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Chapter 58: Jadah's POV

Today they released Blake but they kept me an extra day just to make sure the baby is doing fine. Once Blake was ready he came back into the room with me. "Hey baby" he said. "Hey" I said. I just woke up and turned over to him. "How you feeling?" He asked. "I fell like shit! It's so hot but then I get cold" I said. He touched my forehead and said "Jesus baby your hot." "I'll go get a nurse" he said and left. I felt dizzy, I have a fever, and I feel anxious for some reason. I had to go to the bathroom so I tried to get up. Being 6 months pregnant sucks, or am I 5 months pregnant. I'm so confused. When I got up I couldn't even stand. I almost fell but I grabbed on to the chair. Luckily I was able to get back into the bed. When I was laying in bed I felt so bad. My body and just everything hurt.

Blake's POV:

I found a nurse and when we both entered into Jadah's room, Jadah was having some kind of seizure. She was shaking and she had no control over her body. "Jadah!" I said. "Mr. Griffin you have to leave" the nurse said and summoned another nurse and a doctor. The doctor came running in and the other nurse said "Sir I'm sorry you can't be in here right now!" What the hell just happened. I called DJ and told him to come over cause I really needed support from a friend. DJ came immediately. He came running and said "Blake what happened?" "I don't know she had a fever and she was hot so I went to find a nurse and when I came back she was having a seizure" I said letting a tear escape my eye. DJ hugged me and said "Don't worry man she's gonna be ok. I'm here for you." DJ and I sat in the waiting room impatiently.

The doctor came out and I immediately stood up. "Is Jadah gonna be ok?" I asked. "Mr. Griffin I have some good news and some bad news" he said. "Shit give me the bad news first" I said. He sighed and said "Mr. Griffin your son was at risk of losing his life if he stayed inside Jadah. She could have another seizure and then the baby could be in big trouble, so we had to go into immediate C - section. Mr. Griffin your son is 28 weeks premature." "Oh my god! Is he gonna be okay? What's the risk of him being premature?" I asked. "Well he might be at risk of hypothermia which means when his body temperature isn't normal. Right now he's having trouble breathing so he's been given oxygen tubes. He's is going to be stronger than younger babies though" he said. I had tears in my eyes, I wiped them away and said "What's the good news?" "Well what Jadah just went through is obviously a seizure. It's very common for women to have fever during pregnancy but in her case she had a fever, she couldn't walk, she was anxious,she was confused, and she was dizzy. These are symptoms for seizure but her seizure wasn't serious. We can't treat her and put her at a much lower risk to have seizures" he said. "So she's gonna be okay?" I asked. "Yes but I haven't told her the news about her baby. I'm gonna wait till she wakes up. But just to let you know your baby has a good chance of living" he said. "Okay thank you doctor" I said and shook his hand.

"Oh by the way you can see your baby if you want too" he said. "Yea we would love too" I said and followed him. DJ and I were standing behind a glass window and there he was. He's laying down inside and incubator with those oxygen tubes in his nose. I wonder how Jadah's gonna take the news. "He's beautiful man" DJ said. "Yea he is. Remember we're just telling people he's mine" I said. "Yea man I know" DJ said. "Yea but your right he is beautiful" I said. God he's so small.

Jadah's POV:

I woke up and I had no memory of what happened. All I know is that I was in pain. I started to touch my belly and I felt something, I looked down and saw that I had been cut opened. They took my baby out! I started to panic and pushed for the nurse. When the nurse came she also came with a doctor. "What happened to my baby!?" I yelled. "Jadah we need you to calm down!" He said. "Calm down! How the hell am I suppose to do that!?" I yelled. "Please just let me explain" he said. I stayed quiet. "Jadah you just experienced a seizure. Your baby was at risk of losing his life if he stayed inside of you. So we had to do an immediate C - Section. Your son was born 28 weeks early" he said. "Oh my god" I said and started to cry. "Where's my baby?" I said. "He's in a incubator. He's having trouble breathing so we have him oxygen tubes to help him breath. We can't determine anything yet but your son is at risk of hypothermia" he said. "How could this happen?!" I said. "Well you were experienced a fever, high blood pressure, anxiety, dizziness, and you could walk well and all of these are symptoms that can lead to seizures. We already treated you and you are at low risk of having a seizure" he said. I started to cry and said "Where's my boyfriend?" "He's with the baby" he said. I nodded my head. "I'm sorry" the doctor said and left. I silently started to cry until I couldn't cry anymore...

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