She Needs a Father

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Chapter 21: [ Jadah's POV ]

It's had been 6 months since I've last seen Blake. I miss him so much but what he did was unacceptable. I'm still living in my same old apartment with my beautiful 6 month old daughter Elizabeth. She looks kind of like Blake. I got out of bed and took a quick shower with my door open. I got out got dressed and checked on Elizabeth. She was awake and had a smile on her face. She always had a smile on her face in the mornings. "Good morning baby" I said. I picked her up and decided to give her a bath. I warmed up the sink, undressed her, and put her in.

After her bath I dressed her up in some comfortable clothes and put her in her bouncer. I turned on the tv to Sesame Street and after Count Dracula was done counting, Elizabeth started to jump up and down in her bouncer. When I went to go check on her it turned out to be the episode that Blake was on. He started to make chicken noises and Elizabeth went crazy. She was so happy. Every time she saw Blake she went crazy and would be really happy. It's like something inside her told her that was her father.

DJ called me and said "What Up Jadah?!" "Hi DJ! What's up?" I said. "I'm having a BBQ today and I want you to come" he said. "Ugh sure. I'll be there" I said. "Alright see you and Elizabeth in about an hour" he said. "Ok" I said clicking the end call button. I checked the time and saw it was 1:30. "Alright Elizabeth let's get you ready to see uncle DJ" I said. I took her upstairs , changed her diaper, and dressed her in some sweats and a shirt DJ had bought her that said Clippers and of course DJ's number. I put her back in her bouncer and gave her a bottle of formula. She was able to hold her bottle on her own so I trusted her to feed herself.

I put on some short that passed my knees but above my ankle. Then I put on a UCLA shirt. I was still able to go to school. Sometimes I had Amber watch her or I'd have a friend watch her. I was passing my classes and was only two months from graduation. Anyways I grabbed Elizabeth's diaper bag and filled it with diapers, wipes, some formula, a pacifier, and some bottles. Then I grabbed Elizabeth , and made my way to the garage. I unlocked my door and put Elizabeth in her car seat. I closed the door and then got in and drove off to DJ's house. On my way to DJ's it just hit me. What if Blake's there? DJ and Blake continued being friends and act like none of this had happened. I kept driving and parked outside DJ's house. I could see Matt's car, Chris's car, and Jamal's car. I picked up Elizabeth from her car seat and carried her in one arm and her diaper bag on the other. I opened the door to DJ's house and put down her diaper bag on the couch. Then I made my way to the backyard. "Hey DJ" I said. "Hey Jadah" he said hugging me. "And hello to you Elizabeth." DJ took Elizabeth from my arms and started to play with her. "Hey guys" I said to everyone else. "Where's Amber?" I asked. "Oh she went to the market to get some drinks" DJ said "she'll be back soon." "Aww she's so cute" Gloria said. "Thanks" I said. "She looks just like her daddy" Gloria said. I didn't say anything and it kind of got awkward. "So where are the boys" I asked Matt. "Oh there over there" Matt said while pointing to the pool. "Keep an eye on her" I told DJ while I walked over to the boys. "Hey boys!" I said. "Jadah" they said both said coming out of the pool. "Oh my goodness you guys are really wet and really cold" I said while they were hugging me. "Alright go back inside the pool" I told them. Then I heard Elizabeth start to whine. "Ok ok momma's coming" I said. "She's really attached to you" Jamal said. "Yea. I mean it's nice but sometimes when I leave her she'll start to whine" I said.

I took her with me to sit on the grass and to watch Carter and Isaiah. She was having the time of her life on the grass. She had her toys and didn't have a care in the world. I wish I could be like that.

Blake's POV:

I was on my way to go to DJ's BBQ. When I got to DJ's house I saw Jadah's car parked out front. I started to get nervous and my palms were getting sweaty. I parked right behind her and got out of my car. When I passed by her car I saw the car seat in the back seat and started wondering how my baby girl was doing. I didn't even know her name. I took a deep breathe and open the front door. I saw a diaper bag on the couch. I made my way to the backyard and said hi to everyone except Jadah. She hadn't seen me yet but I sure saw her. She looked beautiful and so did my baby girl. I wasn't sure if I should go up to her and say something. If I do Jadah and I could end up fighting in front of everyone here. So I just let her be.

It was getting darker and colder so we all decided to go inside DJ's house to chill and drink. I didn't even want to touch alcohol. That shit ruined my life. It was so weird being or even seeing Jadah. She had been ignoring me all the time. It's like I never showed up. I went to the bathroom to wash my face off. Right when I got out of the bathroom I bumped into Jadah in the hallway. DJ's hallways were pretty small. "Jadah" I said while trying to hold her hand. She swung her arm away from mine and said "Get away from me!" She went into DJ's guest room to sleep the baby and I followed.

Jadah's POV:

I was going to DJ's guest room to sleep Elizabeth when I bumped into Blake in the hallway. I tried avoiding him but he grabbed hand and said "Jadah." I swung my arm away from him and went to the room. I didn't even notice he was in the room with me. "Blake please get out" I said. "Can I at least see my daughter?" He said. "Oh I'm surprise you still remember you have a child" I sighed and said "fine." I put Elizabeth in his arms and said "She looks just like you." "What's her name?" He asked. "Elizabeth" I said. When I put Elizabeth in Blake's arm she went crazy and was so happy. "She needs a father. To bad you made some bad decisions" I said. I grabbed Elizabeth from Blake's arm and said "I need to sleep her so if you can just go please." "I'll sleep her" Blake said. "No it's ok" I said. Blake left and I was about to cry but I looked into Elizabeth's eyes and she completely took my mind off him. I put her to sleep and laid her on the bed. I laid in bed with her an fell asleep.

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