Love Made Me Stupid

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Chapter 40: [ Blake's POV ]

I walked out of the room and I was really pissed. I just can't believe that Chris cheated on her for a month. I only did it once and it was an accident but I know it was still wrong. I kept clenching my fist. I couldn't take it, Chris had to pay for what he did. I mean are you kidding me one dam month. I grabbed my keys and DJ said "Where are you?" "Out" I said. "Don't do anything stupid" DJ said. "I'll try not to" I said. I walked out started my engine and drove to Chris's house. I parked my car outside and saw his car in the drive way. "That son of a bitch" I whispered to myself. I got out my car and walked up his driveway. I knocked on his door and when he opened it I swung my fist to his face.

Before I knew it we were both knocking stuff over and throwing punches to each other's face. "What the fuck man!" Chris yelled. "You son of a bitch. How could you treat Jadah like that?" I yelled. We stopped fighting and started yelling at each other. "Oh and you never touched another women besides Jadah" he said. "I only did it once and I was drunk but your dumb ass was sober and you did it for a fucking month!" I yelled back. "Fuck you" Chris said charging towards me. He tackled me down and we started fighting again. Chris got up and took his phone out. It looked like he was texting somebody. I kicked his leg and he dropped his phone. "You texting for back up you little bitch" I said. Then we continued to fight.

[ Jadah's POV ]

I woke up to my phone beeping. I checked the text and it was Chris. I didn't want to check it but it could of been an emergency. I unlocked my phone and the message read "HELP!" He's probably being stupid or just wants attention. I got out of DJ's bed and walked out of his room. I saw DJ watching tv and I asked him "Wheres Blake?" "He said he was going out but he looked pissed" he said. I stood there for a second. I was putting the pieces together in my head. Blake was very protective and he was really pissed when I told him about Chris. If Chris texted me saying "HELP" and if Blake wasn't home then he must of gone to Chris's house to do something stupid. I didn't want to believe it but I decided to go to Chris's house. Elizabeth woke up and rubbing her eye. "Hey baby. You ok?" I asked her. "Yea" she said "where are you going?" "Oh I'm going out" I said. "Can I please go?" She asked. "Ok" I said. "We'll be back DJ" I said. "I'll go just in case something's happening" he said whispering to me. "Good Idea" I told him. We got in the car and DJ sat in the back with Elizabeth.

When we got there I took a deep breath and got out. "Elizabeth hold my hand" I said. "This is daddy's house" she said happily. "Look his door is open" DJ said. We started speed walking to the front door. When we walked in things were broken and I saw Blake and Chris on the floor swinging punches. DJ immediately jumped in and pulled Blake away. "Stay here" I told Elizabeth. I jumped in and grabbed Chris. "CHIRS STOP!" I yelled. I held him back and DJ held Blake back. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?" I yelled. "Blake just walked in the house and started punching me" he said. "Is that true Blake?" I asked. "Yes but only because I couldn't stand the fact that he cheated on you and then he just let you walk out like if you meant nothing to him" he said. "That's bullshit you just don't like me!" Chris yelled back.

"Stop it the both of you. I don't care who started it or if you guys don't like each other you guys both have to stop because your grown men who need to settle your differences" I said. "I have nothing to say to him" Chris said. "Me neither." Blake said. "Then stop fighting" I said. "Elizabeth just watched you guys fight. Is that the kind of example you want to set for your daughter" I said. Chris looked at Elizabeth and said "Hey baby." "Hi" she said. Chris walked up to her and told her "Look nothing's wrong we were just playing around. I'm sorry you had to see that" he said. "It's ok dad" she said. She hugged Chris and ran to Blake. I think she was starting to accept the fact that Blake is her real father.

DJ walked out with Blake and Elizabeth. I was walking out right behind them and Chris grabbed my arm and said "Please don't go." "Now you want me to stay" I said swinging my arm out of his grip. "Jadah you know I didn't mean any of that. It was just in the heat of the moment" he said. I sighed and said "Bye Chris." I left his house and I got in the car. I drove all of us home. DJ in the front with me and Blake was sitting in the back with Elizabeth. "Jadah I'm sorry. It's just-" I cut him off and said "Blake it's ok. I really appreciate you doing that for me. I just want you to stay out of trouble." He smiled. When we got home Blake went to go take a shower because he had blood all over his body. DJ hugged me and said "Don't worry everything's gonna be fine." "I hope so. It's just Blake can usually control himself but I don't know what happen with him, he just lost it" I said. "It's because he loves you Jay" he said calling me by a new nickname he had just given me. I smiled and said "Your right. I hate when your right." I go and check on Elizabeth to see how she's doing. "Hey honey. How you doing?" I asked. Elizabeth was watching cartoons and eating. "I'm ok. I just got scared when I saw Blake and Chris fight" she said. "I know me too but boys can be boys and their crazy" I said. That made her laugh. "Ok baby just call me if you need anything" I said. "Ok mommy" she said. I walk into his room and Blake was wearing a towel over his waist. "Blake put some clothes on" I said. "I know your impressed" I said. I smirked and he opened his arms for a hug. I hug him even though he was shirtless and practically naked. He kissed my forehead and said "I'm sorry." "It's ok baby" I said. "I love you" he said. "I love you too just don't do that because you can't afford to be injured right know" I said. Blake was packing for his road trip. The team was going to Oakland Ca. to play against the warriors. Blake wanted me to go because he said he wanted my support. So we packed our stuff and headed to Oakland.

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