Online school (NR)

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Prompt- you live in the tower with all the avengers and you are currently in quarantine because of corona hence why you're doing online school. You are 15.

Loosely based on a tiktok I've seen

Y/N's pov:
Today was another boring day of online school. We were currently in the middle of a pandemic and so we couldn't actually go to school in person. To be honest I didn't mind this as I didn't have to see all the annoying people at my school.

I was sat in my maths lesson, not really listening because I don't like this lesson  (sorry if you like maths). The only problem is, we had to have our cameras on so I had to make it look like I was paying attention when I reality I was more concentrated on all the men singing downstairs.

While the teacher was trying to explain the work, all I could here was "SWEET CAROLINE DUN DUN DUN" , I'm almost positive that they were drunk or something but yet again they are usually like this. 'Literal children' I thought to myself.

The noise was getting closer and closer towards my room and I knew exactly  what was about to happen. They'd done this before because they thought it was funny, which it sometimes was, but one particular person didn't. Moments before they all walked through my door, my teacher had asked me a question. Unmuting my microphone, I opened my mouth to speak when they walked in singing at the top of their lungs.

Let's just say everyone's face on the call when a mix between laughing and looking shocked. I think people may have forgotten that I live with the avengers because to me it wasn't a big deal as I had grown up with them but to everyone else it was. Of course I burst out laughing, because who wouldn't, and then all the men decided to try and talk to me at once, like usual not letting each other speak. The whole class was of course silent as they wanted to know what was going on and I guess they were still shocked.

All of a sudden the men went silent and once again I knew what was coming... my mother.

Nat's pov:
All the boys were being complete idiots, I was in the training room with Wands and we could hear them singing that stupid song that they had been singing for the past 20mins, like is that the only song they know. The noise began to get further away, and I instantly knew where they were heading. My daughters room. I knew what they were doing since they had done this to her before. She of course thought it was hilarious, but me. I didn't.

I stormed out of the training room and went straight to Y/N's room. As I neared I could hear the boys talking super loudly all at the same time. Classic. I made sure to make my presence known as I got nearer, and this shut them up, while making me silently chuckle.

"Oh shit" is all I heard before they scurried out of my daughters bedroom.

"Well that went well, I didn't even have to yell at them this time" I said quietly to myself. The last thing I heard before walking off was Y/N apologising to her teacher.

Authors note
I thought I'd quickly post for you, it's not the best as I'm in the middle of doing school. I'll hopefully post a few more later.
Feel free to request some ideas or even book ideas that you would like to see and I'll try my best to do them.

Hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe

Scarlett/Nat Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now