January 24, 2016

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Dear World,

I confronted Mark today but not in a negative way. I was in a cafe enjoying my favorite chocolate drink, my fifth chocolate chip cookies, and a good book that Maddie recommended to me.

Maddie was out with her friends and they invited me, which I said not telling that I will be reading the book that she lent me because I'm already in the good part. They leave me alone after but they hang out in the house so I went to the farthest cafe from our house.

Mark saw me there and sat across me, I gave him a look and went back to my book.

"Why are you here?" Mark set his mug on the table so that it made a noise.

"The house is quite crowded for me to read in peace. I didn't know that I'd be disturbed when I'm here."

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"


Upon mentioning that I smack the book I'm reading at the table. I give Mark a blank stare. "I see the boys gossip too. And they mock girls for doing so. Double standard." I went back to reading my book.

"I see that you are angry with me."

"I'm not angry at you, Mark. In fact, you're the only reason why I stop myself from getting back with your girlfriend because you are my friend. Believe me, I can always have my revenge when I want to."

"I'll report the group page, Sandra."

"You'll do that?"

"If my girl can't respect my friends then they can't stay in my life. You are not the first person whom she bullied for being close to me. Our relationship may survive or not but I am not losing a friend."

I held Mark's hand for a handshake and he initiated our friendship handshake. That cheers me up and the book is not that appealing to read at that moment.

I went home almost dark and my family was waiting for me in the living room. Dad asked me to sit beside him. Then mom said that she received a call from the school. That's when I knew that they already knew about cyberbullying.



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