February 17, 2018

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Dear World,

Exactly a week later after the talk that I had with Ashton. It was the longest and most intimate talk that we've had so far. I've known Ashton to be a carefree guy and he told me that his decision was the most serious that he'd done so far. I told him that I see nothing wrong with what he'd decided but I also asked what took him so long to decide.

Ashton admits that he just figured it out recently and he wants to get on it right away. He wasted three years in modeling and he doesn't want to waste another year more. I didn't advise Ashton anything about his decision or what he is going to do in life. But I did tell him that if he is going to go on with it and start again then he should be ready.

I told him that being a freshman again isn't his worry. He's not too late but a bit late. Teaching course has a lot of work to do and it would be best to have a job while taking his master's degree and reviewing for licensure in the coming years. He still has a brother and lots of things to consider. Trust me I don't know how I've known about that stuff.

In the end, Ashton decided that he will finish his modeling course. Since he had already spent some time with it, why not make it an investment, he said. He will be the one who will work for his teaching career.

"You know what, Sandra. Dean told me that we can't be modeling forever and he also told me that it came from you. Thanks for talking to me. God knows how much I needed that talk."

"You're very much welcome, Ash. I'll see you soon."

"I've heard that you will be going to Britsvie as well for directing. Best of luck to you, sis. You have my support, old soul."

"Thank you, Ash."

The talk took four hours, I'm telling you. It was already dinner time when I went out of Ashton's apartment. The two invited me for dinner but I receive a text from mom telling me to come home for dinner. So the two brothers drive me home before they grab their dinner.

When I arrived home, mom and dad were there and they told me that they'd heard about Ashton's change of career. I told them about the talk that we had after dinner. Maddie went to her room because mom told her that it was a very personal talk. Mom and dad told me that I did what was right. In times like this, I shouldn't tell people what's best for them but they should be the ones who should figure it out.

They said that I made Ashton realize that his desired career isn't all about himself. He should consider some other things rather than pursuing what he thinks will benefit him emotionally.



Plain Girl, Complex WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora