Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 68: Jadah's POV

I woke up to the sound of the baby crying. My motherly instincts told me to get up and care for him but my legs still felt weak but thank God Gail was still here. Blake had left to go take Elizabeth to school and then he was going to go practice. The team was away for some games but they should be coming back tonight. Blake had made so much progress and I'm very proud of him. He might be back on Sunday to play against the Warriors. Anyways Gail woke up and headed over to Liam. "Honey I think he's hungry" she said. I couldn't breast feed him because of all the medicines and treatment they were giving him so he had to take formula. Gail put him in my arms and I fed him. I had a smile on my face and he made me feel so happy. "I love you" I whispered to him and kissed his forehead. "Listen honey I'm gonna head over to the house and do some cleaning cause God knows Blake had the house a mess" she said. "Yea okay. But you'll be back later" I said. I didn't like to be alone. "Of course" she said and took Liam. She strapped him into his stroller and left. I was alone again and I was in much need of some company.

• Hours Later •

Gail finally came back. "I'm so happy you guys are back" I said. "Yea the house was pretty clean but Blake had a huge mess in his closet" she said. "I always try to clean it for him but he refuses" I said. She laughs and said "That's my boy." "How you feeling?" She asked. "Good. I want to start walking" I said. "I'll go call a nurse and see what we can do" she said. "Thanks Gail" I said. I saw Liam sleeping in his stroller and he just lit up my world. Gail came back and Dr.Campbell was with her. "Hey Jadah how you feeling?" He asked. "Good" I said. "Alright well it looks like you want to start walking" he said. "Yea I feel like I have my energy back, I'm not pale, I feel great" I said. "That's great. Looks like the diet is working. So let's get started" he said. I smiled and I was a little nervous cause I haven't walked in a while. Gail held my hand and the doctor my other hand. "One foot at a time" Gail said. I finally felt the floor and my legs were a little shaky. Gail and the doctor slowly let go of my and I was able to walk on my own. I was a little nervous but I got it. "I'm doing it" I said as I walked to the window of my room. "Well I guess it's safe to say you are health and ready to go home" he said. "Today?" I asked. "I don't see why not" he said. I smiled and said "That sounds great." "Alright well I'm gonna bring you a paper of your diet so you know what to eat and what not to eat. You can go ahead and get ready to go home" he said and left. I was beyond happy. I'm healthy and I can go back home and take care of my family.

I got dressed in the clothes that I was bought to the hospital in. When I stepped out of the restroom I saw Elizabeth. "Hey honey" I said. "Mommy!" She said and hugged me. "Are you coming home?" She asked. "I sure am" I said. "Who brought you?" I asked. "Daddy" she said. "Where is he?" I asked. I would of thought that he would be in here with me. "In the waiting room" she said. "Go call him baby" she said. She went into the waiting room and called Blake. "I'm gonna go use restroom" Gail said. "Gail just use this one" I said. "Oh no honey that's your restroom I'll just step out" she said. "Okay" I said. Elizabeth came in and said "Here's daddy." I was expecting to see Blake but it was Chris. Jesus Christ he just won't leave us alone. "Chris what the hell! You can't just go and pick up my daughter from school" I whispered. "Why not? You took away my son so now I can't see my daughter" he said. He's really holding a grudge. "Chris don't say that. You have the right to see Liam all you have to do is call me! Don't you dare say that I took him away from you and I don't ever want you to pick Elizabeth up from school" I said. "What's the point if I can't even see my son grow up-" I cut him off before he said anything else. "Chris just go please and leave my family alone" I said. "Your family-" he was cut off my Blake who came bursting through the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" Blake said. "Don't worry about it. I was just leaving anyways" Chris said and mad dogged Blake and I as he left. "You okay?" He said. I hugged him and said "Yea I'm fine." "What did he say to you?" He asked. "Just forget about it" I said.

"Baby look at you. You look amazing" he said. "Thanks and I get to go home today" I said. "It's gonna be good to have you home. I can't wait to have you back in bed with me" he said and winked. I smiled and he asked "Where's my mom?" "I'm right here honey" she said as she entered the room. "Hi mom" he said and hugged her. The doctor came in and said "Alright Jadah you are good to go home." I smiled and thanked the doctor for his help.

Blake held my hand and Gail pushed Liam's stroller and Elizabeth was holding my other hand. We all got in the car and drove home. When we got there I felt so happy because I'm back home with my family. I stepped into the house and I felt relaxed. Elizabeth went to her room and Gail stayed downstairs with Liam and Blake and I went to our room. When we got to our room Blake locked the door. I turned around and said "Hm you know we usually don't lock our door. What are you up to?" He smirked at me and took his shirt off. "I missed you" he said. I laughed and said "Blake we can't. I just got home and plus your moms downstairs." "Who cares we'll be quiet" he said and laid me down. He started to kiss my neck. I smiled but I had to put a stop to this because I just wasn't in the mood. I put my hands on Blake's chest and said "Look baby I miss you too but I'm just not in the mood." He was very disappointed. "I'm sorry baby" I said. He laid his head on my chest and said "It's okay but I'll get you next time." I smiled and said "We'll see." Blake and I just laid together in bed which we haven't done in a while. He wrapped his arms around me and he laid his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his curls and can I just say that I couldn't be happier.


Aww how cute 😭 Anyways what do you guys think? Can you guys please comment on what you thought about this chapter. Make sure you vote and thanks for reading loves 💖 next chapter when this gets more than 10 votes 😘💕

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