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"How did it go?" Sabrina asks, following me into the elevator.

I put on a fake smile, and nod. "Great. It went great. Danny can come."

"Are you okay?"

I look over at her, she's narrowing her eyes. "Yeah, why?" I shrug nonchalantly.

"Because you literally look sick." she says, crossing her arms over her chest.

I feel sick too. "I'm fine. Really." she doesn't look convinced, but thankfully she drops it anyway.

"Are our 'girls night out' plans cancelled now that Danny is here?" she asks, pushing the button that will take us down to the eighth floor, the one we were staying at. We only had a couple hours to rest before we had to leave for the show.

I shrug. "They don't have to be. But probably, yeah." I give her a guilty smile. "He came all the way to Paris to see me, I can't just let him sit in his hotel room the entire time."

"Yeah, I know. Aw, I wish my Benny boo had surprised me in Paris too." she frowns.

I bite back a laugh. "'Benny boo'?"

"Yeah, that's what I call him." she glares at me. "Shut up!" she shoves me when I begin to laugh.


"So Danny can come to the concert?" asks Sofia as Sabrina and I take a seat in front of her a few minutes later.

I nod, scooting my chair in. "Yeah, he can. So you have a buddy for the show now." I smile.

"Well I'm sure he'll be happy about that." Sabrina chimes in, nodding.

"Do you know what he's doing right now anyway?" I ask Sofia.

She shrugs. "Probably catching up on sleep, I don't know. I haven't talked to him." she waves a hand dismissively. "But how did you get Danny a seat? Did you have to ask Juan?"

"Yeah, I did." I nod slowly, not feeling like elaborating. I scratch the back of my neck, clearing my throat uncomfortably.

Sofia looks suspiciously at me. "You're acting weird."

"That's what I said!" Sabrina exclaims. "What's up?" she asks, nudging me gently.

I debate whether or not I should tell them what happened for a few seconds. "You're killing me, Camila!" Sofia groans.

"Juan told me to get back together with him. To tell Danny to go back home." Both Sofia and Sabrina look at me with wide eyes, jaws dropped. "I know." I nod.

"Well what did you tell him?" Sofia asks.

I shake my head. "I avoided giving him a clear answer. I just went into that room expecting to have a conversation with him about whether or not Danny could come to the concert, I wasn't ready for everything he threw my way. He wants to get back together."

"Well what do you want?" asks Sabrina.

I sigh loudly. "I don't know. I don't know what I want, honestly. What I do know is that it's wrong to even consider getting back together with him right now. Danny literally came all the way here to surprise me. I at least have to give him a shot, don't I?" I ask, looking between the two girls, desperately wanting an answer.

"If that's what you think is what you should do..." Sofia nods slowly.

I look over at Sabrina, waiting for her opinion. "Yeah-yeah, I agree. If you think you should give Danny a chance, then you do that. Only you can truly know who you want to be with though. But I honestly don't think it's Danny..." she shrugs, giving me a knowing look.

"Not helping." I glare at her.

She laughs a little. "I'm sorry. You wanted our opinions."

"Thanks for the honesty, I guess." I say flatly, already feeling exhausted by this conversation. Between this conversation and the one I had with Juan earlier, I really don't know how I'm going to find the energy to dance tonight.

Sofia reaches over the table and grabs my hand. "You'll make the right decision." she nods, smiling. "As cheesy as it sounds, just follow your heart. Just because Danny is here doesn't mean he's the one for you. And just because Juan wants to get back together with you means you have to do it. Remember that." she nods, squeezing my hand gently.

"I guess so. Thanks." I frown, nodding.

Deep down I think I know Danny isn't 'the one'. But that doesn't automatically have to make Juan the one for me though, right? I don't even know at this point.

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