First Year - August 11, 2014

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August 11, 2014

Dear World,

Hi, this is the first occasion when I'll compose here in my recently bought journal. I don't understand why I decided to keep a journal of my life but here I am. I guess one of the reasons is I want to vent everything out and see if someone out there from the world will get to relate that the type of person I am, exists.

Today's the first day of school. I am in ninth grade now, and they say ninth grade is one of those worse years in high school. I must concede I've been anxious entering this year. I mean when I was still in the eighth grade many of the ninth-grade students told us that all the horrible and strict teachers are in this year.

But anyway, as I entered the school gates I spotted my best friend Charlotte waiting for me at one of the school's sheds. She is as of now doodling in her journal while sitting tight for me. Yeah, she's early and she's a nerd. Charlotte also lives like five minutes away from school and she can arrive early when she wants to, and she can be late (believe me she's almost always late).

"Hey, Charry?" I greeted her.

"Oh, hey Bestie!" Charlotte looked and greeted me.

"Excited for the new misery?"

"You are such a drama queen."

"I know and you are my friend."

"Your one true one."

"Shut up and let's go find out our scheds." I said and held her wrist.

"By the way, Marianne came to me like five minutes ago and told me to tell you, she has a party at her house tomorrow and you are invited." Charlotte said.

"Are you invited?"

"She didn't mention it so I'll take it as a no. I mean she and Arlene are popular cheerleaders. They don't invite nerds you know."

"Then why do you think, they invite an invisible girl like me?" I asked.

"Sandra, we know fully well that you are not invisible." she answered. I shrugged and went inside.

In our school, lockers are permanent and you get to use them until you graduate it has laser-printed locker numbers which will be your permanent school number. The staff will print your schedule on a card with the number and they will slip it into your locker. A pretty perfect system for someone to slip love notes or mean notes to you. Everyone knows that that is how it is popularly used. I know full well because I'm one of those assigned to slip those schedules and official school meals. Not today though, I asked Mark, one of the in charge to do the task.

Charlotte's locker is quite far from me, and it turns out, she already got her scheds. Our school doesn't have an individual schedule like most schools do, but instead, we are sectioned only in academics. And those people that were in the same section with you since 7th grade will be your classmate until 10th grade. The 11th and 12th grade is a different story, sectioning is still applied, but it's not permanent and there might be a chance that your classmates in 11th grade won't be your classmate when you're in 12th grade.

It sucks sometimes, especially that there are people that I don't like in my section and I have to deal with them, but Charlotte is there and we're together in this hell school.

"I don't know if I should go to the party, Charlotte." I told her honestly.

"Completely understandable."

"I've got TVET five times a week and an hour a day at 9." I changed the subject.

"I've got the same sched but who's your teacher?"

"Sir Angelou." I answered.

"He's okay, I've got Mrs. Weiland though." I groaned at this because this would mean, we can't be together in this class.

"Alright, next, I've got Computer Servicing on Monday and Wednesday for two hours next with Mr. Barnaby."

"Cool, we've got the same!" Charlotte squealed.

"And finally, Technical Drawing on Fridays for 2 hours."

"Mine's on Tuesday."

"At least that's two subjects, we are not together." I said.

This is my schedule by the way:

This is my schedule by the way:

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Anyway, the day went by fast, the teachers introduced themselves and told us about the requirements they expect from us. They also told us that what they say about the bad attitude that teachers have in ninth grade is not true and as long as we comply with the requirements then they have no reason to let out their bad attitude.

Yeah, right! Anyway, thanks for listening to my unspoken thoughts that I chose to imprint instead.



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