Trouble Already

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Chapter 65: Jadah's POV

After Chris left I just sat down and I'll be honest I am kind of bum that it had to end like this but I couldn't be happier with Blake. Elizabeth had fallen asleep in my arms. I've been here for almost an hour. They were doing last minute checks on Liam before they let him come home with me. The most awkward part about tonight is that I'm going to have to go back to Chris's house because I have to get his crib. I already have his diaper bag ready with me.

Five minutes later the doctor came out and said "Jadah he's ready." I had to wake Elizabeth up because I needed to hold my baby for the first time. She was very excited to meet her baby brother. When the doctor put him in my arms I couldn't help but tear up. "I hope you two enjoy each other" the doctor said and walked away. I can't believe my baby is finally in my arms. "Hi baby. Oh God I love you so much" I said and kissed his forehead. "Mommy let me see my baby brother" Elizabeth said. I sat down and Elizabeth was beyond happy. "Come on baby lets go take your brother home" I said and wiped away my tears.

I put Liam in his car seat and as I was driving something occurred to me, I don't have a home. But then I started to think about Blake and how he is my home. I drove to Blake's house and dropped off Elizabeth. Blake came and helped me get the baby's car seat out. "Wow he's beautiful" Blake said. "Thanks Blake for everything you've done for me" I said. "No problem baby" he said and kissed me. "I'll be back in a bit" I said. "Okay and be careful" he said. I got back into the car and drove to Chris's house.

I've got everything in Chris's house and I need to go back to get Liam's stuff and my stuff. I pulled up in Chris's driveway and I knocked on the door. "What do you want?" He said. His breath smelled of alcohol and it looked like he's been crying. "God Chris are you okay?" I said. "Okay?" He said and laughed. "You left me for that no good basketball player and you took my son away from me." "Chris don't say that. You told me it was fine" I said. "No it's not fine" he said and a tear went down his cheek. I tried to wipe away the tear but he smacked my arm and said "Don't touch me." "Chris your drunk. Come on let's get you to bed" I said and helped him walk to his bed. As I was laying him down he pulled me down with him. His body was on top of mine and he's so heavy I could barley breath.

"Chris get off. Come on just go to sleep" I said. He started to cry again and said "Please don't leave me." I started to feel so bad for him. This is all my fault, I made him feel like this. He's broken and he's copping with it by drinking. God who knows what else he'll do. "Chris baby please don't cry. You'll be fine" I said. "How do you know?" He said wiping away his tears. "Because your-" I couldn't finish the sentence because I couldn't breath. Chris was crushing my body with his huge muscular body. I started to cough. "Jadah I want you" he said. He was so drunk that he wasn't even aware that he was crushing me. "Ok Chris please get off me your crushing me" I said. My vision is started to get blurry. I couldn't help it I had to push him off me. He fell flat on the bed and knocked out. I started to cough and I started to breath loudly.

I just needed to get out of here before he wakes up and does something else he isn't aware of. I grabbed his crib that wasn't yet build yet. The box was heavy but I sucked it up and I was able to put it in the trunk of my car. I got back in my car and I started to think about Chris and how terrible he was. I felt so bad.

When I got back to Blake's house I hauled the dam crib out of the trunk and into the living room. "Sorry I can't help you baby" he said. "No it's fine. How was Liam?" I asked. "He's a good boy. He was quiet" he said. "Your gonna be a great dad Blake" I said and kissed him. "God I can't wait for this arm to heal so I can't have you" he said and smacked my butt. I blushed and said "Be patient honey." I started to assemble the crib so I can lay my baby down.

• 1 hour later •

It was 1am and I was finally done with the crib. I decided to go with the Lion King theme because I found it cute. His room will also be Lion King theme. "Dam baby you looked good building that" Blake said and helped me up. "God I'm so tired" I said and sat on the couch. As I was relaxing the baby started to cry. I woke up and put him in my arms. "Hey what's wrong kiddo?" I said and rocked him. He was still crying. "You hungry baby?" I said. "Well if you need us we'll be in the next room" I said to Blake. "Oh please you can feed him in front of me" Blake said and winked. I laughed and said "Why have you been so horny lately?" He laughed and said "Fine I'll see you in bed." I went into the other room and fed him.

As I was feeding him I started to feel dizzy again. I knew I was about to loose consciousness so I yelled for Blake. He came rushing in and said "What happened?" "Take the baby" I said and handed him the baby. "Jadah what's wrong?" He said. "I-I-" I couldn't continue because I had fallen to the floor. I couldn't remember much after that, all I heard was Blake's voice yelling my name as I was slowly loosing consciousness...


Oh dam! Thanks for reading guys. I know this chapter was long or interesting but I hope you guys enjoyed it. GUYS PLEASE GO CHECK OUT MY OTHER FAN FICTION CALLED "Jealousy Ruined Our Love." I really hope you guys will enjoy it. Make sure you vote and comment. Thanks love 💖 BTW Comment where you guys live so I know the perfect time to post my fan fiction ☺️☺️💕

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