October 18, 2017

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Dear World,

I'm sorry for the last entry that I wrote in this journal. I was just upset that time that I vent it out here. That's one of the purposes why I wrote stuff here. But I can assure you that what happened today was different. It's happier and I want to write it because I want to etch the memory forever and won't be forgotten.

Today is the 18th birthday of Lassey, she invited us for a simple gathering because she won't be having those debut parties as they can't afford it. Unbeknownst to her, I and our other classmates plan a surprise for them.

I told her that I will be going to her party but I won't ride the same bus as hers. I reasoned that I will be walking Charlotte home and that it's gonna take me a while because I will need to buy something in the craft store as well. Lassey understands this like a very good friend she is.

Our other classmate, he's gay, his name is Francis. He was the one who will come with Lassey home for the party. He will act as our spy to keep Lassey distracted from the surprise we have in store for her. It's just a simple surprise because we are broke students. We will buy a cake for Lassey and we will make a Happy 18th greeting on the cartolina with pictures of Lassey.

My classmate Claudia was the one who planned this surprise out. She chatted that she had the pictures ready too and we will only need a cartolina. Right after I walk Charlotte home I went straight to our rendezvous point. Three of my other classmate was there already waiting for me and Claudia to arrive. Claudia hasn't arrived still when I arrived.

We went to the cake shop, and I asked where Claudia is. One told me that she is doing something that our teacher tasked her to do. I am quite disappointed because she's the one who planned this and she's nearing blowing this up.

We started to choose a cake for Lassey to pass out the time. I'm telling you it took us many minutes to decide on the cake. Claudia arrive just in time when we have chosen the cake and she goes on with our pick. She then asked if any of us has a cartolina and marker so we can start making the greeting banner.

The question annoyed me because she didn't even tell us about this yesterday. We have all the time yesterday and Claudia was like let me handle it. Good thing one of us brought a cartolina. She confessed that it wasn't hers, it was his friend's cartolina and that she was just carrying it for safekeeping.

Then one of my classmates took out markers that are almost out of ink. It was such a good thing that the ink manage to write the letters needed. It was kind of funny that we made the banner in the cake shop. Some customers were looking weirdly at us. The other and some staff just smiled at our frantic moves. We were like a live ad in the place.

Here we are planning a surprise gift for our friend with a cake that we bought at the store. Great! While we are finishing the banner, we received a chat from Francis asking where we are. I facepalmed because he chatted on the main group chat and not on the temporary one where Lassey isn't in. I was so tempted to bang Claudia and Francis's heads all together so it would knock some sense out of them. Good thing, Lassey didn't view the chat.

When the banner was finished we went straight to the bus stop. I was the one carrying the cake and when we almost reach the bus stop, the bus is leaving. We ran to it, catching it but we were a few seconds late. Good thing that the bus driver saw us and stop a few meters away and we ran again to get on the bus. I was really praying that the cake I was holding was not destroyed. We really can't miss this bus because it's the last bus on the route and the driver is having his final round because today is No Bus day good thing that we really manage.

We arrive safely outside of Lassey's house. We didn't come inside right away and we unfolded the banner. We called everyone inside the house before we start shouting the Happy birthday song. It didn't sound good I realize now but it was fun. Lassey was surprised because she really thought that we couldn't make it as we have told her. After all the struggle I think everything falls into place.



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