March 8, 2017

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Dear World,

I got grounded for a week for not telling them where I've been. What I don't understand was that they tried to call me but I haven't had any missed calls from them. I'm certain that my phone didn't go off or anything because I was taking a selfie. It was a good thing that I vlogged the entire going out as it backed me up.

The downside was that I wasn't allowed to go out during the weekends and that means that I missed the Saturday practice that I scheduled myself. Just great! Louise was a good sport about it and my team just takeover the direction smoothly. I saw some video practice that they sent me.

Turns out that they haven't practiced really because it was more of a refresher and some of the props need to be repaired as well. I know that we can pull this off successfully like how we did back at the auditorium. Louise even said that she is confident with the performance.

Today was our performance. Jake did it! He pulled it off. I didn't expect a crowd reaction. I thought that they will be watching passively and will clap afterward because the teachers will tell them to do so, but no. The crowd reacted to the scenes like how I dream it to be.

We all have that dream audience reaction to the piece of art that we created. I only dream of those reactions but I readied myself that I won't get those and the audience will just watch and watch. I'm just so happy.

Although the performance turned out to be amazing, I'd say that it was dampened a little by the fact that our exam is coming right up and I haven't studied a thing yet. Good thing that when I arrived home, Maddie created a study schedule for me so I can be up to date with everything.

I can feel my stress again coming right up. Mom came here to my bedroom to check how I was. I told her the truth that I'm so stressed and that the performance was really good and it distracted me. However, now that the exam is coming right up, what if something bad happened or what if I can't handle it.

Mom assured me that everything is all right and that there was nothing to be stressed about too much for the exam because whatever the grade that I get will be fine and that it won't measure up to what I can do. She then asked me for the video of our performance and told me that it was a very good quality video. I only added very few enhancements and with the permission of my classmates, I posted the video on YouTube.



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