The Missile

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"Rex! Rex are you in here?" Anakin called out as he entered the ship.

"Yeah, General, in here," Rex's voice called out.

Anakin started to walk over to the room. "Finally. Why weren't you- oh. Oh! Force Rex why is there a baby in your hands and.... what happened to your face?"

Rex wanted to make a snarky remark, but stopped himself. Instead he said, "I probably left some evidence on the... thing over there, sorry about that. And you don't look to good either, no offense."

Anakin sighed, "None taken. Do you uh have a concussion? You usually know everything on a ship by name,"

Rex just shrugged.

"Great. Also is that a Togruta?" Rex nodded, "Boy or girl?"

"Girl. The parents are dead if you're wondering," Rex said as he pulled up a chair and sat down with the baby in his arms, sound asleep.

"Hmm, okay. Whatever you do, do not let Ahsoka see her. You've seen how she reacts to younglings, and since this one is her kind, it's going to be crazy. And don't let her name her, otherwise she'd get more attached,"

"So what do I-"

"Anakin are you done yet," Mace said as he came aboard the ship.

"Oops, I forgot he was here," Anakin mumbled.

He entered the room and Rex quickly stood up and saluted him, "At ease Captain," Rex sat back down, "Is that a baby?" Mace asked,
"Whose child is that?"

"A dead person's," Anakin responded.

"Then take it to an orphanage, we don't have the time or credits to deal with one this young,"

"Hold on now, Master. Can't you feel it? The Force?"

Mace slightly furrowed his brown and nodded, the he closed his eyes, along with Anakin. Sensing how strong the baby was in the Force.

"Oh not this again," Rex muttered.

He explored the baby's face markings, the little white marks on her chin, contrasting against her light red skin. She had mahogany lips, just like his wife. The baby slowly started to wake up and whimper, "No, no, no," Rex whispered, "You can't bother them. Please don't cry,"

He placed his ungloved finger over her mouth to try and silence her, but that was a mistake. She opened her mouth, and bit down on his index finger. Although she barely had any teeth, she had her small, needle tip fangs. Rex let out a muffled yelped and tried to pull his finger out, trying to to disturb the Jedi doing whatever it was they were doing. He bit his bottom lip and pried her mouth open with his free hand, and released his trapped finger. He took a sigh of relive when he saw there were no punctures, just red indents in his skin. Rex rubbed his sore finger and the baby stared at him with her large violet eyes.

Anakin chuckled at the two and Rex didn't realized he had watched the whole thing. Rex cheeks turned pink and he pushed down his embarrassment. His mood changed in an instant as he stood up and held out the smiling baby to Anakin. Anakin shook his head, "I don't want her, I don't have any experience," Rex pressed on, "Fine. Where are you going?"

"My head hurts," Rex said as he went into a small med room.

He came out a few minutes later and saw his General bouncing the girl on his knee and Mace was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, "What happened with the Chancellor?" Rex asked.

".... he's dead," Anakin said at last.

"Did you just leave him in the senate building for certain members of the senate to find?"

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