March 20, 2018

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Dear World,

Nick and Isaac the guys that I met last Christmas dm'ed me on Instagram. It was quite random and unexpected. We were just catching up with everything that happened and it turns out we have the same age. I forgot their age and their faces thanks to the app I can see them again.

They said that they are planning on visiting again soon and is there any chance that they can hang out with us. I told them we might be busy or not, so it would be best that they let us know about it.

It was Nick whom I talk to most of the time and I'm kind of shocked that Isaac contacted me telling me that he'll be here because he needs to buy something that he can only find here in the City. I asked him if he'll be with his friends and he said no. Tells that he'll drive with his motorcycle only. I recommend some place where he can buy what he needs and that's pretty much our conversation.

Isaac told me that he chose Hannah's store where he will buy the goods he needs but he didn't tell me when exactly. What I did was every after school, I would go to that shop and have a look around. I think the saleslady got to know me because I just look around and haven't bought stuff.

One day, when I was filming a saying yes challenge video, Maddie told me to buy something at Hannah's so I had to go there. The video is about me saying yes to everything that Maddie wants.

Maddie and I were going around the store with a cart and she was putting the stuff that she wants to buy. That's when I ran into Isaac, who was also buying his stuff. We had a little chat while Maddie was putting her items on the cart.

After paying for our items Maddie asked if I can treat her to some Starbucks for some snacks. I was about to say no but that's not the point of the challenge. I asked her if we can cut it out so I can hang out with Isaac but she said no. Isaac was then gone when we weren't looking. He must have gotten awkward because we ignored him the moment we came out of the store.

I rant at Maddie after this but I just cut it out from the camera because I can't bear to have my viewers see it like this. It's embarrassing, I don't even know how to apologize to Isaac for ignoring him earlier because I got busy with my sister.



Plain Girl, Complex WorldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя