Trouble with Alcohol

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Chapter 56: Jadah's POV

•3 Weeks Later•

Weeks have gone by and Blake, Elizabeth, and I are back home in LA. Blake is going out tonight with the guys to tell them the news about my pregnancy. We decided to tell people that the baby is Blake's so people won't ask question. Elizabeth is at a friends house and is going to sleep over so looks like I'm going to be home alone.

Blake comes out from the room and said "Babe are you sure you don't want to come?" "It's guys night out. Just go and have fun. But not too much fun" I said. "Ok baby . I'll be home before 12:30" he said. "Ok I love you and be careful" I said as I have him a kiss goodbye. " I love you too baby" he said and left.

Blake's POV:

I was finally at the bar with the guys and we all ordered drinks. "Alright guys I've got something to tell you" I said. "Oh no" Matt said. "It's a good thing" I said. "What's up B?" Chris said. "Alright well Jadah and I are gonna have another baby" I said. The guys cheered and said "Yea! Congrats bro!" "You know Jadah still calls me and tell me to take care of you" DJ said. I laughed and said "Yea that's my girl." After that everything was just celebrating. It was drink after drink after drink for me and the guys.

After a couple of hours of drinking I couldn't even function. I could barley walk and I didn't remember anything after that. Hell I don't even remember getting home. After that it was jut a HUGE blur.

Jadah's POV:

It was 1:30am and Blake still wasn't home. I was starting to worry. I called and texted him so many times but he didn't answer. I was waiting for him in the living room. I couldn't sleep knowing Blake wasn't home yet.

Around 2:00am I saw Blake's car pulling up in the driveway. I was so relieved. I saw him coming out of the car from the window and he couldn't even walk. Oh my God he's drunk and he drove. I heard him come to the door and I heard him drop his keys like 10 times. He couldn't even open the door. I opened the door and Blake said "Oh baby I missed you." "Blake what's wrong with you? Why would you drive home drunk!?" I said. "I'm sorry baby. Come here" he said. He started to walk closer to me. I started to walk to the room and he grabbed my wrist and said "Baby I want you to make me feel good." "No Blake your drunk. Come on let's go to bed" I said. "Jadah come here. Make love to me on the kitchen counter" he said. He picked me up and set me down on the kitchen counter. His hands started to caress my body. "Blake get off me" I said and tried getting up. He pinned me down and started to kiss my neck. "Blake please get off me" I pleaded. "Shh baby this is gonna be fun" he said and started to unzip his pants. "Blake please your gonna hurt the baby" I said. Blake stepped back and then he fell to the floor and lost consciousness.

"Blake?" I asked. I hoped off the counter and kneeled down next to him. I started to shake him and said "Blake? Baby please wake up." He wasn't moving and his breathing was slow. "Oh my god" I said and ran to the phone. I called 911 and told them that Blake just lost consciousness and that his breathing is slow. They came right away. I rushed to my car and drove to the hospital. When I got there they told me to wait in the waiting room.

About 30 minutes later the doctor came out. I stood up and said "Is my boyfriend going to be ok?" "Ms..." He said trying to figure out my name. "Jadah" I said. "Well Jadah Mr. Griffin has alcohol poisoning. Luckily it's nothing to serious. We're draining out all the alcohol from his body. After that he should be fine. We just want to keep him for a day or two to see his progress" he said. "Ok thank you. Can I see him?" I asked. "In a bit. I'll come get you when he's ready. Oh I also want to let you know that Mr. Griffin was very close to slipping into a coma. When we release him we need you to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't drink" he said. "Oh my god" I said and fell to my knees and started to cry. The doctor helped me up and said "Jadah don't worry Mr.Griffin is going to be fine. Just keep a sharp eye on him." I had called DJ, Matt, and Chris and told them what happened. They came right after the doctor left. "Jadah!" DJ said. "What happened?" Matt asked. "You guys did this! I asked you guys to take care of him and make sure to keep him safe but you guys didn't and now he's in the hospital with alcohol poisoning!" I said. "Jadah-" I cut Chris off and said "I'm sorry but I need to be alone" I said. I know this wasn't their fault but I was just angry and sad.

An hour later the doctor came back to the waiting room and told me that I could see Blake. The doctor led me to Blake's room. I walked into the room and saw Blake, he was awake. He smiled and said "Hey baby." I walked next to his bed and held his hand. "Your so stupid" I said. "I know and I'm sorry. All I remember was drinking with the guys" he said. "Well for started you drove home drunk. You were really really drunk baby. I've never seen you like that" I said. He sighed and said "Oh my god. What else did I do?" "Well you got home and well you wanted me to make love to you on the kitchen counter" Blake stopped me and said "Jadah I'm so sorry." "No baby it's okay. You were just being stupid" I said. "What happened after that?" He asked. "Nothing much. You just unzipped your pants and then you passed out" I said. "I love you, you know that right?" he said. "I know baby" I said. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he said. He grabbed my hand and started to kiss it. I smiled and said "I know you are baby." "Are you mad?" He asked. "A little" I said. "I'm sorry" he said. "It's okay. I'll let the guys come see you now" I said and walked out. "Hey Jadah. How is he?" Chris asked. "Go see for yourself" I said. I have so many mixed emotions right now, I'm angry yet sad and just so confused. We just made things right between us and now it's gone.

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