November 11, 2017

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Dear World,

I forgot my notes in my locker when I came home yesterday. Unfortunately, I can't go back to school to get it because the guards won't let us inside. I can't ask Charlotte for some notes because we don't have the same teacher. I decided to worry about it today, which I did.

This morning, I run through all the online classmates who are online in our group chat and asked them about the chronological order of the chapter labels on the research. It's group research but the chapter that has been assigned to me has a few sub-chapters and I forgot their order.

I sent a group message to every classmate that is online at that hour of the day and asked them about the correct. Just as I was able to send the seventeenth message to the online classmates I remembered the correct order. Great!

I close my emails and ignore the messages that I have been receiving and get on with my work. Their answers don't matter anyway. I went on and finished my part of the research and sent it to our leader to have it abridge. Then I started replying to the messages that I received.

Once I'm done replying, I went on with my day. Maddie said that there's a new hot spring that has opened in the state and it's a two-hour drive from us. It's not a popular area because as I said, we are in a tropical region in the world and we have no winter. Maddie insist that we check it out so I drove here there.

I brought my camera equipment with me and my GoPro camera so I can film underwater. Maddie said that it's a natural hot spring and she really wanted to check it out. It was Julia who recommended the place. I was convinced to go because the research was stressful and I can relax.

I vlogged the entire trip. Maddie was right, it was an open area hot spring. There was a gate but no entrance fee at the moment. The staff explained that there was an inactive volcano a few kilometers away. They assured us that it was safe because the government inspect it and they showed us the inspection paper. We had a great time and it did relieve my stress.

We were able to come home just before dinner. Dad was preparing a meal for us when we came inside. He asked where we've been and we told him about the hot spring. He told us to put it in the GPS so he can visit there during his day off.

The three of us had an amazing dinner as mom said that she had a dinner meeting with a client. Maddie and I do the dishes while dad went into the living room to wait for mom. Just around half past eight mom arrives home. She kisses us before settling beside dad on the couch. Maddie and I went to our room leaving the two.

I was on my phone when I received a video call request from Claudia. I answered it and her face was contorted.

"Did you see the group chat?" she asked.

"What's there to see?"

"This." Claudia showed me her phone on the screen and I'm not mistaken it's a screenshot from our section's group chat.

"Claudia, I can't see the text clearly let me hang up and view the chat. Let's chat instead." I didn't wait for her response and hung up. I opened the group chat and there I saw a screenshot picture that my classmate sent.

The conversation photo was me asking about the research earlier and my classmate August. My message was; 'Where was the Related Lit supposed to be put again?' and he answered; 'In chapter one, after the rationale'. I said my thanks and he replied no problem.

That is one very harmless conversation. But August's caption was far from harmless. He said; she's the one on the top list but I'm the one who's smarter than her. A great way of promoting yourself, bro.

I don't view the group chat or do some backreading with the conversation. This is one of the reasons that I don't do such a thing. What a waste of internet resources these people. I admit that I was enraged, how dare he belittle me. Then again why would I stoop so low on his level? I decided to ignore him and let him think about what he liked. We will know for sure if what he declared is true.

To cheer me up I decided to read the letter that has been delivered to me by an unknown person. The address of the letter is not my name. It was all for a guy or girl named Andy. The box that I received was full of letters and they are for Andy. I don't even know why it was sent to me. Nevertheless, the letter was a proclamation of love and affection for Andy. It's like reading an epistolary story but with the actual letters and one-sided only.



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