Wedding Week

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Chapter 82: Jadah's POV

I remove my father from my life because he was the worst father ever! He was a drug addict, alcoholic, and he use to beat my mother and I. I had a very unhealthy relationship with my father. Once I was 18 I moved out and came to California to be as far away as possible from him. I haven't seen him in 6 years because I'm afraid of him. I removed him from my life and now I don't want him to re-enter the life I have created with Blake.

The kids and I finally get home and Liam had fallen asleep on the way. I carried him to his crib and Elizabeth went to her room and fell asleep. I laid in bed and I couldn't sleep, all these bad memories of my father just kept reappearing.

One Week Later

I haven't heard from my dad since so that's some good news. The other good news is that Blake is coming back to LA to continue the playoffs. It was a Saturday morning and the kids and I are gonna go pick Blake up. It was 7:00am and Blake's plane is suppose to get here at 7:30am so we headed to the airport early. Liam and Elizabeth were sleeping in backseat so I decided to wait for Blake in the car in the pick-up area.

We got to the airport around 7:24am so we had enough time to kill before Blake gets here. The kids are both still asleep but I'm wide awake and ready to see my fiancé. About 20 minutes later I hear a small tapping noise on the window. I look up and see Blake. I smile and unlock the door. "Hey babe" I said and hugged him. "I missed you" he said and kissed me. He looks back and see the kids asleep, "Well I'm glad my kids are happy to see me" he said. I laughed and gently woke them up. "Daddy!" Elizabeth said instantly as soon as she saw Blake. "Hey baby" he said and hugged her. "Yea Liam's not budging so your gonna have to wait till we get home" I said and started the car.

When we get home Blake carries Liam inside the house and when Liam wakes up he doesn't even realize Blake is carrying him. We enter the house and we go upstairs. Blake sets Liam down on the bed and then he lays down next to him. "Hi daddy" Liam said. "Hey buddy" he said and closed his eyes. Liam goes running to his room to play. I lay down next to Blake and kiss his cheek. "What times your game tomorrow?" I ask. He sighs and said "I don't know." I decided to shut up because I know he's tried.

I go downstairs and sit on the couch.

A Week Later

This is it, it's my wedding week. My wedding is on Saturday and it's so nerve racking. It's Tuesday and I'm so excited. The Clippers have been eliminated from the playoffs and I know Blake is still upset but he try's to calm himself down and think about our wedding. Blake and I are just running some errand before the wedding. Elizabeth is in school and Liam is running errands with us. Blake needed some shoes so he's gonna go buy shoes and Liam and I are gonna go check out the jewelry.

We finally get to the mall and Blake and I walk hand in hand into the mall. "Alright we'll meet up in a little bit" he said. "Yea okay" I said and kissed him. "Oh and Blake please try not to be upset I know it's hard" I said. "Hey this weekend is about us" he said and kissed me again. I smiled and headed towards the jewelry section.

As I'm looking for some jewelry I hear my name being called. I turn around thinking its Blake because it was a mans voice but it was Chris. I smile at him and wave. He comes walking towards me and hugs me. "Hey Chris what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I have a couple interviews going on so I came to look for a suit but I'm not the best one to shop for clothes" he said. I look down and see he's carrying a green shirt with some brown dress pants. I laughed and said "Come on I'll help you." "Hi Chris" Liam said. "Hey buddy. How you been?" Chris asked. "Good" Liam said and smiled at him. I can feel a really good connection between these two.

"Alright let's see" I said and started to browse through the men's section. As I'm looking for Chris clothes I see Chris and Liam playing. Liam has more fun with Chris than Blake and in some way it's good because Chris is his real dad.

After browsing for a while I found the right outfit. "Here try this" I said and handed him a black long sleeve button up shirt and some grey dress pants. "Well done" he said. I smiled and said "Go try it on and I'll see how it looks." He goes into the fitting room and gets dress.

About 6 minutes later he comes out of the fitting room and he looks very handsome. "I think the shirts a little too tight" he said. I honestly couldn't my eyes off him he looked very handsome. "Uh no I think you just don't know how to button your shirt" I said. He looks down and he sees that he missed a button. "Oh crap" he said. "Here here I got it" I said. I walked up to him and started to unbutton his shirt. I can feel his heart racing. "You okay?" I asked. He didn't say anything all he did was pull me closer to his body. "Uh-" I was cut off by Blake. "Jadah!" He yelled. I jumped and said "Blake what-" he cuts me off once again. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Babe don't worry I was just helping him shop for his clothes" I said. "Jadah don't you see what he's doing. He's trying to ruin our relationship and what a coincidence he's doing it on the week of our wedding" he said. I didn't say anything, all I did was grab Liam and walk away. We don't need this drama to be happening.


YAY for another shitty and late chapter 😒 Sorry guys but I really hope your still enjoying the story. Sorry for any typos. Thanks for reading, make sure to vote and comment 😁 next update when this gets more than 10 votes 💖

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