30 but we like to get there early. It was 3:20pm, Elizabeth usually gets home at this time. I put Liam down for a nap and waited for the bus to drop Elizabeth off.

About 10 minutes later I heard the door knock. I get up and answer it. When I opened it I was so shocked. It was Chris and Elizabeth. I tried so hard to keep my cool. "Hi baby. You didn't take the bus?" I asked. "No my other daddy came to pick me up" she said with a smile. "Alright well go inside" I said. "Bye daddy" she said and hugged Chris. "Bye sweetheart" he said. Elizabeth loves the fact that she has two dads.

I push Chris and said "Are you insane? You can't just pick up my daughter like that!" "Jadah relax you act like a stranger picked her up" he said it like he did nothing wrong. "Chris I need you to stop. Stay out of our life's" I said. "Oh so now I can't see my daughter" he said. "She isn't your daughter" I raised my voice a little. "Oh so when Blake left you and cheated on you I wasn't there to take care of her or you" he said. I sighed and said "Chris I just need you to stay out of our life's." "You know what Jadah your already keeping me from seeing my son but you won't stop me from seeing my daughter, regardless of what you say" he said and walked away.

He makes me so angry! I walk back inside the house and see Elizabeth do homework. Before she goes to games she knows she has to do homework first. "You okay honey?" I asked her. "Yea" she said and smiled. "Okay" I said and checked on Liam. He was still sleeping.

• Couple Hours Later •

It was 6:30pm and Elizabeth had just got out of the shower. She was getting dressed. Liam was dressed in his clipper onesie that DJ bought him. Ten minutes later Elizabeth comes downstairs all dressed and ready. She was wearing some black leggings and Blake's jersey with her converse. "Alright mommy I'm ready" she said. "Alright let's go" I said and held her hand. I put Liam in his car seat and Elizabeth was buckled up in the back. After tonight Blake is going straight to Sacramento for another game.

We stopped by Ambers place to drop off Liam. "Hey thanks for babysitting" I said. "No problem I wanted to get to know my nephew" she said. "I'll be back soon. Call me if anything" I said. "Sure thing" she said and walked back into the house.

When we got to the Staple center we made our way to our seats. Our seats are somewhere behind the basket. When the game started Elizabeth got very excited.

After the game Elizabeth and I went to the locker room really quick. Elizabeth ran up to Blake and hugged him. "Hi daddy" she said. "Hi baby" he said. "Hey can I have one of those" DJ said to Elizabeth. She ran to everyone and hugged them. She jumped in JJ's arm and said "You were awesome tonight Uncle JJ." I hugged Blake and kissed his lips. "What time are you leaving?" I asked. "1 am" he said. I groaned and said "I'm gonna be so lonely tonight." "I'll see you Thursday" he said and held me tighter.

"Alright well we gotta go" I said to Blake. "Ok I'll be home soon" he said. "Okay. Elizabeth come say bye to daddy" I said. She ran into his arms and said "Bye daddy. I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too" he said. She kissed his cheek and stood next to me. I hugged Blake and said "I'll see you Thursday. You better call me when you get there." I kissed him for a while and he said "I love you babe." "Love you too" I said. "Bye DJ. Keep an eye on Blake" I said. "I will" he said and hugged me.

I was on my way to Ambers house to go pick up Liam. When I got there Amber said he was such a good boy. I put Liam in the car, thanked Amber and drove home. When we got home Chris was waiting outside. You gotta be kidding me!! I drove up the driveway and took Liam and Elizabeth inside. I stepped back outside and went to the find Chris. He was waiting near the mailbox in he front. "Chris what the fuck! I'm sick and tired of this you-" he cuts me off and kisses me. I pull away and slap him. "Stay away from me" I said. "Jadah I love you and I don't want you to go" he said. "Chris its WAY too late for that. Now you need to go" I said and walked back inside.

He can't be doing this, not now!

Oh dam! Thanks for reading guys 💖 This chapter was pretty stupid towards the end but fuck it! Make sure to vote and comment ☺️💕 next update when this gets more than 10 votes 😁

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