Thats It

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Chapter 49: Jadah's POV

I'm not going to lie, Blake sure did turn me on. I shouldn't let him do that to me cause I know what he's trying to do. He thinks that he can just come over here and try to have sex with me that I'll forgive him but that's not going to happen.

I go to the backyard and see DJ on the swing set and Elizabeth trying to push him. "Uncle DJ I can't do this" Elizabeth said. "C'mon Liz! I believe in you" DJ said. "Alright Elizabeth you don't have to push him. Go inside and go watch some TV" I said. I sit on the swing next to him and DJ said "So you and Blake are back together?" "No I just couldn't control myself" I said. "Gross" he said. I laugh and said "Hey your the one who had to ruin the moment." "I did you a favor. Jadah I know Blake and he's a player. He loves you very much but he's gonna be going around fooling around with other females" he said. "So what are you suggesting I do?" I asked. "I can't really decided that for you. It's all on you" he said, "Listen Jadah, I love you and I don't want you to be getting hurt anymore, that's why I'm telling you all this. I have to go but I'll talk to you later."

• Next Day •

It was the next day and honestly I didn't get much sleep last night. I just kept thinking about the things DJ was telling me. It was 7:30am and I had to take Elizabeth to school because she signed up to go to camp. The bus leaves at 8:00am. Elizabeth had everything packed and ready to go. She's going to camp for 5 days and I'm going to be so lonely at the house without her. It was now 7:45am so Elizabeth and I headed out the door.

"Elizabeth I'm going to miss you" I said, "I'm going to be so lonely." "No you won't you have daddy" she said. "Oh yea" I said. We finally arrived at school, I left her with her group and kissed her goodbye. When I got back home I plopped on the bed and knocked out. I woke up to sound of the door knocking. I got up and fixed myself a little. It was 10:30am. I open the door and see Blake standing there.

I completely forgot about him, when I saw him all these mixed emotion started to go through my mind. I'm quickly sadden by the fact that Blake fools around with other females. "Yes?" I said. "I came to finish what we started" he said and walked into the house. "No Blake I don't want to see you right now" I said. "That's what you said last time" he said and winked. "Look Blake I heard what you've been doing!" I said. "And what is that?" He said. "You sleep around with other women just cause you can" I said. "Baby what are you talking about" he said. "Don't play dumb with me Blake! I know you've been going around fucking other females!" I start to cry a little and Blake wipes away the tear. "Baby you don't actually believe that do you?" He said. "Yea I do because your an inconsiderate asshole!" I yell. "You know what Jadah that's it! I'm done with this. How can you believe what other people say instead of what I say. I'm your fucking boyfriend! We have a child together!" He yelled. "Because Blake you've hurt me before! YOU'VE DONE IT PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY!!" I yell. "Get out Blake just get out and don't ever come back" I said. "You know what I'll gladly do that. Have a nice life bitch!" He said. My backs against the wall and I slowly slide down the wall crying. This is it, it's really over....

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