Coming out (SJ)

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Y/N's pov:I'm scared, I have no reason to be, as I was positive she would accept me, but there was also the constant thought of what if she doesn't, would she kick me out, what would happen

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Y/N's pov:
I'm scared, I have no reason to be, as I was positive she would accept me, but there was also the constant thought of what if she doesn't, would she kick me out, what would happen. Recently I had started looking at girls in a different way - I was attracted to them. This made me realise that I was a lesbian because I just didn't like boys in that way at all.

There was only one problem with this, me and mum have always been close, sharing every little detail of our lives, but I honestly didn't know if I could tell her this. The fear of her rejecting me was getting the better of me.

Scarlett's pov:
Y/N has been acting very strange recently. By this I mean I've noticed she's been trying to avoid having many conversations with me, which was weird as we usually talk about everything and anything. This made me wonder if I had done something wrong or if she was hiding something. I decided to let it go and see if she would come to me on her own, before seeing if I have to do something about it.

>two month time skip<

I decided it was now time to talk to her about what had been going on, as for months now she's been funny around me. My idea was to take her out to our favourite restaurant and just talk. I called her into my room and told her that tonight we would be going out for dinner and after some persuasion she finally agreed.

Y/N's pov:
She knows something is up, I can feel it. The tension between us has made everything so awkward lately, so I knew saying we were going to our favourite restaurant was a way of saying 'nows your chance to tell me what is up with you'.

I knew I was going to have to tell her tonight, so I started mentally preparing myself for what I was going to say. I began to get ready and after a while I made my way downstairs. (You are wearing this, or an outfit of your choice)

 (You are wearing this, or an outfit of your choice)

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>time skip to at the restaurant<

We arrived at the restaurant and got a table. It had pretty much been silent the whole ride here, except for music playing in the background. The waiter seated us at our table, and mum instantly began to talk, but I accidentally ended up not listening. This was because sat behind her was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I didn't even realise I was staring at her until I heard mum cough, this snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and she just raised one eyebrow.

Scarlett's pov:
She had been quiet the whole way here, and even when we sat down at the table she didn't say anything. I began talking about some work that I had coming up, when I noticed she wasn't listening. I looked up from my menu to see what she was doing, and to my surprise she was staring at something behind me. I turned round to see what she was looking at, and there sat a girl, around the age of 15/16.

That's when it clicked for me. She liked girls. I then knew that's why she had been avoiding me - she was scared to tell me. Did she really think that little of me? I would accept her no question about it.

I cleared the back of my throat hoping to bring her back to the moment. She snapped her head up at me, I just raised my eyebrow at her.

She then suddenly blurred out "Mum I'm attracted to girls." I then let out a little chuckle before saying "Sweetie I know, I just figured it out while you were staring at that girl." This caused a light blush to spread over her face, which I thought looked adorable.

Y/N's pov:
"Mum I'm attracted to girls." Really was that the best I could come up with. At this point my heart was beating really fast but when she let out these words "Sweetie I know, I figured it out while you were staring at that girl" , it calmed down a little bit. I'm pretty sure I started blushing, which was a little bit embarrassing, but I was too focussed on asking her a question. "So you're not mad." Her face softened as soon as I said this, which I took as a good sign. "Of course not baby, why would I be mad, it doesn't matter who you are attracted to, I will always love you" is what she responded with. This made me tear up as I was so relieved that I didn't have to keep this secret anymore.

After our meal, we went home and decided to watch a Disney movie in her bed. Just as it was finishing she whispered to me "I'm so proud of you hun, I love you." I smiled before saying back "I love you too mum" and with that I fell asleep cuddled up with her.

Authors note
I really hoped you liked this. I wasn't really sure how to write this as I've never had this experience so I kind of imagined how someone would feel in this situation.
Anyway thankyou for reading, and thankyou for 65 reads in under one day, I honestly didn't expect anyone to read this.

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