September 16, 2014

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Dear World,

Screw all those people, I already arrived at school when the guard told me that there was no class and that it was announced in the news earlier. I reasoned at the school guard that how can I know about it when I was already on my way here at school when they announced those. Of course I can't watch the news inside the bus or anything like that.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't the only one who got frustrated about the news because I saw some other students who already got at the school when the guard refused to let us in because there's no class. I notice there were still buses that are on their road transporting passengers, but who doesn't get frustrated about what happened to me?

Good thing Charlotte called and ask me if it's okay with me, to come over at her house because she wants to hang out. I told her that she just saved my butt because I am currently at the school gates now and was just being told that there was no class. I went to her house and there she asked me if I could play some Defense Against the Ancient 2 with her.

She told me that it's her newly discovered game and that it's popular among boys who play video games. Charlotte taught me how to play the game and I must say that it's a pretty good game for someone who just played the game for the first time.

The game is played for a good four hours because that's the time you need in order to secure victory. I asked Charlotte to come with me to Zack's party so she could enjoy it since Dean and his friends weren't the snobby type of people. She said yes and I was again saved by my best friend. I don't want to be alone there in case I feel out of place. Just in case.

PS: Ethan was at the party which makes it even better.

During the party I saw Ethan there and when he was about to get some drinks we ran into each other in the kitchen. I greeted him hello and he replied with another hello. Okay, I'm a very talkative person, but I don't understand why my mind just went blank right at that time. He's just there, but I couldn't even say any other topic that we can converse with while he is there with me!

"So what drinks are you getting?" I asked, finally.

"Just some root beer, Ashton is still crazy with the idea of not allowing beer." Ethan said.

"I see that he's still not over with what happened on my birthday or so I thought. I didn't know that he's normally like this. I thought it was just one time." I said

"Yeah, well spoiler alert! Ashton is always sporting to the world that he's the older brother and that he can flaunt himself doing what adults do."

"You're making it sound like it's a bad thing." I said light

"It's not a bad thing. I've tasted beer and I'm telling you I don't like the vinegar taste."

"Okay if you put it that way."

"It's because it's that way." Ethan said defensively.

"Hey calm down. I'm the eldest in the family and I don't have an older brother. I can't relate to that stuff."

"Yeah, about your birthday, I didn't greet you that day. It's kinda awkward now that I'll be greeting you a belated one you know."

"Nah, it's okay. The fact you guys came over and made my birthday more fun and to me that's what matters. I'm telling you that I'm about to die of boredom that night."

"Are you with someone... here at the party?" that question gives a good jolt from my stomach.

"My best friend, Charlotte. Why?"

"Just want to ask you out of this party and noise and you know just go to the backyard and hang out. We can always come back anytime plus you can text your best friend that you're just in the backyard."

"Sure, let me text her now. Are we going to bring some snacks?"

"Yeah, but let me gather that while you text your best friend."

I texted Charlotte, where I'll be going in case she'll look for me. I didn't see her anywhere and she didn't reply to my text while Ethan and I are heading to the backyard. I decided to call her when we sat down at one of the benches, good thing she answered and said that she's actually on her way to a restaurant with Jayson because he wants her to go home right away after they eat out.

Seriously, it has been just eight in the evening and not that late. Jayson can be a jerk most of the time, but not allowing Charlotte to the party was definitely something. I don't want to ruin the mood with Ethan so I just end the phone call with me telling Charlotte that we will talk more about it tomorrow at lunch.

Ethan asked what's wrong, I told him about Charlotte being sent home by his boyfriend that it's such a bummer. He comforted me by telling me that maybe Jayson has been just concerned with Charlotte. The party may be held at one of the nicest people's houses, but doesn't mean that there aren't naughty people that came in. He's got a point though, and I admitted it to Ethan, but I still insist that, it's still a bummer that Charlotte was sent home.

Now if you think that Ethan and I got really intimate that time and end up making out then you're wrong. All I can say is that we got really close and we talked a lot of random stuff about it. I hope that it will lead into something like us going out.



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