September 20, 2014

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Dear World,

Friday nights are one of the best days ever, especially for a student like me. I mean through social media like twitter, I can tell that I am not the only one who thinks the same. But like I've written about before our city is different. So our school here instead of homework they give projects to work on. Some of those projects are written and others are performing. I'm telling you that performance task projects have more share in the percentage of your entire grade.

So here it is, our class has this performance task project, and the leaders of these tasks want us to practice on Saturdays. I know. Your very precious Saturday was taken from you because of the school work. Welcome to my world. Fridays are supposed to be the best days because we are looking forward for Saturdays, but not in my world I think.

I woke up not wanting to go to the practice because I simply don't want to go plus it rained the night before. The place is wet and slippery and I still don't want to go. But mom knew about the practice and she went into my room telling me to get ready because she will be dropping me at the place where we will practice.

I think it is a good thing that this is our third year being together as classmates in one section. From a serious practice turn funny because you can't prevent the class comedian from doing their thing while practicing. I'm glad that we have that kind of person in class or it would be one hell of a boring and stressful work.

And when our leaders announced that we are done for the day, we really cheered. It didn't eat up the whole day and since we're out of the house already, why not make the most out of the day?

Charlotte and I decided to go to this video game arcade that is on the other side of the town but not that far from where we are practicing. There I told her about Ethan and I's talk at Zack's party. She keeps on pestering me asking Ethan out, but I just couldn't bring myself into doing it. But I got to say that my feeling for Ethan is growing.

And I hate to admit this kind of feeling because it feels so unnatural. I don't want to be crazy with some guy. But Ethan is not just some guy. Gosh! What is happening to me? Charlotte have a boyfriend and since she have a boyfriend she has some experience and she is giving me some advice. I think I need those.



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