What's done is done pt 2 (NR)

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Y/N's pov:
It's been around 6 months since I supposedly died. I've been keeping an eye on my mum, and making sure she's okay. Every mission that she goes on, I will follow her and help out as best as I can. Whether that's taking some guards down, or helping getting files. There have been many times that I've almost been caught, but I have luckily managed to get away.

Oh, and the Hydra agents who were after me are now dead, I killed them after months of careful planning. I wish I could go home, however the damage is done. Everyone thinks I'm dead, so I have to stay hidden.

Today my mum has a mission, so I'm going to go and help her, make sure she doesn't get hurt. You may be wondering how I know this, and it's simply because I hack into shield everyday to see what they have going on. I'm honestly surprised they haven't noticed yet.

Natasha's pov:
I'm on the way to a hydra base for my mission, and my thoughts keep coming back to the person helping me on all of my missions. I'm not sure if they know that I've seen them many times, but whenever I try to go over to them, they just disappear. I have a strong feeling that I have to talk to them, something is drawing me to them, but I don't know what yet.


Walking into the Hydra base, I was met with lots of guards. They were pretty easy to take down, as they weren't trained like I was. You know, in the red room.

Once I had killed them all, I made my way to the room where all the data is kept. Hacking the computers is easy, they really don't make their passwords very secure.

While I was transferring data over, I began hearing gun shots that sounded like they were very close. I wasn't sure if they were coming for me, or if there is someone else out there.




As soon as it was finished, I began making my way towards where all the noise was coming from. Stepping out of the room, I was met with more Hydra guards dead on the floor.

Hearing a noise behind me, I snapped my head around to see the person who usually helps me out. They were clutching their stomach. That's when I realised - they had been shot.

I slowly made my way towards them, "Hey, hey I'm here to help you. You'll be okay."

I put my arm around their shoulders and I knew this was my chance to see who it is. "Can you take off your mask?" I asked.

They nodded weakly, and took it off. I couldn't help the gasp that left my mouth.


Y/N's pov:
"Hey mama." I grinned in return. Well as best as I could considering I had been shot.

She just stared at me. Not saying a word, while helping me up the steps of the quintet. I knew where she was taking me. This should be good.

"Look I know you're  mad at me, but can you just fix me and then we can talk."

She nodded her head and laid me down on the medical table in the jet. Quickly, she went over to the control panel and programmed it for avengers tower.


After around 30 mins, mum had finally removed the bullet and sewn me up. It hurt like a bitch but I'm used to it.

Natasha's pov:
"Okay talk." I said coldly. Yes I was excited to see my daughter. Alive. However, I mourned her and the fact that she was here. Stood in front of me, is messing with my brain.

"Okay so the short story is. I had Hydra on my back and they were threatening to come for you guys. So I thought the best option was to fake my death so that none of you get hurt. Nick helped me, and set up a new life for me. Eventually I managed to kill everyone who was after me, but I knew I couldn't return. That's why I've been helping you out on your missions. I've been keeping an eye on you making sure you're safe." She explained.

Tears fell from my eyes. My baby girl had to do all this by herself with no one on her side. I couldn't even be mad at her. I pulled her in for a hug, trying to be careful of her stitches."

"I'm not mad Y/N. Far from it. I'm just glad you're alive. And here. You can come and live with us again considering you killed the people after you. Please, I can't live without you again. I love you so much."

"Okay mama. I love you so much more."

Authors note
Not proof read so sorry if there is mistakes.

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