April 2, 2015

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Dear World,

I know it's been two months since I last wrote in this journal. I don't understand why I lose my interest in writing here, but today is the first day of a three-day school trip that we will be taking. Charlotte couldn't come due to her health issues and her parents did not allow her to go.

She's not allowed to attend this kind of trip and I kind of miss her. But if her health is the reason then I'm not allowing her as well to attend. I didn't know what her health was by the way. She said that it's too personal to tell and she's not ready.

We were told that we will meet at school and will depart at eight in the morning. So I woke up early and prepared to leave the house. It's getting hotter now that April has come. The month of May will be the hottest time of the year but April will start it.

The trip was almost three hours from our school and I didn't get that bored because I have music and games with me. I also have some snacks. Maddie went to ride with me in the same van and since she doesn't have a smartphone because my parents don't provide us until we're of age as they call it.

I let her listen to my music on my phone and I read a book that Charlotte recommended me to read. The book was the Almost Moon by Alice Sebold. I got bored though and didn't go on reading the book and just placed it back in my bag. Maddie and I aren't the types who sleep during travels that we talk to each other and these are one of those long talks that we've had.

Our topics are all random and not that personal because we have other people with us in the car. The driver turned up his radio and we enjoyed the music that was being played.

When we arrived at the place, they assigned us to our rooms. There were five of us and two were twelfth graders, one is a tenth grader, me, and one eighth-grader. They purposely separated siblings especially, sisters, brothers, and twins. And of course, they separate us from the boys as well. You know better though.

We had lunch and we assembled for our team building activity. It was fun and everyone forgets school for a while even though it's still school days. Then after the fun-filled activities that end almost dark, we were told to get ready for the dance night. It was a Sadie Hawkins dance, although we were told not to bring dates so we will be free to dance with anyone without hassle.

So I get to dance a lot and it's kind of awkward because I don't know them and we only get to talk to each other because we are dancing. It was a great night and you don't expect us to have sex because we're guarded. They said that it shouldn't be the reason why we are on the trip. They do check every room at ten and some teachers patrol at night. They are so serious about it.

Plus if you get caught having sex, they will call your parents and you will be sent home with them. Of course, it will be done covertly but you can't expect that everyone won't know about it. Imagine how awkward it is when your parents come and get you. Although I'm telling you that there are still people that will have sex and won't get caught, I don't know how the teachers will know about it the next day and you get to be sent home.

By the way, I have to end that because one of the teachers went to our room and told us that the lights were off already.



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