Just Breathe

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Rex came running over to the platform where Obi-Wan, the 212th, and the remnants of General Grievous were. "How can I help?" He asked Cody.

Cody pointed to the right of him, "We've got injuries that need to taken care of. So if you could get some stretchers that's be great. You could carry them on your back if you have to. Also, could you get Commander Tano and General Skywalker? Generals Plo and Secura are badly injured as well, and Kenobi and can't take care of them all. I have things I need to do so I'll see you later."


Rex pulled up his comlink as he headed towards the injured clones. He got a hold of Ahsoka and Anakin and told them to hurry up since Plo and Aayla were hurt. He looked around and was shocked to see the limbs of Grievous spread all over the place, but then again it was the 212th, Wolfpack, and the 327th Star Corps.

Rex helped the injured clones get into some of the LAAT/i gunships. It took a while, but soon they got everything cleaned up and the Jedi were taken to a cruiser for further examination.

They were now all back at camp, taking it all down. It wouldn't take long, and the 212th could handle it, so Rex went to go talk with Cody. They started to walk around the small camp perimeter.

"So," he said, "besides Grievous being dead, anything eventful?"

Cody shrugged, "Kenobi dropped his lightsaber which I had to return and I had to pick up his cloak."

"So the usual?"


"You need to attach a rope to his saber and tie it to his wrist. That way he won't drop it."

Cody was about to say something when his large yawn interrupted him. He groaned slightly and shook his head.

Rex looked at the sky. The sun was going down. "How long have you been awake, Codes?" He asked.

Cody let out a small grunt, "It's probably to the point where you'd stun me to make me get some shut eye. The caf's been keeping me awake. Maybe I should make another cup."

"Mmm, how 'bout you don't. Just get some sleep, I can take care of things here. Everyone here is organized, so you won't need to worry about them. Go take the next larty, I'll stay here."

Larty. Cody hadn't heard Rex call a gunship a larty in a while, but that didn't matter at the moment. "I can't, Rex. This is... this is my battalion, not yours."

"You literally took down General Grievous. General kriffing Grievous. You need rest, and I know you'd be doing the same thing I am if I was in your position. I will actually stun you and drag you to the cruiser if need be." He threatened.

Cody scoffed, "I was being sarcastic. And you wouldn't dare."

Rex unholstered his pistol and flipped it to the stun setting, his face remaining neutral. "Try me."

Cody opened his mouth to speak but closed it when Rex's expression hardened. Cody thought all this was stupid, just stupid. He didn't need rest. He could survive without it and work with just caf, but then again he had become jittery and now he was on an ultimate caffeine crash.
"Fine." He finally said.

"Good. And look, there's one coming in right now. So go on, I'll stay here."

Cody reluctantly took a few steps towards the incoming gunship and he sighed when he realized he couldn't win with Rex, so he just committed and walked with purpose.

Rex let out a breath of relief when he saw Cody enter the gunship and it got loaded up before taking off into the sky. He watched it until it disappeared, but then he heard a bunch of shouts and yelling. His attention snapped to the direction of the clatter. It was coming from the piles of supplies still needing to go back to the cruiser. He quickly jogged over and than ran when he saw a clone punch another clone in the face.

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