Who Do I Choose?

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Chapter 24: [ Jadah's POV ]

Blake dropped me off and went back home to get ready for his away game. I got dressed and my phone started ringing. I answered it and Marc said "Hey Thanks for sending me your address.I'm outside." "No problem we'll be right down and thanks for picking me up" I said clicking the end call button. I grabbed Elizabeth and her diaper bag and went downstairs. There he was in his Black Mercedes. I put Elizabeth in her car seat and jumped into the front seat. "Nice ride" I said. "Thanks" he said. "So where do you wanna go?" I asked. "Anywhere you wanna go" he said flashing that beautiful white smile. "No no where do you wanna go?!" I said giggling. "No no where do you wanna go?" He said. "Haha ok we sound like little kids. Didn't we agree on The Cheesecake Factory" I said. "Right! Let's go" he said starting his engine.

• After Lunch •

Elizabeth had fallen asleep and Marc was taking me home. "Thanks for lunch. I had an amazing time with you Marc" I said putting my hand on his thigh. "No problem. I love spending time with you" he said holding my hand. I blushed. "So have you and Blake made things right between you guys? If you don't mind me asking" he said. "Ugh we're getting there. It's just tuff since he has an away game tonight" I said. "Well I- hope you guys fix things" he said hesitating. I just smiled.

He dropped me off and said "Thanks for an amazing day." "No thank you" I said. I carried Elizabeth carefully so I wouldn't wake her. I said bye to Marc and headed upstairs. It was 8:30 so I got comfortable, put Elizabeth in her crib, and put the Clipper game on. Elizabeth had 2 cribs. One upstairs in our room and one downstairs in the living room. Anyways I check the score and the guys were loosing BADly. I decided to change the channel. Then I heard Elizabeth waking up. "Hey baby" I said. She smiled. I picked her up and said "Woah someone stinks!" I took her upstairs and gave her a bath in the sink.

After her bath I changed her into her PJ's and sat her in my lap and fed her some of my breast milk that I had pumped before. I put the game back and they caught up instantaneously. "Look at daddy" I said while feeding Elizabeth. I put a bib over my shoulder and burped her. I put her in her bouncer and we were watching the game. After the game I rocked Elizabeth in my arms until she fell asleep. What a good way to end a Sunday night with my little girl. I don't go back to school for another two weeks because of spring break.

I turned off the T.V and went upstairs. I laid Elizabeth in her crib and I got a text from Blake saying "Goodnight babe! I'll be home tomorrow." "Ok babe" I replied. I wasn't sure if I should be calling Blake any cute nicknames. Blake has been trying really hard to be there for me and Elizabeth, I'm just not sure if I can forgive Blake. I love him so much and every time I'm with him I feel......happy. Even though he broke my heart. I laid in bed and just thought about Blake.

I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door. "Ugh what?" I said. I rubbed my eyes and went downstairs. I checked the time and saw that it was 9:00. I suck at waking up early. I opened the door and saw it was Blake. "Morning babe" Blake said. "Hey Blake! I don't remember ordering a wake up call" I said. "I don't have to be back at the practice center for another 2 hours" he said. "Oooo I have an idea, let's sleep!" I said. "Right behind you" he said. We went up stairs and laid in bed. "Elizabeth wakes up late just like her mother" He said. "Shut up" I said jokingly. I turned to my side and fell asleep. I could feel Blake wrap his arms around my waist. He pushed my body closer to his. I just wanted to turn around and smack him...with my lips.

I woke up an hour later and saw Blake sleeping. He looks so cute. I checked on Elizabeth and saw that she was awake. "Good morning" I whispered to her "you wait her." I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. Then I went back with Elizabeth and took her downstairs. I sat her in her high chair and fed her some Gerber. Then I put her favorite movie on, Frozen. I put her in her bouncer. I went upstairs to check on Blake and he was still sleeping. I jumped on the bed and said "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!WAKE UP!" He groaned and got my feet and made me fall on the bed. I started laughing and said "Oh I'm sorry you didn't want a wake up call." I smiled and kissed me. This time I didn't pull away, I just laid there and took it. While I was kissing Blake the only think that ran through my head was Marc. But when I was with Marc all I could think of was Blake. I just don't know who to choose!

( Hey Guys!! Sorry this chapter is boring 😭 I also wanna apologize for all the typos in my last chapter 😑 Anyways please vote and comment 👌 thanks for reading 🙏 )

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