March 28, 2017

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Dear World,

The exams were finally done. I've got the grades from it and I'm quite satisfied with it. I kind of feel relaxed now that it's finally over. Turns out that it wasn't just me who got stressed out by the exam. My classmates were stressed as well and we were just glad that it was finally over.

Not gonna lie though, me, Megan and Lassey copied each other's answers in any exams. I was having a hard time with the English and Social Studies good thing Lassey is good with English and Megan managed to secure a very good outline of the lesson in Social Studies. I can say that I kind of at least answered the exams' questions.

I also notice that Charlotte is paler today than usual. I asked her if she took her medicine and she said that she did. I even reprimanded her to take one, this lunchtime. It's exam week and all of us students have the same time for the exam. Fortunately, Charlotte took her medicine in front of me.

I don't want to say about how she takes her medicine. I'm telling you she didn't even have water while taking those pills. I have a hard time swallowing pills and it's just so easy for her. It was just, okay she swallowed the pill, I'm out.

When I arrived home, Maddie was waiting for me on the porch and mom was in the kitchen living room preparing to leave. I'm kind of confused as to what was happening. It didn't take me long to notice that Maddie is ready to leave as well. Right on cue dad came in and place his satchel beside mom's bag.

"Hey Kiddo, I see that you've just arrived." dad said.

"Where are you going, guys?" I asked.

"We are going to the cinema. I would like to watch the new Beauty and the Beast live-action movie." mom replied.

"Yes, so I suggest you change right away because we plan to watch the six pm schedule." dad said.

I smiled and them and ran up to my room. I'm so excited to watch the movie because I miss watching it in the actual cinema and I would love to see Emma Watson in this movie. In my opinion, she is beautiful and since Belle means such, Emma defines it right.

Right after I got ready, dad was already in the car waiting for us. Mom took her bag as well and although it may not seem like it I know the bag is full of snacks for all of us. I was seated at the back when Maddie showed me a meme from her phone. She'd read the Harry Potter series, (I haven't).

"Read this, Sandra."

It was a Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast referenced meme. Frankly, I don't quite get it. Maddie finds it funny so I guess it's funny. The entire ride to the cinema was fun because we talk a lot. Mom and dad are so into our topic. They are just the best people to talk to.

I didn't tell my mom who my crush is, which is Ethan, but I'm pretty sure that she knew because Maddie told them about it. They don't confront me into confessing they just wait for me to spill the tea.

We arrived at the cinema, and dad bought the tickets. I keep on telling them that we sat in the very back row middle for a great view and audio but Maddie and mom want to sit in the middle seat so we just went on with it.

Mom bought a large popcorn and large drinks for all of us and we went to the cinema. It was nostalgic being inside the cinema. We used to come here back when I was younger. Then dad started to save up for mom's business and we rarely had fun times at the cinema.

I'll bring my kids to the cinema often as well so they will have a great childhood in the cinema as well like me.



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