Online hate (SJ)

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Prompt - you are getting a lot of hate online but the cast is there to help you out

Warnings - panic attacks, abuse

Y/N's pov:
A few weeks ago, I had auditioned to be in the new Marvel movie that was coming out, which was Age of Ultron. If I got the part it would be my first ever proper movie, I've had short cameos in movies that my mum has been in but that's it. Lots of people already knew me as 'Scarlett Johansson's daughter' as she was well known and so when I was born, it was a big thing, however I wanted to make a name for myself. My mum didn't know that I had auditioned for the movie. This was because I had quiet bad anxiety and wasn't sure if I would be able to go to set if I got the part, let alone go to the audition, but luckily that went well.

I was sat doing homework when my phone started ringing. I was a bit sceptical about whether I should answer or not as it was a number I didn't know, but after a few seconds I decided to pick it up. To my surprise it was Joss Whedon telling me I had gotten the part of Tony Starks daughter 'Tori Stark'. We were on the phone for about 10 mins because he was giving me some details on how we would proceed with everything, and he told me to come to set with mum on the first day of filming but not mention anything about getting the role. Honestly I was shocked that I had gotten the part as not going to lie I had forgotten I had auditioned because no one had mentioned anything about it.

I was lost in my own thoughts but got quickly snapped out of it when mum came into my room and told me it was dinner. We both went downstairs together and had pizza, while just talking. Before I could bring anything up, she mentioned that she wanted me to come to set when filming began because the cast wanted to see me. I had known lots of the cast for a while, as mum had already been in the MCU for around 5 years so I had grown up with them.

>time skip to a few weeks later<

Scarlett's pov:
Today was the first day of filming Avengers age of Ultron and to be honest I was really excited as we had three new cast members joining today. I knew who 2 of them were, them being Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson, however I didn't know who the third was. I assumed it would be a child as they were playing Tony Starks daughter but I honestly wasn't sure.

We had to leave in 30 mins and my daughter still wasn't up. I wasn't sure if she would be okay with coming to set today as she had bad anxiety and tended to get nervous and back out at last minute even though she had known the cast for a while.

I decided to just go and wake her up since it didn't look like she was getting up anytime soon. When I got into her room, she was fast asleep still, so I shook her awake while quietly whispering her name. After a few minutes she woke up, and began rubbing her eyes. She was honestly an adorable sight in the morning as she still acted like she did when she was younger and I would wake her up. She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek before kicking me out of her room to get ready.

Y/N's pov:
I was woken out of my slumber by my mother shaking me awake, reminding me of when I was younger. I then remembered that today was the first day of filming, which instantly put me in a good mood. I kissed my mum on the cheek and then told her to leave so I could get dressed. I put on some beige trousers and a green jumper (outfit below) and went downstairs to get breakfast. Before we left I made mum take a photo for Instagram, which of course she did but not before having a quick chuckle about it.

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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