"Whatever, i dont care" (SJ)

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Warnings - abuse, rape

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Warnings - abuse, rape

Y/N's pov:
I had lied. I barely ever lied to her, I couldn't. She always knew, she would always find out. Except tonight. Or so I thought.

Let me take you back to when it started. I got a boyfriend around 2 months ago. Mum was very apprehensive, she didn't like him at all. She thought I was being naive. Apparently she's seen those types of boys before and the relationships never end well.

Of course this made me angry, why couldn't she just be happy for me? She just had to make her little comments, thinking that she knows everything. This ended in a massive fight, lots of words being thrown around. Most of which both of us didn't mean, but were said in the heat of the moment, however they were still said.

But since then we haven't spoken much. It's been really awkward. We exchange good mornings/night and she will ask me how school was, but apart from that, we don't talk. Me and her used to be really close, she was my bestfriend, we would do everything together, but now it's almost like we are strangers.

For the last 2 months, I have been going to Robert if I need anything. He's like my dad, I've known him since I was 4, so I've grown up with him. I actually call him dad most of the time, as he's the only one I've ever known. Sometimes if mum is out or if I need a break from her, I will go and stay at his house. Me and his kids are really close as I don't have any siblings, so we say we are brother and sister.

That takes us up to today. I have school, but my boyfriend wants me to go round his house. Even though me and mum aren't exactly on speaking terms, I still didn't like lying to her.

I decided I would just do it - if mum wasn't going to make an effort with me, then I am not going to obey her rules of never skipping school.

"Y/N it's time for school" I heard my mum yell from somewhere downstairs. Great, time for another awkward car journey, I hated how she would give me a lift to school, as we wouldn't really talk on the way there.

I left my room, made my way downstairs and put my shoes on. Walking straight past my mum, I made my way to the car. I put my headphones in and the next thing I knew we were pulling up in front of the school. Without saying goodbye, I got out of the car and went to go and meet my boyfriend.

Scarlett's pov:
I sighed as Y/N walked straight out of the car without saying anything. This had been going on for 2 months now, ever since I made those comments about her boyfriend.

I pulled out of the school car park and made my way home. I was meeting Liz today at my house, so I knew she would be waiting for me.

To my surprise, she had let herself into the house so when I got home, she was sat on the sofa. We began catching up on our lives as I hadn't seen her for a few weeks. She knew about the argument with Y/N as I had called her crying after it had happened.

>time skip to 2 hours later<

Me and Liz were in the middle of lunch when I got a call from Y/N's school. I excused myself and answered the call. What I heard made my blood boil - she had skipped school. She knew that was one of my only rules for her. I just knew it had something to do with that boyfriend of hers.

I get it, we weren't really talking, but she knew that breaking the rules wasn't an option no matter how angry she was at me.

Liz decided to go, as she didn't want to be caught up in any drama when Y/N got home. And me, I was going to sit on the sofa and wait for whenever she would grace me with her presence.

Y/N's pov:
I had been at his house for around 3 hours, when I decided I should probably go to school so they don't call my mum.

"Babe I'm going to go back to school" I told him while I stood up and began walking out of his bedroom.

Suddenly he walked up to me and slapped me. This had never happened before, he had been aggressive, but he had never hit me. I looked at him with pure disgust before shouting "What the fuck was that?" 

He gripped my arm, pushed me up against the wall and said "Don't talk to me like that slut" I tried to punch him and get him off of me, but he just slapped me again and gripped my arm harder. He then started to kiss me and my neck.

Not long after, he dragged me to the bed and began undoing his pants. I knew what was coming so I began shouting, tears streaming out my eyes. He put his hand over my mouth and it happened.

>time skip<

He had his way with me and then threw me out of his house. I had slap marks on my face and tear streaks. I didn't know what I was going to say to my mum.

Slowly I made my way home and up to the front door. I didn't even have to knock, as the next thing I knew my mum was at the front door and boy did she look angry. She dragged me inside, not even noticing the tears or handprints on my face.

Once inside, she just began yelling at me, not even giving me any time to talk.

"Look Y/N, I get it you're still pissed at me from our last fight, but skipping school. Really? You know that's my only rule I have for you, you are allowed to do anything you want and you still decide to be a brat. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have the school ring me saying that you haven't shown up to your classes, may I add while Liz was here. And what even for, just so you could go to your boyfriends house. Is that true? Actually don't even answer that, I know it is. He isn't a good person Y/N. Why won't you just listen to me? I can't.."

She tried to keep going, but I cut her off. I can't believe she was blaming me for all this, did she not see what I looked like right now. Of course she didn't, she was too busy yelling at me.

"Mum seriously, what is wrong with you. You're too busy yelling at me to notice that your daughter just got abused and raped. Why can't you just get out of your own ways for once and stop being such a bitch. Anyway I don't care, I'm going to Roberts house." I yelled back at her before walking out of the house.

Dad 💗

Me: please can you come and pick me up

Dad: of course sweetheart, I'll be round in 10 mins

I waited outside on the curb, still crying until my dad came and picked me up. Mum didn't even bother coming outside to see me even after what I had told her.

Scarlett's pov:
I can't believe I had just been yelling at her and didn't even notice what she looked like. She had red puffy eyes, hand marks on her face and her clothes were a mess.

My own daughter had just been raped and all I did was yell at her. I don't know what was wrong with me.

I just sat on the sofa and cried, not even going to check on my sobbing daughter who was sat outside.

Authors note
Sorry this was a bit dark, I wasn't really sure where to go with this. But I hope you still enjoyed it.

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